If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 174: Quack! I can’t beat him! Run!

The cruelty of the cold weapon era is that the warriors have to chop off the enemy's head with their own hands and face the blood.

And they are used to it.

Nathan rushed in with 300 people from the third battalion, like two torrents colliding, blood splashing.

He was very brave. He killed seven people on the way and beat the noble army back step by step.

They took advantage of the terrain, and the noble army had to wade in the water to attack, which was extremely disadvantageous to the latter.

And the equipment was not good. Just looking at it was all simple half-body plate armor, steel spears and steel knives, everything was available, and there was basically no rough goods.

"Gua! Can't beat it! Run!"

I don't know who shouted.

The morale collapsed completely.

Someone looked back and found that the fleet behind could not land.

Because the boats that boarded the team first covered the river beach, the subsequent boats could not dock, and the river was turbulent. Once they got into the water, the water pulled their bodies and they couldn't stand steadily.

It is no joke that adults drown in chest-deep water.

They crossed the river in a heroic manner, but when they found that they could not win, they immediately cried and ran back.

The defeated soldiers further affected the overall situation, leaving the soldiers who came ashore from other directions isolated and helpless.

Seeing this situation of disarray, the follow-up fleet could not continue to land.

Finally, the retreat horn sounded, and the noble army left behind hundreds of remnants and evacuated the valley in a rain of arrows.

Hundreds of meters away in the rear.

Old Richard nervously held the steel fork in his hand, and the people beside him also held sickles and pickaxes.

This is the reserve team prepared by Roman, composed of teenagers and the elderly.

Once the front line is tight and unable to intercept the enemy, he will throw the reserve team in. It doesn't matter how much results it can achieve, at least it can boost the momentum.

There are more than a thousand people in total. Although there is no discipline, the scale is quite impressive.

This backhand did not work.

The enemy quickly retreated after being hit hard head-on.

A scout stood on the hillside, waving a flag.

It was Barro who organized them. After interpreting the flag signal, he felt relieved and turned back to say: "Our soldiers won, we don't have to go to the battlefield."

Hearing that they didn't have to go to the battlefield, everyone cheered: "Long live Master Roman!"

Old Charlie also relaxed.

His hair was gray and his body began to decline.

He didn't understand the truth. He came here only to keep three meals a day and his family.

He had been a subject of the earl for most of his life. He was very sure that the earl's army would not let them keep their current treatment, and his daughter Laura would be affected.

Because she married the soldier with a broken hand and received a wedding gift from the lord.

They can't go back, never go back.

Old Charlie thought he didn't have many years to live, and soon he would cough up blood and die like his grandfather and father and fall to the ground.

But after living here for more than a month, his physical condition has improved.

This is definitely not a blessing from the gods, but because the food standards have been greatly improved.

But the steward Barro made it clear that once Master Roman was defeated, they could return to their previous lives, or they would fall into a worse situation because of this turmoil.

The solid and comfortable brick house left them, the delicious broth left them, and the bright future also left them...

In order to protect this future, they had to take up arms and fight against their former lords.

Fortunately, they were still mentally prepared to go to the battlefield, and those professional soldiers settled everything.

But things were far from over.

Steward Barro arranged for them to clean up the battlefield and serve as miscellaneous logistics.

When they went over, they found that there was blood everywhere.

Corpses were floating in the river, and the river water was turbid and light red, being washed away.


Roman went to the scene in person and took the reserve members of the field hospital to treat the wounded.

Roman wanted to teach them basic skills such as how to deal with injuries, bandage correctly, and suture wounds.

Qualified medical staff come from practice.

At this moment, there is no lack of practice. As long as you get started, you will definitely be impressed and will soon be able to train a group of people with basic medical care capabilities.

The results of the battle were quickly counted.

A total of 89 soldiers died, half of whom were recruits.

Another 262 soldiers were injured - because they were fighting at home, the wounded could be withdrawn as soon as possible, so most of them were slightly injured.

A total of more than 500 enemies were killed, 74 were captured, and 124 remaining soldiers were captured.

18 ships of varying sizes were seized, and the rest were not counted.

There is no industry more profitable than fighting.

These ships alone are worth three or four hundred gold coins. Although they are damaged and old, with arrow holes everywhere, they can still be used after repairs.

"These people are elite soldiers, and some of the enemies are close to the physical fitness of the expedition knights!" Dick said.

"Their main force didn't go up." Jet interrupted.

"Even if they come up, they will only die, and the expedition knights can't do anything." Green made a face.

"Green is right." Aaron nodded.

The dismounted knights were just warriors, and with the same equipment, they could not even withstand the attack of three professional soldiers.

They could certainly become sharp knives and go straight into the enemy camp.

But then they would not be greeted by ordinary soldiers, but another sharp knife.

Roman's knight-level officers were watching covetously behind the defense line.

His own longbow was also aimed at those extraordinary people who dared to set foot in his territory.

Those nobles were smart not to send out their main forces.

They hid in those ships, quietly observing the situation, and retreated directly when they found something was wrong.

After Roman bandaged a soldier's wound, he stood up and said, "Dick, tell me, will they launch a second attack?"

"No! Otherwise they will all die here."

As the commander of the entire war, Dick knew how well prepared Roman was.

The enemy will only be strangled in the water.

Roman was very happy to hear the answer, "Very good."

He waved his fist lightly. "Then tell everyone that we won and they lost!"

We have to make those idiots feel at ease!

A sense of security is the foundation of development.

A victory will bring many hidden benefits, which belongs to the kind of social stability +10.

He wants to use this victory to make his name, and he wants this matter to be widely publicized to brainwash them every day.

Since mining salt mines and two bumper harvests last year, he has gained prestige here, and no one questions the orders he issued.

He gradually transformed from a nominal noble lord to a real lord with lofty prestige.

He gained the hearts of the people.

Even if one day the nobility no longer had legitimacy and someone shouted "Are kings, princes, generals and ministers of different species?", he could still sit firmly in the position of ruler.

Because no one would think of overthrowing him.

And these war victories pushed his prestige to a higher level.

Those fools began to praise him with words such as wise and brave, far-sighted, intelligent, and ambitious.

And they sincerely believed that as long as they followed his footsteps, their future life would be better.

No one would starve or suffer in the land he ruled.

And the only thing they had to do was to offer loyalty!

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