Nathan is gifted, tall and brave, and is two meters tall.

Born as a farmer, his natural physical fitness is comparable to that of a first-level war knight.

He is suitable for the heavy armored troops. Others can lift a heavy shield of 40 to 50 kilograms with both hands, but he only needs one hand.

But Roman felt that the heavy armored troops were strong enough, and Nathan's going there would only be icing on the cake.

So he made him a melee axe soldier.

After these days of training, for some reason, he seemed to have entered the development stage again, becoming more fierce and his combat power skyrocketed.


With one hand, he grabbed an ordinary cavalryman passing by from the back of the packhorse, threw him to the ground, and stomped on him with his big feet.

The cavalryman was wearing chain mail, but his sternum was crushed and he spit blood.

A war knight discovered the situation here and immediately came to rescue.

But Nathan did not dodge.

The war knight rushed into the archer team and killed them, and the accumulated impact of the warhorse had long been exhausted.

Therefore, when rushing towards Nathan, the speed was relatively slow, about three or four meters per second, which is equivalent to the speed of human running.

Nathan did not retreat but advanced, took a step forward and swung the long-handled axe, knocking the lance and the horse's head crooked.

The warhorse heard its skull cracked on the spot, and its limbs swayed uncontrollably, and it fell to the ground and could not get up, obviously dying.


The war knight got up from the ground and looked at Nathan, who was a head taller than him.

He was clearly fully armed, while the latter was lightly armed, but he felt a strong sense of fear in his heart, as if he had seen a demon.

Nathan swung the axe again and chopped it down.

He immediately drew out the knight's sword to block.

Nathan's physique was different from that of ordinary people, and the axe was also specially made, weighing more than ten pounds, and it fell into his hands like a toy.

The axe failed to cut the magic steel sword, but the accompanying force was not something the cavalry could resist. It slammed down on the helmet with a bang.

The knight immediately knelt on his knees, the top of his helmet dented, and his head seemed to be three or five centimeters shorter.

"Three!" Nathan murmured.

He looked at the chaotic battlefield, and the conscripts in the distance began to rush over.

Roman forbad him to kill ordinary conscripts.

Otherwise, thirty or fifty people would not be enough for him to kill.

Only cavalry units could be counted as one life, and war knights counted as two heads.

Nathan heard Roman's request and thought it was reasonable, so he nodded and agreed.

He knew that the rules never stood on the side of the bottom.

But if he didn't kill quickly, when would he be able to kill thirty people and get a pardon to go home.

Nathan took a step and looked for the lone cavalry or war knight again.


One after another, war horses galloped past him, maintaining a certain interval.

Each rider passed by two or three meters, four or five meters apart.

The road was paved with soldiers who were knocked down.

Some people's arms and thighs were broken by horses' hooves, making painful sounds in the mud, but cavalry kept rushing over, and the sound of galloping horses drowned out the faint groans.

When most of the cavalry had rushed over, a knight on a warhorse passed by here.

Kao suddenly jumped forward and swung the halberd in his hand.

With a neigh!

The warhorse knelt on its front legs and fell sideways, and the knight on its back fell heavily to the ground.

The knight first drew out his long sword, waving it wildly, forcing back the enemies coming from all directions, and then slowly stood up.

He knew he had no friendly troops, so he was extremely panicked.

Kao stood behind him and hit his neck with the halberd.

The neck guard sent a huge force, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

But he immediately fought back fiercely, and the magic steel sword immediately chopped off the head of a certain archer who was close to him, and blood gushed out.

The fallen knight was not someone that ordinary people could fight against.

Kao suddenly swung out his hook spear again, interrupting his defensive action again.

He turned around and pounced on Kao like an angry lion.

But the fisherman's son was agile and jumped back.

He was relentless and had to kill this vicious villain.

The battlefield was in chaos, and Kao was tripped.

He was overjoyed to see this and immediately chased him, but his swing was in vain. Kao rolled over to avoid him, and after getting up, he also drew his long sword to meet the follow-up attack.


The collision of metal and iron was crisp with a strange tremor.

The knight was surprised to find that the materials of the two weapons were the same. They could not be said to be able to cut iron like mud, but they were extremely tough and could withstand high-intensity chopping, but the price was frighteningly expensive. Magic steel was ten times the price of steel.

"Are you a knight too?"

"I would like to, but I don't have the honor. The master picked me out of the slave pile."

"Slave? How is that possible!" The knight was shocked.

If a slave can fight with a knight, what is a knight? He thought.

"Nothing is impossible. My master appreciates me, trains me, and gives me strength!"

Kao believed that the surging power in his body did not only come from his hard training, but must be related to his master.

At the dinner table on that snowy night, he let him sit in the lower position, patiently asked about his training progress, and gave him a breastplate mixed with a trace of mithril.

Then he felt that his body had new changes every day, eating more and more, and becoming stronger and stronger.

"You will die on the battlefield!" The knight said viciously.

"Only cowards will die!" Kao said, and ran to the left side of the knight.

The vision of the knight wearing a helmet is far less than that of an ordinary person, and he can only observe the external environment through the narrow gap of the visor.

An archer took advantage of the situation and approached from the back, but was killed by him with a backhand sword.

"Get out of the way! Let me kill him!" Kao shouted while running.

The knight turned left and followed Kao.

The knight thought that the boy was a threat.

"Duel with me!" The knight was impatient.

He was very anxious, and his body was tied up and his movements were inconvenient. At this moment, he was sure that the boy was not his opponent!

He simply raised the visor, and his vision suddenly widened.

It was at this time that Kao stabbed a fatal sword from the side!

The dizzy knight was startled, and also handed out his long sword to attack and block.

The swords crossed and bit each other!

Kao did not dodge or avoid, and the tip of the sword pierced the knight's face, ignoring the opponent's fatal attack that stabbed his heart.

The knight was shocked, he did not want to die together.

Seeing the tip of the sword piercing his face, he remembered the charge.

The four colleagues used their lives to tell them that whoever rushed to the front would die.

This was also the reason why he didn't dare to rush to the front.

He turned the position of the sword in fear, just to push away the opponent's long sword.

The two were very close, and Kao quickly approached him. He took a sword, regardless of the blood, holding the sword in his right hand, and stabbed it into his eyes. The moment he felt the pain, the veins on his arm bulged, and he struggled to turn the hilt.

At that moment, the shadow of death overwhelmed the knight's consciousness.

Kao's bones were trembling all over his body. He looked down and saw that there was a cut on his side abdomen, and blood was pouring out, but it was not fatal. Looking at the corpse, his face was pale and bloodless, and he spat coldly: "Only cowards will die!"

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