If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 143 Do you dare to fight to the death?

The first light of the sky gently tore through the heavy night.

The flames gradually died out.

The embers of the burning campfire were emitting thin smoke.

The cold and heavy humidity returned, and Roman was awakened by the cold.

The other soldiers were not feeling well either. They woke up suddenly with a shiver in their sleep, their hands and feet were frozen stiff, they added wood to the campfire, and went back to sleep. In total, they slept for only four or five hours, and the quality of their sleep was very poor.

But this was the last day.

So, they were cheered up instead.

It took an hour to assemble the team and distribute food.

Roman set out in the direction of the Bro River.

The heavy troops were responsible for the rear.

In the morning.

Snowflakes began to float in the sky.

They arrived at Baron Crow's castle three kilometers away.

Roman had no time to capture the Baron's castle. He focused all his energy on the pursuers behind him.

Two hundred heavy shield soldiers formed two rows, with a hundred people in each row, forming a hundred-meter defense array.

They turned their backs to the convoy and faced the pursuers, retreating step by step. The tall and wide shields were as solid as city walls. The heavy shields made their arms sore. It was okay when they put them on the ground, but it was very strenuous to carry them backwards.

The convoy was escorted for several kilometers with difficulty.

Count Kant's reinforcements came in batches, and it was estimated that there were nearly two thousand people now, all following behind Roman's convoy.

The shining armor of the twenty knights was very eye-catching.

But they dared not attack for a long time.

They learned about the previous battles.

The first blocking battle could only be regarded as carelessness, a major strategic mistake, and they did not expect the enemy to have well-equipped heavy troops.

But the second blocking battle was very telling.

Fifty cavalrymen and five hundred militiamen lost to a hundred archers.

When he learned the result, Count Kant almost vomited blood.

This is the fact.

The number of enemies is small, but they are brave and good at fighting. They are all elite. With their cavalry skills, they can't be defeated at all.

One enemy can chase three people and chop them.

The heavily armed formation is a nightmare for the knights.

The hundred-meter-long defense formation is enough to defend the convoy behind, not to mention the surviving longbowmen.

Once a full-scale charge is launched, even if it can win, it will be a tragic victory.

Killing one enemy, two people on the side will die.

How to attack?

The previous two battles caused great losses.

Now it is difficult to successfully charge in with only two thousand militias.

As long as the charge fails, there will be heavy casualties. Can Kant County afford such a heavy price now?

Harassment is not good either.

The fourth village has open terrain, but it is not good here. The further you go, the more wilderness and ridges there are, and you can't find the terrain to go around.

Moreover, they mobilized a group of archers, but the effect is not great, mainly due to the range problem.

There is a cracked armor in the enemy army. Once a high-value unit approaches 150 meters, it is equivalent to death. Who dares to attack?

Looking at the hundreds of well-equipped warriors, the knights felt their scalps tingling.

After watching for a long time, they didn't dare to go up.


At noon, Roman arrived at the dock on the Bro River.

The heavy troops kept in formation.

The fleet upstream received Roman's order and went down the river one after another. When they arrived at Kant Territory, they were dumbfounded.

These ship owners thought that it was a relatively easy job to transport food or other supplies.

But now it's a ghost!


What's the situation of the two armies on this river bank?

Apart from other things, the number of Kant Territory's conscripted troops must be full.

By noon, they had gathered nearly 3,000 people, and all the young and strong men in Kant Territory who could move came.

Although it was a mob, the battle gave people a very strong feeling.

Although Roman's soldiers were few, they were elite soldiers.

All five hundred soldiers who could move stood at the front line, with lightly armed soldiers standing behind heavy-armored soldiers, and the formation was clear.

The ship owners were stunned.

They just wanted to make some extra money, and never thought of participating in the struggle between nobles.

The military servants began to arrange slaves to board the ship.

There was no other way!

The fleet had no choice but to accept the task of transporting slaves.

The sky was snowing, and the river was surging.

The empty ship was docked at the dock of Kant Territory.

The dense crowd boarded the ship under the drive of the military servants.

The slaves on the ship looked at Kant Territory, which was gradually going away.

Their expressions were either sad, helpless, desolate, or sighing.

They knew that they might never be able to return to the familiar land in the future.

The slaves began to board the ship.

The knights were a little anxious, and their horses paced back and forth.

Count Kant came here in person.

The face of the middle-aged noble was as gloomy as water.

Those people were very important to Kant Territory. They were the foundation of its rule. They could not be allowed to be taken away. Otherwise, where would the white bread come from?

More importantly, Baron Hass, whose tendons were cut, and Baron Crow, who was hanged...

The Kant family had never suffered such a loss in this land for a hundred years!

Gods be above!

How would other nobles view him in the future?

How would his vassals view him in the future?

What prestige would the Kant family have to continue to rule this land?

It all became a huge joke!

Count Kant immediately ordered a round of volleys, shooting about 500 arrows, but the effect was minimal.

The remaining archers of the opponent also launched a counterattack, shooting a thousand arrows.

Then, our own shooters killed and injured more than ten people in the exchange of fire.

The rate of fire, range and accuracy are not as good as others.

Count Kant is about to vomit blood!

How come your military power is so strong!

He couldn't stand it any longer and forcibly ordered the army to attack, move forward, snatch back the population, and kidnap Roman Wuhuada back. He had to give an explanation to his vassals.

At this time, the opponent's shield wall opened, and a strong man with disheveled hair walked out.

He yelled: "How dare you come to fight to the death!!"

The sound was like a huge thunder, with astonishing momentum, resounding throughout the wilderness.

Roman prepared two plans for the plunder plan.

The first option is pirate style.

Travel up the Burrow River.

Leading troops to surprise Baron Crow's bridgehead, plundering at the speed of light.

The advantage is that the income is average and the efficiency is very fast. Set off in the morning and come back in the evening.

The disadvantage is that only two villages can be plundered, and after alerting the enemy, subsequent plundering is very difficult.

But the second option is the one implemented today.

Big vote!

Come ashore from the lower reaches, slash Count Conde's ass open, and rob five villages along the way.

The advantage is that the benefits are huge.

The disadvantage is that the risk is high and the loss is high.

But both options require water transportation, that is, ships.

Daken found more than forty merchant ships, large and small.

When all the ships were loaded with slaves, cattle and horses, and floated towards the Silver Dragon Canyon, Roman found that there were still a thousand slaves still on the shore.

There is nothing wrong with the plan.

The problem is that the carrying capacity of those ships is really low.

This is still the case with all the ships Roman can find.

Even though all the slaves were packed, only more than half of them were taken away.

Letting them swim downstream is definitely not going to work.

Silver Dragon Canyon is washed by rapids and densely covered with reefs.

Now how to do?

We can only let the ship go upstream!

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