Roman arrived in Sige Town on the 403rd day.

The vegetables planted last fall can be harvested.

The first to mature are cabbage and turnip.

The advantage of wintering vegetables is that they can avoid pests, improve land utilization, and improve soil.

But the disadvantage is that they are easily frozen, the yield is not high, and the size is not large.

The yield per mu of these two vegetables is about 300 kilograms.

Although it is also considerable, it is a bit low compared to Roman's efforts in this vegetable field.

After all, this land has been burned, deep plowed and fertilized.

If it is not raw land, but cultivated land, this process will not be a problem to increase the yield to more than 800 kilograms.

Compared with staple food, the yield per mu of vegetables is very high.

Because vegetables are planted more densely and larger in size, but the disadvantage is that they are low in carbon water and calories, and can only be used as side dishes.

Eating vegetables can only fill the stomach in the short term.

But the cruel thing is that many farmers often can't even eat enough vegetables.

Roman brought about a thousand children to this field to harvest vegetables.

This was a three-day spring outing.

Let these little cows and horses do some work and relax.

These children have all done farm work, so their movements are not vague, and harvesting vegetables is not difficult.

A thousand acres of vegetable fields, a total of 300,000 kilograms of vegetables were harvested.

The people from the Ministry of Agriculture failed to complete the task of 10,000 acres of wasteland, and only reclaimed 7,000 acres.

After the vegetables were harvested, Roman asked them to come here again to plow this vegetable field.

Roman asked them to plant another round of crops here.

In total, 5,000 acres of land were planted with spring wheat - 1,000 acres of vegetable fields, plus 4,000 acres of reclaimed wasteland.

The remaining 3,000 acres of wasteland were planted with various vegetables.

For example, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce.

The growth cycle of spring vegetables is very short, and they can be harvested in one or two months.

At that time, soybeans can be planted to accumulate nutrients and improve the soil.

In ten days or so, the first batch of pigs, sheep and chickens from the farm will be ready for sale. With these vegetables, it will be easy to last until summer.

At this point in time, the earth's commercial network has recovered at a very fast speed.

The merchants who have rested for most of the winter have also embarked on the road of business.

Some merchant ships have arrived at the dock of Sige Town, but compared with last year, there are many fewer.

Roman learned from the merchants who came to Sige Town that an army with flags flying appeared upstream, with the emblem of the Flower of Salt embroidered on the flag, and received a warm reception from Count Kant.

"It's the Garande family." Seth learned about this from the merchants and reported it to Roman.

"How many people?"

"I guess there are about a thousand people."

Roman waved his hand, "Don't worry about them, wait until everyone arrives."

"Any news about Morey?" he asked.

Seth shook his head.

The transportation is not smooth and the news is blocked.

These days, let alone a merchant, even if a noble dies, it won't make any waves.

Roman waited for Morey to deliver slaves to him, but Morey never sent him any news, which made him feel helpless.

"Let's have another round of conscription." Roman said, "This time... recruit 800 people."

The land reclamation ended ahead of schedule.

He was going to plant for a few more days.

But the wind does not stop when the tree wants to be still.

You can only choose one between the plow and the sword.

Farming is never smooth sailing.

Roman thought.

If that were the case, the farmers who planted the land should be the ones with the smoothest life.

But everyone knows that this is not the case.

Roman wants to increase the number of troops to 2,000.

He arranged this matter with a militaristic attitude.

There is no shortage of young and strong laborers now.

The population structure of Sige Town is very healthy.

There is no shortage of food, and it is certainly possible to support them.

To be realistic, what is the most important thing for expanding the army?

The source of soldiers!

Roman bought more than 2,600 slaves last year.

Most of them came from Daken and Morey, and a small part came from slaves brought by scattered merchants.

Slaves mean labor, and there are basically no old people.

It is easy for Roman to select one-fifth of these slaves to become soldiers.

Secondly, he captured more than 700 conscripts of Count Kant, who were basically strong and young laborers and joined the army as soon as possible.

As for whether they can be brainwashed successfully in the end and whether they can be made to fight for themselves, it depends on Roman's methods.

Finally, there are also young people of the right age in the villages they plundered. They were robbed with their families and their loyalty can be guaranteed.

Therefore, there is a sufficient source of soldiers.

Drawing a group of young and strong laborers means a decrease in productivity - the consequences are only this.

For this reason, Roman has to set up a logistics department of 100 people to be responsible for the diet of the army.

In the past, the food in the barracks was delivered by wooden barrels and carriages, and every meal was transported by people from the big kitchen.

In the future, they will be self-sufficient and take turns to wash clothes and cook.

The Minister of Logistics is Roman himself, who attaches great importance to this matter.

Therefore, for the next few days, Roman was focused on the army building.

Daily food, weapons distribution, military supplies, the only responsibility of the logistics department is to operate quickly and effectively.

Secondly, the army should be reorganized.

In the past, there were only 600 people, which was very convenient for command and training.

Now the number of soldiers has more than tripled, and it is time to organize them into more sophisticated combat units.

The army structure planned by Roman is very simple.

12 people form a team, commanded by the team leader.

Five teams form a squadron, with a total of 60 people. The highest commander is the squadron leader.

5 squadrons form a group. There are 300 people in total, and the highest commander is the captain.

Roman now has four infantry brigades, which is 1,200 light infantry.

The first captain was Aaron,

The second captain is Green,

The third captain is Nathan,

The fourth captain is Kaa.

Secondly, there are other arms.

Re-armed with 400 men, commanded by Jet.

There are 200 archers, commanded by Dick.

There are 50 scouts and 50 cavalry. These two arms are commanded by Duota, and their positions are equivalent to captains.

The horses of the cavalry came from war horses, draft horses, and a small number of tamed wild horses captured from the Kant Territory.

Get rid of those special units,

Roman entrusted the soldiers and apostles with second-class and third-class merit with important responsibilities and directly promoted them to squad leaders or squadron leaders.

When the army units are clear.

Every squad, every squadron, every brigade all started devil training day and night.

The veterans will lead the new recruits, and they will practice formation in the morning, physical fitness in the afternoon, and learn alphabet words and ideological education in the evening.

It can be said to be training to death, maxing out the intensity.

According to Roman's instructions, the blacksmith shed had stopped making farm tools long ago and began to focus on making weapons.

The wood factory is also busy making longbows and arrows.

A sword that flashes with cold light; a super-large spear that is three to four meters long; a heavy shield that is exaggerated in width and length; a stainless steel ax with a handle that is two meters long...

When you hold a weapon as brutal and heavy as that, your genes dictate how you wield it.

This is what is called having a sharp blade and a murderous intention.

Don’t underestimate how bellicose human beings can be.

People farmed because they had no other choice, not because they didn't dare to fight.

Roman provided his army with excellent equipment.

For example, for heavy troops, the cost of a shield is one gold coin, and it is only the cost price, which is very high.

But there is no way, the war knight is the most terrifying armed unit in this era.

Even a dense formation of spears may not be able to stop the charge of the war knights.

Because the impact is so terrifying, if you hesitate even a little bit, the person and the spear will fly backwards.

The magic steel armor is invulnerable, and the mob can be dispersed in a single rush.

After all, this is a fantasy world with high biological potential, and the physical fitness of war horses bred through special methods is several levels better than ordinary wild horses.

When an eight-hundred-pound war horse carrying a six-hundred-pound weight hits you with all its strength at a speed of at least ten meters per second——

As far as a modern car can knock you away, a warrior knight can knock you away, let alone if the opponent can set up a lance.

Roman believed that only well-trained hoplites could withstand the force of the impact.

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