The five envoys received Roman's response, and were ruthlessly driven out of the town of Sger.

Roman made a harsh remark and turned to gather his knights.

Sitting in the hall for a military meeting.

"Fight! We should fight!"

Green rubbed his hands, not satisfied with the fight in Kant territory not long ago, and now he was a little excited.

"Dick?" Roman looked at the senior knight.

Dick nodded slightly, indicating that he supported him.

Roman was speechless, why didn't they have any tacit understanding.

"I'm asking you about the specific situation of your enemy."

This senior knight has probably participated in more wars than all of them combined, and knows a lot about real wars.

Dick pondered for a moment: "The Bechts family is too far away from here, and it is impossible to send too many people, so the main force lies in the four families behind."

Roman rested his chin on his hand.

"Write it in pencil."

"What to write?"

Roman explained: "When will they arrive, the composition of the army, the quality of the soldiers, how to attack us after they arrive, you have to think about this from the enemy's perspective."

Jet said at this time: "I'm afraid they will join forces with Count Kant."

Aaron nodded: "That's right."

Very good.

Originally one against five.

Now it's one against six.

Count Kant has just suffered a bloody loss, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent to this, and he will definitely join in to share a piece of the pie.

"They are coming from upstream."

"But without a boat, they can't come."

"That's right."

"We are naturally invincible."

Everyone talked about it, and Kao also said that they should prevent them from coming from downstream, but Jet shook his head.

Even if the army they sent was smaller, it was estimated that there were five or six thousand people, and at least hundreds of ships were needed, and they had to be the type of pirate longships, otherwise it would be difficult to row upstream.

Roman yawned, he looked at Dick and found that he had written a lot, and finally finished.

Roman looked at the draft paper.

"Do you think they may have 7,000 or 8,000 people in total?"

"Yes, I'm overestimating."

"And then they can't attack?"


Dick continued to nod.

Roman fell into deep thought. The defense of Sige Town was excellent. Although it also hindered rapid development, the mountains naturally blocked all enemies.

His thoughts were a little divergent... to open up the wild mountains and build a hundred-meter bridge to connect the land.

But this project is at the level of a canal, and it requires tens of thousands of laborers. The only advantage is that it is at the door...

The call from the side brought Roman back to his senses.

The battle plan written by Dick was also read by other knights.

"Dick wrote it very well, but don't take it lightly, and train the troops as soon as possible." Roman stood up and said.

Sige Town is a hard nut to crack, but for the five nobles, no matter how hard the nut is, they have to gnaw it down.

First of all, you have to hit the wall once to know whether it is hard or not.

Secondly, you have to jump into the Yellow River once to die.

Dick once followed his lord to fight for the ownership of a salt field.

If they were the victorious party, they could get the profits of the salt field, either by buying it out or sharing it.

However, they were the losers and got nothing.

This is why the territories of some great nobles are often very fragmented.

There is a piece in the east, a piece in the west, and a piece of land of thousands of acres hundreds of miles away.

For example, Count Kant.

Although he is a great noble in the countryside, Roman guarantees that he must have several manors or territories, or pastures and wastelands in the lands or towns of other lords.

Those lands can provide him with a certain income every year.

The town of Sger is a thousand miles away from the Grand Duke's territory, but it does not prevent the Grand Duke of Split Armor from having a piece of land in a remote place that even the King of Black Iron does not know about.

As for why?

Of course, it was obtained through war and conquest.

For example, in the Silver Moon War, the territory of the Silver Moon Lord was dismembered by other nobles. It is possible that nobles hundreds of kilometers away also contributed money and labor. They are clearly here to share a piece of the pie. How can he return empty-handed?

If the money cannot be divided, then the only thing to do is to give away the land.

It is not his anyway.

This spring, it is estimated that there will be a tough battle to fight.

Now the top priority is to open up wasteland and cultivate the land.

Deeply plow the remaining 4,000 acres of land and plant something quickly, so that the farming labor can be freed up to do other things.

Roman is ready to expand the scale of iron smelting.

Because it is the spring plowing period, there are only four or five hundred people in the coal and iron department, but even so, the output cannot be underestimated.

Iron ore is piled up like a mountain, and it is no problem to produce more than a thousand kilograms of steel per day.

In the farming era, this steel output is completely exceeded.

Even if he does not sell salt, Roman will be rich by selling iron.

And this will attract more covetous eyes.

The hydraulic forging hammers worked day and night, which meant that dozens of weapons or farm tools could be forged every day. After all, there were 200 people in the blacksmith shed, and the forging technology was becoming more and more skilled.

The unfinished iron ingots were stored for future use.


Roman followed everyone to the military camp.

Disabled soldiers like Tucker had already been discharged, and veterans would receive more preferential treatment.

Nothing else, in this day and age, only the disabled could be discharged.

"How are these new recruits?" Roman asked.

The new recruits came from the conscripted soldiers they captured, and their physical fitness was better than that of ordinary people, and their foundation was better than that of farmers.

"The training is very hard." Dick said.

Hard work comes from urging.

Jet was secretly called the devil instructor by the soldiers.

It was because he was strict by nature, had a strong style, and was gifted with standardization.

If a soldier's behavior was slightly inconsistent with the standard, he would be whipped.

He had a reason for every action, and treated everyone equally, not just based on his preferences, so he only aroused fear, not hatred.

"Some recruits performed well..." Dick said, pointing to the recruits standing alone in a row on the training ground.

Roman recognized several of them as his apostles.

One of them was also pulled into the simulated battlefield by him.

They are only training in formation now, and have not issued weapons yet.

They are in much better conditions than Dota's batch of soldiers when they were trained.

The latter were trained by Aaron from scratch, while the former only needed to learn the latter's formation style.

They have a good foundation, but a poor basis. First, they need to improve their discipline. Roman does not want a mob that will be defeated and scattered, but a professional army that can regroup after a cavalry charge.

There are also differences between a defeated army and a defeated army.

The former will scatter in a hurry and disappear in a blink of an eye.

Once the latter finds the backbone after the collapse, they can quickly gather and fight back, giving the barbarians of this era a huge surprise across the ages!

In just over half a month, the training has been very effective, at least on the surface.

But Roman can see the problem.

For example, the discipline is superficial and has not yet penetrated into the bones.

Military training itself is a long process. To fully improve the physical fitness and combat discipline of all soldiers, their behavior patterns and thinking habits must be changed imperceptibly.

But this matter is estimated to take two or three years, otherwise it cannot be trained.

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