The banquet was noisy and lively.

The Grand Duke of the Split Armor sat at the head, and the Grand Duke of the Wrath sat at the second seat.

The ministers were at the bottom.

Some nobles sent rare treasures.

There were forty or fifty noble knights sitting in the hall of Dragon Castle. The inner circle was nobles, and the outer circle was knights. There were no ordinary people here.

There were vassals of the Split Armor, vassals of the Wrath, and the rest were princes and knights brought by the princes.

Bechts was one of the princes. He came here to respond to the call of the Grand Duke of the Wrath, which was undoubtedly a great honor.

He asked someone to bring a gilded box, and the waiter opened it. A hundred kilograms of bright red crystals were piled inside.

The price of salt was calculated according to copper coins, but blood salt could only be measured in gold coins.

This was a unique resource controlled by the Bechts family.

The Grand Duke of the Split Armor didn't care about this, but he couldn't help but express it, so he nodded slightly to Bechts.

The head of the Bechts family bowed his head and turned to chat with other nobles.

The appeal of the Grand Duke of the Wrath is extraordinary.

It took more than half a year from the announcement to the holding of this banquet, gathering these important figures who can influence the situation on earth, to launch a war that will sweep across most of the land, aiming to maintain the order of the conquerors.

Andrew from Iceland and East from the Hot Summer Islands discussed the differences between the north and south coasts; Earl El, a vassal of the Wrath, was trying to win over old friends with Sir Glass, the first knight of the Grand Duke of the Wrath; Laurent, the swamp master of the Mud Swamp, and Bechts discussed the issue of doing business; Carter the Beast and the Lord of the Rock City of the Plateau drank and clinked glasses...

"Are you in a bad mood?" Pine said.

The noise of the banquet covered their conversation, which was high enough and far enough.

"Moya should be here."

"Your rebellious vassal family? Gale and Makor took your will to Tiehua County. They said that Earl Moya took the initiative when he saw that his conspiracy was exposed, so they had to kill him."

The Grand Duke said coldly: "Because they only dare to say that!"

He was bloated and sometimes had to gasp for breath when he spoke because of his weight. Now his words were full of strangeness and coldness.

"If they dare to say that Moya was wrongly killed, I will deprive Gale of all his rights, expel you from Dragon Castle, and then..."

"...Paine, are you going to start a war between us?"

"No, please believe me - I am not afraid of anyone in this land, but I don't want to go to war with you. I have never forgotten that my father abandoned me and you raised me."

"I wish you really thought so! They all say that the people of the Angry Tide family are unpredictable and unpredictable. No one can predict the direction of the deep sea currents, so no one can see through your thoughts. I know that is the nature of your Angry Tide family... But what did I do wrong to make you treat me like this and murder my vassal?! I ask you, is the Moya family loyal?"


He had a definite answer long ago, and now when he heard the admission, his eyes went dark and he closed his eyes in despair.

He wanted to see his vassal.

But they took the opportunity to kill him, deprive him of his honor, and make up unfounded lies to make him die unjustly.

Is this right?

How should he explain to others that his eldest son and the Grand Duke of Fury conspired to kill his loyal ministers?

It was his unwiseness and stupidity that caused all this.

He had not been involved in state affairs for too long and was no longer sensitive to those affairs. He had been indulging in the gentle world and living a life of drunkenness for many years, and he did not know that the external situation had developed to such a fierce degree.

How should he retaliate against their ugly behavior?

Once the liquidation is initiated, a huge earthquake will occur in the entire Black Iron Land.

This is equivalent to the last nuclear bomb for the Conqueror Order, which is now in danger and about to collapse.

He can't settle the accounts. He has no strength, only grief and anger.

If Aaron Moya is still there...

If his knight is still there...

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you..." Pine's eyes were dark and surging, stirring up waves.

The members of the Fury Family have different personalities, but they have their own rules and bottom lines, but they are always very cautious not to let others grasp their weaknesses.

"I have to do this. I need the power of the Split Armor family, but the guardian is a hurdle that cannot be overcome. That family only listens to you. They do whatever Grand Duke Split Armor says. A stubborn guardian is enough to hinder me for months, and we don't have much time. I need your support."

"Paine, I will support you in many things. You know, I will help you as long as I can. But what you want now is exactly what I don't support you for. What are you going to do? You actually think from the bottom of your heart that I will oppose you from the beginning?" Grand Duke Split Armor's heart was actually chilled at this moment.

Paine looked at his adoptive father.

His weathered face looked a little scary, full of erosion.

This is the case for all members of this family. The older they are, the more serious their skin falls off, and the new skin quickly becomes old skin, layer upon layer.

In the end, it is like weathered rock, rough and sharp.

He is taciturn and has a deep sense of terror. Even the closest people don't know what he is thinking.

"I have the decree of the King of Dark Iron, and I have to maintain the order of the Conquerors." He said.

"This is not your ultimate goal! Child, you can't fool me now." The Grand Duke of Split Armor was very sad.

"...You know, my army is going to blockade Sinnoh, and I can't leave for too long, but someone has to maintain the order of the Conquerors, and Gale is the best and most suitable person."

"So you want to help Gale become the new Grand Duke of Split Armor?"

"You don't agree?"

"No, I agree."

He seemed to have lost all his strength, and all his weight was pressed on the chair, like a piece of fat embedded in it.

"I can give Gale the Grand Duke's position. But, Payne, can you and Gale promise me?"

"...Promise what?"

He took a deep breath, "Promise that you can abide by the ancestral teachings and abide by the covenant signed with the Conqueror's family! I want you to swear to the Conqueror and his family, and to all the people in the Seven Kingdoms of the Earth, that you will maintain the Conqueror's order, you will protect the human race, you will suppress the Church, you will watch over the Underworld, you will help the elves, dwarves, and dragons to protect the defense line, you will fulfill your promise, and you will never betray..."

He couldn't finish that sentence, his body was not enough to support him to say such a long sentence.

Grand Duke of Split Armor panted and looked at Grand Duke of Raging Tide weakly.

"Can you do it?"

Amid the noise, Pine nodded, "I can, Ulster, I can..."

"It would be great if you could do it! Then I can abdicate with peace of mind! But I don't believe you, Pine, I don't believe you." His face was full of regret.

"The three major families have never fought against each other. You broke the convention just for a certain idea in your heart that I don't know but must be crazy. How can I believe you? Pine! Do you know what you have destroyed?"

The Duke of Fury stared at Ulster, and his words were firm:

"I know!"

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