Roman provided them with the best logistics, with a large supply of meat, eggs and milk.

But the training time was short, not enough to stretch their physical strength to the limit.

What should we do in this situation?

We can only open up a new track.

Make up for their lack of discipline through ideological education.

And we can't play high-level games, only low-level games.

Those conscripts themselves came from different places, not within the scope of the five villages that were plundered. They were summoned to deal with Roman, but they were captured.

And Roman's brainwashing policy was also very clear.

You used to live too hard!

You can only have a good life if you follow me!

Look at your life before!

Look at your life now!

When you were in Kant Territory, you must have eaten three meals a day, right? You must have tasted meat every day, right?

If not, why don't you bring your family here to live?

As for how to live here...

Can't you help me conquer Kant Territory?

Once this simple and easy-to-understand truth comes out, what should these recruits do?

Conscripts refer to militias who have reduced taxes and receive compensation in kind every year. When other farmers are doing labor service, they will be assembled for military training.

Once a war breaks out, they have to prepare their own weapons to fight.

On the other hand, as militias, their living standards are higher than those of ordinary farmers.

But they can't resist the higher welfare provided by Roman.

Let's not talk about daily treatment: free military uniforms, three meals a day, and weapons.

Just the fixed military pay of five copper coins per month is enough to make them jealous.

Oh my goodness! They can only get military pay when they are conscripted and fight with their lives.

Usually, there is only some compensation in kind.

Who doesn't want money!

The poorer people want more money!

They have been training in the barracks for more than half a month, sleeping with veterans every day, chatting at night, and learning words, so how can we not know whether Master Roman will pay them and how much they will pay?


So some people immediately smashed their wine glasses in anger!

Follow Master Roman!

Ideological education and military training can greatly reduce the time it takes to form a professional army.

After leaving the barracks, Roman went to the school next to the Origin Manor.

He was going to give a lecture to students today.

Only farming and education cannot be slackened.

No matter when the troops of the five nobles arrive, it will not affect the progress of the students' courses.

In fact, the classroom resumed teaching not long ago.

Roman stood on the podium, holding a piece of chalk, and wrote words such as "Lord", "Father", and "Mother" on the blackboard.

"This word is pronounced as "Lord", read it with me... Lord!"


The reading was not very neat, but very scattered.

"Read it with me... Lord!"


After reading it many times, all the children's voices began to be neat.

"Write this word in your literacy book, and copy it ten times after returning home - next learn "Dad", read it with me..."

Education is a boring process, which is very easy to get high blood pressure.

For those who know the words, those who don't know the words are like violating the law of heaven, and they wish they could be struck by lightning and blow open the other's head.

Education is a longer process than training soldiers.

Three to five years may be able to create an indomitable and determined steel warrior, but it is definitely impossible to cultivate a scholar who can read and write.

Roman came to class, but he didn't have time to understand the learning progress, personality and thoughts of all the children one by one.

He was only responsible for teaching those letters and words.

It takes about an hour a day on average. If there is no time, there will be no class. If there is time, they will have two more classes.

The other teachers are busier. They teach for six or seven hours a day, and arrange students to study on their own in the rest of the time.

They are also responsible for printing literacy books.

For repetitive labor, it can be handed over to illiterate young and strong laborers, but literate teachers need to typeset the letter templates and piece together the letters.

Currently, Nellie is managing this matter.

Compared to Roman, who was a hands-off boss, she was more like a principal, managing everything in an orderly manner, dividing the children into classes according to their learning progress, and arranging different teaching processes.

She was very careful and skillful, and Roman was very satisfied with her neat style.

After he finished teaching, Nellie held a thick stack of white paper and handed it to the students at the front row, asking the front row students to pass it back, which was today's homework.

"Nellie, how are you doing recently."

Nellie tilted her head slightly, she knew that he was not asking about her recent situation, but about the current situation of the school.

He had not been to school for more than ten days because of spring plowing.

"The new students are still obedient, but some can't sit still and their learning progress is slow." Nellie said.

She had received higher education in this era, but how could a wild country child sit in the classroom for seven or eight hours?

She couldn't sit still at all, and there was a process of adaptation.

Roman said, "Well, in a few days, a batch of vegetables will be ripe. Let's arrange a spring outing for these children and let them go to the fields to harvest vegetables."

"They will be very happy." Nilier said with a smile.

After studying for so many days, I would rather work than continue studying.

"Do you want to come and relax too?"

Neli'er was a little moved, but she smiled and shook her head, "I want to compile teaching materials, but I'm afraid I don't have time."

"Are you tired? You have to take care of everything here."

She never complained or said she was tired, she just said: "It's as sweet as sugar."

"You can ask Hans Geman to cooperate with you." Roman nodded.

He came in a hurry and left in a hurry after condolences to Neli'er.

Neli'er looked at his back, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

"Lord Nelly..." came the greeting from behind.

She turned around and saw a middle-aged man with looming wrinkles on his face and a delicate complexion.

"Is there any hope for us?"

Nellie's face now looked more dignified and noble, and she asked: "What hope?"

The Sea Castle man bowed his head to her, not because of her current identity, but because of her past identity.

"You know..."

The hometown is burning and the people are displaced. Nellie thought to herself.

Of course she knows.

"We can't go back, Diaz, it's too far." She said softly, "Are you dissatisfied with your current life?"

"No! What makes me dissatisfied is the life of other tribesmen. How can they have such good luck as us! Lord Neli'er, have you never thought of such a thing?"

"...You have to push your limits, Dias. We prepared for the worst before we came. We just wanted a place to stay...Don't call me Sir, there is only one Sir in this land."

Dias said sadly: "I thought you would care more about the situation of your tribe."

"But the land beneath my feet is not a sea castle," Nellie said.

When she faced Diaz, her expression was calm, but her eyes and temperament were somewhat majestic.

"How do you want me to guarantee the survival rights of all Seacastle people? Our current life is hard-earned."

"Your blood has the same origin as Lord Dill, Lord Dill's last words..."

"That's enough!" Nellie was a little stern, "My current identity is that lord's personal attendant!"

When she saw that he was silent, she sighed softly, her eyes a little tired.

"Do your job well. You are a teacher now. These things are not your place to think about...just let me think about it..."

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