Chapter 180 The family motto is——

Ulster was completely disheartened.

"Are you going to launch a coup? A coup by one Black Iron Duke against another Black Iron Duke?" he asked.

Pine didn't want to do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

This is Dragon Castle.

The owner of Dragon Castle is Ulster.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor still has a terrible army, which is an extraordinary army that matches the Knight of Shocking Waves.

Once Dragon Castle bleeds, Gale will be identified as a traitor, and the army that belongs to Split Armor will not recognize Gale.

He hopes to resolve this matter peacefully, without necessarily shedding blood in Dragon Castle.

Besides, he loves him. He also looked up at the tall and straight man with longing eyes, and regarded him as an idol second only to the conqueror.

But heroes will grow old.

But power must be transferred.

He can't walk now, and he is just a figurehead.

There is no place for him at the top.

Although he can live for another twenty years, the extraordinary resources can nourish his body and help him prolong his life until he dies.

But this is not the result that everyone wants to see.

He can survive, but he cannot exist as the Grand Duke of Split Armor.

"Ulster, we shouldn't have gotten to this point. The young you would support me, and you were my hero at that time. But then you became depressed! The invisible things bound your hands and feet, and you fell to this point, and everything didn't have to be like this. Don't you feel hatred? I don't believe you don't have any resentment. What you can't do, let me do it, okay?"

It's all lies.

Ulster thought.

Is he an dishonorable oath-breaker?

Pine said this all to persuade him to help him.

He also had to admit that his language was very deceptive.

Each generation faces different problems and different choices.

When there is a conflict between two generations, ordinary people can still coexist.

But this is not the case for those in power.

They are fighting a battle for the future.

However, the political struggle between the Split Armor and the Fury ended the moment the Guardian Family disappeared.

It ended the moment the Guardian Family flag fell last autumn.

He was only concerned with drinking and having fun at that time, and he knew nothing and did nothing.

The fact is that Pine accurately stabbed a sharp knife into the aorta of the Split Armor Family.

And he was too slow. He didn't react until the strongest military force of the Split Armor Family fell apart.

As a person in power, he knew that he shouldn't delegate those things to others. He knew that he might be deceived and cheated.

He shouldn't be so slow.

Not to mention when he was young, even if he was twenty years ago, he wouldn't have fallen to this point.

But stupid things happened.

"If the King of Dark Iron knew what you did, do you know what would happen? After all, we are vassals of the Conqueror Family. You can't hide it, Pine."

"Then let the Dark Iron Land fall apart!" he said. "Ulster, the problems faced by the Conqueror are different from ours. We cannot follow his path. That goal is no longer pure. Times have changed. We need a new path."

Ulster did not doubt whether his power could reach this point.

But he felt sad for Payne's determination.

The first thing to be broken must be the Conqueror's order.

And without order, he can do whatever he wants.

No one can stop him. The will of the Grand Duke of Fury will flood this land.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor said. "What do you want from me?"

The Grand Duke of Fury looked down on him: "I want the family inheritance of Split Armor."

In his focused gaze, the Grand Duke of Split Armor's face was expressionless, and the wrinkles formed by the accumulation of fat did not tremble.

"I want to talk to Gale..." He said with his eyes closed.

The Grand Duke of Fury was deep-minded, and his emotions were not revealed, but now he breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Payne said loudly: "Lord Cracked Armor has agreed to cooperate with our war, and Lord Gale will join us in the war!"

He is the winner, and what he says is what it is.

Grand Duke Cracked Armor said nothing.

"This cup is for our Lord Cracked Armor!" Earl El, a loyal supporter of the Angry Tide Family, stood up and said loudly.

More than a dozen family representatives and hundreds of knights on the periphery all stood up.

The nobles still have some manners, but the knights seem a bit vulgar and barbaric. They eat a messy meal and bones are all over the table. They are warriors from all over the world.

Grand Duke Angry Tide took the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, and then poured another glass of wine.

"This cup is for the Black Iron King of the Conqueror Family, for the Conqueror Order!" Payne has messy hair like seaweed, a rough face, and undercurrents in the depths of his eyes.

After that, he poured the glass of wine on the ground.

Some nobles were confused, but they had no choice but to follow suit. There was no standardized etiquette in this era, and there was nothing wrong with the behavior itself. Everything was up to the heart.

"For the Conqueror Order!" They responded in unison.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor watched all this calmly, feeling sad and helpless.


When the banquet was over, he was carried back to the bedroom by the servants.

After Gale came in, he dismissed the servants.

Ulster was not angry, but just said, "You want my position?"

"Yes, Father." Now that things have happened, Gale no longer pretends.

"I can give it to you. But you can't, and neither can I, Gale, if you had said it earlier, said to me earlier... Oh, what have you been waiting for all these years?"

Gale's heart trembled. He firmly held the position, but now he asked him what he was waiting for?

"Ever since Paine left and I had my fiefdom, I have never dared to make mistakes. I have worked diligently and done my best in everything. But you have never looked at me, and you have never paid attention to my desires."

Gale was in pain. After waiting for many years, only to receive such a sentence, no one would be willing to accept it.

Ulster's eyes were filled with sadness. "You have no courage. You are always waiting but don't fight for it. How can I pass the throne to you?"

Gale's face was terrifyingly cold for a moment.

If he really wants to say that and do that, what will be waiting for him?

Everyone knows that he is greedy for power. Who would give up the rights of a duke while he is still alive?

"Gale, we are so similar, you and I are so similar, we are similar..." The Armor-Splitting Archduke spoke slowly.

"You are the only duke in this land, you can say whatever you want." Gale smiled bitterly.

"It's different. Do you think I'm suppressing you? Yes, I'm suppressing you, but do you know what's pressing on me? It's the entire era...

“When I was young, I was arrogant, because at that time I was in such a high position that there was no one more prominent, younger, or more powerful than me in this land.

“I once thought that I was omnipotent and omnipotent, and that I was the darling of the times, but what was the result?

"I have spent my life mediocrely, without any glory or merit at all, and now I have become an outcast of the times.

"Gale, a true cracker will not have any wavering or doubt. He can give up a wealthy life, a bright future, and everything in the past...

"The so-called overcoming thorns and thorns means to carve out a road in the wilderness of nothing, to open it up with one's own hands, rather than to inherit——

"The first Grand Duke of Split Armor was that kind of person. He followed the conqueror and founded the Split Armor family.

"And how can a person who can only wait and trust become a truly capable and armor-breaking successor? I am not qualified, and neither are you. We are the abandoned children of the times after all..."

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