Bang! Bang! Bang!

The arrows were released from the string! The bowstrings rang softly!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The cast iron arrows swarmed out from the shore and shot at the fleet, or nailed to the sides, shields, sails and other places.

But more arrows disappeared in the water.

The hundreds of ships were large and small, with the smallest having more than ten people and the largest having nearly a hundred people.

The scale was too large, and they were crowded together.

Everyone was rowing to the shore in a hurry.

The attacking party rowed desperately and finally rushed to a position more than ten meters from the shore.

And this process injured more than 200 people. Even if everyone was equipped with a shield, there were arrows that slipped through the net and hit some people's calves, toes and arms, causing them to scream.

Dozens of people died on the spot and fell into the river. Some unlucky people were hit by two or three arrows, and the blood they shed dyed the Bro River red.

"Charge! Kill those damn archers!!"

Bald Carter roared in the back, his eyes red!

They knew that the other side had cracked armor, so they didn't dare to get too close, so they had to urge the soldiers.

The other side's violent shooting method couldn't last long.

But they still died as soon as they showed their heads!

As long as Roman realized their status, he would cover them with firepower as soon as possible, even if he was exhausted, he had to shoot them.

Unless the high-level knights dodged in advance or had powerful equipment defense, no one could withstand the blow of the bloody bow.

And at this moment.

The war has just begun!


There were so many casualties on our side before the battle began.

This slap directly swollen the faces of the six nobles who came over!

They dared not underestimate this remote town anymore.

They just hoped to tear this line of defense apart in one go, and then cut off the fingers of those archers!

Very aggrieved, angry.

How could they be bullied by these people?

Especially the army of Count Kant.

We couldn't beat you before we had no allies, but now that allies are here, can we still beat you?

This dock is open and it is impossible to defend it all. Roman asked his troops to set up a two or three hundred meter defense line.

Although it is still insignificant compared to the wide coastline.

But not all coastlines are suitable for beach landing.

The places that can become ferries and docks are either repaired after the day after tomorrow or have innate advantages.

Most of them are the former, and natural docks are rare.

First of all, the water flow cannot be too fast, otherwise the ship cannot stop.

Secondly, the water depth is appropriate.

It cannot be stranded, nor can it be too deep.

Finally, the water bank is flat.

Most of the coastlines have a difference of two or three meters between the water surface and the land, and the vegetation is dense.

It is said to be docked, but in fact you have to climb up and then pass through the dense forest vegetation. The march is difficult and not suitable for large-scale landing. It will take more than half an hour to enter the battle zone. Moreover, if you rush all out and force your way through, will you still have the energy to fight when you get there?

This dock is the most suitable landing site.

"Heavy armor! Line up!" Jet shouted.

All the heavy armors took a step forward at the same time, smashed down their heavy shields, and splashed the river water that submerged their feet.


The beachcombers held weapons and rushed into the defense line. The first batch was nearly a hundred people.

In the back, more ships also approached, and the soldiers on the ships also hurriedly got off the boats. The water was over waist deep and rushed over.

The close-range bloody battle started!

"Hold it!"

The first line of heavy armor formed an iron wall, and all the members were experienced soldiers. They must ensure that the defense line was stable and could not be torn.

The second line of heavy armor was responsible for checking for gaps and filling gaps. Once they found that their comrades in front fell, they would rush up in time and push out all the enemies pouring in.

And the heavy armored soldiers in the second line of defense were the spear infantry.

The special spears were three or four meters long, and the sharp spearheads were enough to stab and kill most leather armored enemies, even those covered in mail armor could not escape the fate of defeat.

"Charge! Kill!!!"

The noble coalition roared!

They were by no means cowards. As beachheads, wealth and honor were waiting for them.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Arrows flew across the sky like locusts!

The river flowed, and blood drifted!


The beast warrior of the Carter family fiercely knocked down a heavy armored soldier, stepped on the latter's large shield, and made it difficult for the latter to get up.

He was about to lead people to break through this line of defense.

But then, a thin sword pierced his eyes like lightning, and no one even saw Jet draw his sword.

The beast warrior looked up and fell.

The heavy armored soldiers of the second line of defense pushed forward without hesitation, and the other infantry dragged the fallen heavy armored soldier back.

In this war, the veterans were the main force, standing at the forefront to prevent the new recruits from fleeing.

Now the defense line was under great pressure, and it was slowly deformed from its original neatness.

Jet wore a black iron mask. He shouted: "One! Two! Push!!"

All the heavy-armored soldiers were exerting their strength, wrestling with each other, and after hearing Jet's command, they also followed Jet's voice from their throats!

"One!! Two!!"


The shaky defense line stabilized again, and the enemy had to take a step back.

However, their number was increasing, and after a short confrontation of two minutes, the river beach was crowded.

Thousands of noble troops rushed over at once, densely packed.

What is the battlefield changing rapidly?

The formation that had just stabilized was hit harder and deformed even more.

They pressed forward with their heavy shields, but the enemy pressed back, forcing the heavy armor to retreat.

This is similar to tug-of-war. Sometimes it is not you who want to move forward, but the huge pulling force that forces you to move forward.

And this is the precursor to the collapse of the front line.

No matter how hard the spearmen stabbed, it was useless, because the enemy's shields and spearmen also pushed up, and people on our side continued to be killed and injured.

"I can't hold on!"

The two-star apostle and squadron leader Luca shouted at Jet.

"Slowly retreat in the center! Move to the sides!!"

After hearing this, the originally tortuous heavy defense line had difficulty cracking a crack in the middle, like two doors that opened slowly but firmly.

Seeing the gap, the noble army was overjoyed and squeezed towards the middle opening at the same time.

"Kill..." The beast warrior of the Carter family waved his machete and led the way.

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly flew backwards.

The soldiers in the rear saw that the beast warrior had a flying axe stuck in his face, which deeply chopped into the latter's face, and his facial features were sunken and bloody.

They looked in horror and found that the other side also had an army rushing towards them.

The leader was a burly warrior who was more than two meters tall, fully armored, and ran with a clang.

"People from the Third Infantry Battalion! Follow me to kill!!"

Nathan raised a more than ten-pound axe and led the new recruits to fight.

It was impossible to let the new recruits face the cruel bloody battle and go to die.

But now the situation is very clear.

With the advantage of terrain, they only need to beat the drowning dog.

On the river beach, countless soldiers were strangled into a piece, bleeding like crazy.

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