If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 144 How to get rich overnight? Only by robbing!

The last heavy snowfall of late winter has arrived in Sige Town.

The Buro River is not frozen in winter, but it is bitingly cold.

The military servants immersed half of their bodies in the cold water, stepped on the towpath, and pulled the ropes.

The boat was pulled upstream purely by human power.

Trackers are an ancient profession and an indispensable part of the ancient transportation system.

However, the winter environment is dangerous and cannot be treated the same way.

Roman's demand for the number of trackers was very huge, and he sent out 400 military servants and another 300 farmers.

They have been well fed and clothed for the past few months, enabling them to undertake such a difficult task.

A small empty boat that can carry ten people only needs four or five trackers to pull it.

Medium-sized merchant ships require more than ten trackers.

Fortunately, Silver Dragon Canyon is not long, only twenty miles.

In addition, the water level drops significantly in winter, making it easier for trackers to move.

Some towpaths are in the water, some are beside piles of rocks, and some are on rock walls. If there is no place to stand, you have to hook onto the rock wall in the water and swim to the place where there is a towpath in the cold water. place, and then straighten the fiber rope.

The trackers pulled the merchant ship back and forth this afternoon, and the number of slaves became less and less until Roman also began to lead his troops to retreat.

From beginning to end, the knights led by Kant could only watch helplessly.

They were met with a war cry from Nathan and now had no guts to attack.

Count Kant also calmed down.

This battle can't be won!

If the prestige is gone, it will be gone.

Because once a war breaks out and there are hundreds of casualties, the militiamen will collapse across the board.

It's okay to win.

But what if you lose?

Just for the sake of those lowly farmers, half of the active forces on his side had to die, and the knights on the battlefield had to be wiped out!

That is the most precious military power!

How can we let them all die here!

The knights in battle are also afraid of death.

This is not a matter of glory, but of senseless casualties.

They cannot break through the formation and are heavily armored, and once the knights wearing plate armor rush into the death range, they can only be killed one by one by the cracked armor.

A hundred peasants are not worth as much as a war knight.

The previous casualties were heavy enough.

The results of the battle cannot restore the losses, so this is nothing!

The boat swayed slightly, and the people on the boat saw the dock of Sige Town.

In just a few days, many soldiers actually felt like they were in another world.

In the past few months, Instructor Jeter has been telling them about the terror of the knights in battle, the cruelty of the battlefield, and the ferocity of the enemy, and ordered them not to flee no matter what they encounter, but to face it.

Until they returned to the familiar land, their tense hearts suddenly felt relieved.

So this is what war is about!

The bloody fight was really bloody.

Going to the battlefield is really going to the battlefield.

But...the enemies are all chickens and dogs!

They went there with the awareness of heavy casualties.

Two soldiers, either you die or I die, otherwise we will fight to the end.

Their expectations of battle damage were so high.

As a result, only a hundred people came back lying down.

It's completely within the acceptable range.

Of course, the casualties were actually huge.

Especially the archers, reduced by half and suffering heavy casualties, can definitely be called brave and fearless!

It was they who also beat their enemies until they hurt and broke their bones.

This reduced the probability of subsequent battles and forced the war knights in Kant's territory to not dare to attack again.

In comparison, it was the marching experience that impressed them more.

After returning to Sige Town, their mission was completed.

The wounded soldiers were properly treated and the victims were buried in the cemetery.

After two days of rest, you can return to your old training routine.

After a while, they will receive commendations and rewards from Roman.

But not now.

Roman couldn't spare any time, he had too many things to do.

The docks are now full of slaves.

Jimmy and Seth were responsible for counting and counting, and they quickly calculated the number of slaves Roman had robbed.

There are 5234 people in total!

The entire population of Bisig Town combined is larger. In comparison, the plundered war horses and wealth were secondary.

This huge surprise made Roman feel dizzy.

He knew that he had benefited a lot from this trip, but when he learned the detailed figures, he was still extremely excited.

"From now on, what else can stop me! Let me ask! Who else in this land can resist me!!"

Roman's heart was racing!

I can’t wait to roar loudly! Announce to the whole land that he is about to rise! !

Buy slaves? Buy Nima!

It's still a pleasure to rob!

I'm going to have a population of over 10,000!


Crazy acceleration!

Every population is a firewood!

The more the merrier!

The fire is burning too high now!

He secretly swore: "Right here! Light the fire! Burn to everyone on this earth! Let everyone become my firewood! Burn from the earth to the sky! Burn from the sky to the stars!!"

Roman's ambition and desire burned brightly.

He immediately said to the old deacon: "Seth, we must arrange all of them properly! I will not allow anyone to escape!"

"Forget it! I'll make the arrangements myself!"

The fatigue of many days of marching was gone, and Roman decided to do this himself.

Now, after the winter wedding wave, there are more than 1,500 families in Sige Town.

There is also a new town near the coal and iron mines, which is responsible for iron smelting and mining, and bears part of the population.

In Sige Town, it is standard for a complete family to have a brick house with three bedrooms and one living room.

The actual number of brick houses is more than 2,000.

There are more than 500 empty houses, which are specially built for the plundered slaves.

Roman originally thought that it was enough. His initial spring plan was to plunder two or three thousand.

Now it is found that it is still not enough.

This time I ate too much and became a big fat man. I need to digest it well.

I can only blast ten people into a brick house.

Using the living room as a bedroom, it is still possible to live there if we squeeze in. After all, it is about 80 square meters.

It is nothing more than subsequent expansion.

Anyway, it is a lot of infrastructure!

Brick burning, wall building, and roof covering.

Simple standard brick houses are getting smoother and smoother.

Now there are so many people!

Let alone a few brick houses!

If Roman is determined to build more buildings, he can even create some wonders in the future!

As for the increase in management costs, that is another problem.

Take your time.

Roman is not worried about any resistance or riots from these slaves.

Because after arriving in Sige Town, he can rely on more than just his army.

There are also those who are ruled.

The residents who take root in this land will eventually become part of Roman's power.

This is the power of rulers and systems.

When arriving in a strange land, all these slaves can do is obey the rule, become part of the environment, and become part of the system.

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