If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 142: A crushing defeat (additional chapter for all the brothers who gave rewards)

After the cavalry charged, the infantry charged.

After the infantry charged, the cavalry charged.

Or the infantry and cavalry charged together.

This was the fighting style of the era.

But the conscripted soldiers had never seen such a tragic scene.

After the cavalry charged, there were still fifty or sixty soldiers standing there.

They did not flee or disintegrate, but quickly gathered together.

Small-scale combat can often withstand a higher casualty ratio, because there are few combatants and the battlefield situation is clear at a glance.

On the contrary, large-scale combat is very easy to collapse, because there is no beginning and end, and the overall situation of the battlefield is unknown. Once they see something bad, they will immediately flee, and one person's fleeing will cause everyone to flee.

"They have suffered heavy casualties, everyone charge!" The commander of the conscripted army gritted his teeth and encouraged morale.

The conscripted soldiers woke up from their dreams.


The enemy suffered heavy casualties.

If not now, when!

Five hundred conscripts attacked their enemies. They charged behind the cavalry, and when the cavalry broke through, the two sides were only 20 to 30 meters apart.

At the moment of contact.

"Roar!" A two-meter-tall strong warrior's voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the battlefield. He took the brunt of the attack, wielding a wide long axe, and killed all two conscripts with one blow. The broken limbs and debris were raised, and blood splattered, just like a bloody war god.

The remaining soldiers also held long weapons, like wounded beasts, fighting a desperate battle.

They were charged, inspired by the war, and the madness in their bones was activated. They were emotional and killed red-eyed.

The conscripts were extremely terrified. They were numerous, almost ten times the enemy, but at this moment they lost their will to fight.

These people are really not afraid of death!

The defeat was like a mountain collapsing!

Without the courage to fight, they are no better than the same number of pigs. At least the pigs will not surrender, nor will they sit and wait for death. No one can stop them when they rush forward.

At this time, Roman, Dick and others killed their opponents and came to support.

The four knights of the expedition surrounded five hundred people from behind.

"Put down your weapons! Put down your weapons!!" Roman yelled.

Aaron and Green also shouted to put down their weapons.

The enemy's morale collapsed now.

They tried their best to avoid the next battle.

Don't fight if you can!

It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The conscripted army, which had an absolute numerical advantage, only fought symbolically for ten seconds.

Seeing that there was no chance of winning, they put down their weapons and surrendered.

Some sharp-eyed people saw that the knights who ruled them did not launch a second round of charge at all - they rode away from the battlefield without looking back.

This cannot be blamed on the cavalry, as the casualties were too heavy this time.

There were fifty cavalrymen at the beginning of the charge.

When they rushed out, they found that there were only more than ten of them left, and only one of the knights was alive. How desperate was this?

They were responsible for blocking the marching speed of this convoy, and these one hundred soldiers were responsible for blocking them.

The blocking battle turned into an annihilation battle.

This land originally belonged to them, and now they were trapped in the siege.

There is no time to care about those lowly people. The only way to escape is to escape.

In the past two days, the knights lost 15 people.

For Kant County, it cannot be said to be insignificant, but it can be said that the vitality is seriously damaged.

Roman was not surprised by this result.

He never took Kant County's army seriously from beginning to end. The only thing worth paying attention to was the knights.

The regular army could not beat the militia, so he had to find a stone to kill himself.


In this battle, Roman completely destroyed the surrounding forces of Kant County.

After the heavy troops guarding the convoy learned the result of the battle, they immediately removed their defenses and moved forward at full speed.

There was no time to clean up the battlefield.

He ordered people to piece together the bodies of the victims and take them away.

Leaves fall and return to their roots.

Roman wanted to bury them in the cemetery of Sige Town.

There were many wounded this time.

Roman dismounted and walked, tying the injured Kao to the saddle.

There was also news about the light troops who went to capture the fleeing villagers.

The villagers of the fourth village carried their luggage, drove their pigs and sheep, and brought their children.

They fled all the way to ten kilometers away.

Dota led the scouts to track them all the way. If they were a little later, these people would have disappeared without a trace, which was a huge loss for Roman.

Fortunately, they were intercepted by the light-armed troops in time.

The two hundred of them captured more than a thousand villagers, but all the livestock and property they carried had to be abandoned because they were a burden and would only delay the march.

The innocent villagers were driven to join Roman without any resistance.

The convoy became larger and more bloated.

When humans gather together, they are as easy to control as sheep. No one dares to leave the team for fear of being hacked to death by the guards.

However, when Roman sent scouts to check the situation in the fifth village, he learned that the village was empty and the villagers did not know where to flee.

He just sighed, knowing that those people would not wait for him to rob.

The fifth village is the territory of Baron Crow. It is only three kilometers away from the bridgehead.

It was only seven or eight kilometers away from the Bro River.

This was also the last leg of the plundering plan.

At dusk.

Roman arrived at the fifth village.

They would spend their last night in Kant Territory here.

It was also at this time that the tail of the convoy loomed behind.

The reinforcements of Count Kant finally arrived.

According to the scouts, there are more than 500 people.

If they had not lost more than 1,000 conscripts in the early stage, these numbers would definitely cause great trouble to Roman.

However, it is not possible now. Roman was able to gather 300 to 400 conscripts in the first three villages he plundered, but they were controlled before they could play a role.

Later, another 600 to 700 were captured. Once those conscripts were captured, they basically lost their ability to resist.

Therefore, the enemy has very few troops now, and they need to wait until the troops from other places arrive to gather.

Roman snorted lightly: "Don't pay attention to them!"

If those people dare to launch an attack, he dares to capture hundreds more young and strong laborers.

As expected, they did not launch an attack.

For war, either don't fight or win in one battle.

And the most taboo is the tactic of adding fuel to the fire, sending one by one.

Idiot with no military literacy at all!

Now he finally wakes up.

It's too late!


In the evening, Count Kant's reinforcements arrived one after another.

They set up camp a kilometer away from the fifth village.

At this time, the last heavy snow of the winter fell in Sige Town.

The nights in Kant Territory, dozens of kilometers away, also became unusually cold.

Roman dismantled everything that could be dismantled in the fifth village and built a bonfire to dispel the cold.

The many slaves filled all the huts in the fifth village.

Whether lightly or heavily armed, everyone gathered around the bonfire, with weapons in hand and armor on to prevent the enemy from launching a night attack.

Even though he thought that Count Kant's conscripted soldiers were not qualified for night battles, Roman still responded cautiously.

This trip must not fail, otherwise all the efforts will be in vain!

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