War will affect production, but after the war, these tasks must be carried out quickly.

Farming must be done.

Infrastructure must be built.

Training must be done.

Nearly a hundred people died in this battle, and the loss was heavy. Roman was a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

Because the training time was short.

If the military formations were proficient and the soldiers fought in harmony, casualties would definitely be greatly reduced.

This is the origin of the saying that more sweat in peacetime means less blood in war.

But no time means no time to sweat.

Especially for more than a thousand recruits, who only know the basic formations and are dragged to the battlefield, how can they perform well?

They are brave enough not to retreat.

Generally speaking, many soldiers will die in the first war they participate in.

Only those who survive can realize their potential.

Faced with this phenomenon, Roman's answer is: find someone to mine.

Especially red and blue gems, he is in great need of them now.

Blue gems can improve professional skills.

Red gems can be exchanged for battlefield simulation coupons.

No combat experience?

Throw it in and hone it.

If it doesn't work once, it will definitely work after a few more attempts.

One simulation ticket can carry 12 apostles, while a low-quality ruby ​​can only be exchanged for three tickets, which is the number of simulations for 36 apostles.

Roman had used up all his rubies before, and had the number of simulations for more than 300 apostles.

A good knife should be used on a steel blade.

He only brought simulations of apostles with combat talents.

The effect is also obvious.

It's like being hit by a car once, and you have experience in dealing with it.

The first time is new, the second time is familiar.

You get used to it after dying.

Combat skills have also been significantly improved.

Because things in the simulated battlefield will affect the apostles in the real world.

Roman has observed that after a new recruit apostle who is not good at fighting was stabbed to death by the enemy in the simulation, he would instinctively keep a certain distance from the enemy when he was practicing in reality.

But when Roman called him in for questioning, the recruit said that he was afraid of getting close to the enemy for some reason.

He subconsciously knew the consequences of getting close to the enemy rashly.

Roman did not blame him, thinking it was a good thing.

Only those who know how to be afraid can live long.

Fear can stimulate people's desire to survive.

Those veterans with rich combat experience all survived because they were afraid of death.

Those who charge into battle headlong and do not know how to advance or retreat often do not live long.

Those who are afraid of death will think about how to survive on the battlefield, and they often get only one answer.

That is to kill the enemy and win.

Therefore, many veterans will spend a lot of effort to study this profound subject.

Behind an inconspicuous combat skill, there are dozens or hundreds of corpses as footnotes. These skills have been passed down and become schools, which are the so-called killing skills.

And the war knight is such a system, learning how to kill the enemy quickly since childhood.

Most wild warriors in this era find it difficult to learn real skills, and can only rely on their own guessing.

This requires a suitable environment, observation, memory, and most importantly, talent and understanding.

And it cannot be divorced from reality.

Otherwise, jokes like sliding will be made.

After all, a person's life and knowledge are limited, and the trial and error rate is very low. Roman hopes that his apostles have unlimited life to try and make mistakes, and eventually become a veteran of a hundred battles.

This requires the support of extraordinary resources.

Roman recalculated the power he had.

Because farming is over, a large number of laborers can be promptly allocated to various positions.

The main labor concentration points are farms, agricultural departments and construction teams.

Needless to say, the former must be arranged for a thousand people.

Half of the laborers in the farm are women, responsible for grazing, milking, and picking eggs, while heavy physical work such as shoveling manure, mowing, and feeding are done by men.

Needless to say, farmland, even if spring plowing is over, someone has to look after it every day.

Weeding and farming cannot be separated from 500 farmers, which is the minimum.

Roman also had to ask them to find time to sow grass seeds, and wait for the harvest in summer and autumn. This year, they could harvest two crops. Grass is too important for livestock. Otherwise, if they only rely on grazing, they have to feed for at least ten months before they can be put into the market.

Houses also need to be built, and burning bricks and tiles is also a physical job.

There are a total of 300 people responsible for construction. Now the technical strength and output of the construction team have been improved. They can build more than ten brick houses every day, and the quality is getting better and better, and the efficiency is considerable.

In comparison, the woodworking factory and the iron shed, these two types of technicians add up to only 400 people.

The big kitchen has more staff, as many as 500 people, because the daily diet pressure is too great.

In the end, he squeezed out 300 people to go mining, including the captives.

For a time, everyone's labor tasks were full.

The labor method was very primitive, but the labor efficiency was extremely efficient in this era.

Roman fully mobilized the production potential of everyone, just like a huge social machine running with firm but slow movements.

Roman deprived them of rest time, but he never skimped on food.

It cannot be said that there was meat in every meal. But there was meat every day for sure.

This was the reward for their hard work.

On Count Kant's conference table.

Those people sat here, their faces gloomier than the others, like six rainy days gathered together, the air pressure was extremely low, and the servants who served them did not dare to breathe heavily.

Guerande was the first to say: "The situation is obvious now."

"Yes, we are back here again, as if we have done nothing and only lost so many people." Wieliczka was very unhappy.

"Because the enemy is not a rabble." Bald Carter said.

Count Kant knocked on the table and said: "This is something I have been emphasizing, but you don't pay attention at all!"

Lord Earl felt secretly happy.

This sentence was ignored by everyone.

They are like a powder keg and only focus on what they want to focus on.

Wieliczka was the first to attack: "If the warriors under Lord Carter were braver, we might not be in such a bad situation, and now we can eat barbecue with salt."

"What did you say?!"

Wieliczka pointed out, "It's you who said it! It's you who kept saying, 'My warriors are each blocking two with one'! But as a result, you were beaten to pieces as soon as you landed ashore. When you saw something was wrong, you were the first to run away." "

"How many of Wieliczka's troops came ashore? You all hid behind! You all let my warriors bleed!"

Steve had to say: "Mr. Carter, I think what you said is inappropriate."

The Guérande family also bled.

Sir Simon, who was really hiding in the back, remained silent, watching the nobles passing blame and blaming each other.

He is taciturn, never speaks unless necessary, and is extremely low-key.

Carter slapped the table so loudly that it made a loud bang. "The fact is that my warriors sacrificed their lives to break the formation, but your soldiers did not cooperate. They were all flirting at the rear, turning a war into a child's play!"

The earl agreed: "Yes! That's right, it's just child's play! Sir Simon, whose army do you think has the least casualties?"

The Simon family members expected that his behavior would fall into the eyes of some people.

After all, those things cannot be hidden.

"Lord Earl, I can see that your soldiers fight the most bravely and suffer the most tragic casualties. For such hard work, the reward must be the highest, I swear!"

said Sir Simon.

"It's just that they can't defeat those people. Your army can't do it, and my army can't do it either. We can all see it - especially the big guy who is more than two meters tall. He is at our level."

This was agreed by Front. This veteran knight had been there since he came back. No one in his army died, and only a few were hit by stray arrows.

But no one brought the flames to the Bechtes family.

"The man got on the horse, most likely a third-level knight." Front said.

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