"Father, you still haven't let go." Gale just said after hearing those words.

Ulster's heart trembled.

He couldn't let go, just like Gale didn't let go of him.

They were also depressed, and the more he told Gale, the more depressed Gale became about him.

It's like an unsolvable knot.

"Father, I want the family inheritance." Gale said.

"I'll give it to you... Gale, I'll give it to you, but not now. You can go out." The Armor-Splitting Archduke said weakly.


"go out!"

In Ulster's eyes, he was always an obedient child, even though the latter was over sixty years old.

Gale had no choice but to stand up and say: "Well, father, I'm waiting for your news."

He walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

He heard the Archduke of Armor Splitting say: "Gale, you will follow in my footsteps. We are so similar. What I face now, you will face in the future. When that time comes... I hope you don't forget you. I used to be very cheerful...Don't forget that you are my favorite child..."

Gale's footsteps paused, he turned around and bowed: "Well, I remember your words, father, good night."

"Good night……"

As night falls, the darkness is deep.

He was lying on the bed, quietly deducing the future development.

He must give way.

The position of Duke will be taken by Gale.

Gale will definitely gather all the strength of the Split Armor family. He has the power to act and is justified. All the descendants of Split Armor must obey his orders - including the child who is thousands of miles away in the river valley and is causing quite a stir. .

He has many descendants, and dragon castles are everywhere, but there are not many that he can remember.

He thought he could keep a low profile and take care of him for two more years while he was still alive.

As a result, he developed too fast, which was somewhat unreasonable.

Now I can only leave it to fate.

But to this day, what he is worried about is definitely not the child thousands of miles away, but Gale who has inherited the title of Grand Duke.

He couldn't worry about Gale, nor could he worry about Pine.

What the two of them are about to face is an extremely difficult future.

They insist on going their own way, spilling blood all the way, but they may not get good results. Halfway through, they are in the fog, and the road ahead is unpredictable. They want to turn back, but find that there is no way out. Can they still persevere?

Ulster knows very well that for humans, the darkness before dawn is certainly scary, but what is even more terrifying is not knowing whether we can usher in the dawn. Is there any point in persisting?

Ulster was lost in thought.

Until the gem on his chest alerted him to the presence of an intruder.

The blinds were opened at some point, and the spring air was a bit cold.

It was a figure squatting by the window like a wild cat, like a black silhouette, with its back to the stars, appearing there suddenly.

"Grand Duke of Armor Splitting, greetings to you!" it said in a sharp voice.

"Are you from Pine?" asked Ulster.

But there was no reason for Pine to do this. Is there anything that couldn't be said to him face to face?

"What is your purpose?" He changed his words calmly.

This man is definitely not the same guy as Pine, he promised.

"I don't like to get along with you superiors... You are always covered with various gems, such as emerald, cat's eye, amethyst, amber and mithril armor... Tsk tsk, I have to forge a secret suit that suits your body shape. Silver armor is not a small number. Let me calculate, are they worth one thousand gold coins or five thousand gold coins? But to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if someone like you carries ten thousand gold coins with you. After all, who makes you so rich?”

it chattered.

"Did you sneak into Dragon Castle just to say this to me? Spellcaster." Alster said.

"Please don't call me that. My spells are of no use to you. Those colorful gems on your body hinder the spells. If there is a family inheritance, just one thought can dispel my spells, but you gave up on it. Of course, You can also shout now, this is your Dragon Castle after all. As long as you howl, at least a hundred war knights will rush in here like crazy. "

When Alster heard what it said, he frowned and said, "Are you a witch?"


"You shouldn't be here."

"This is not what I wanted to do. It's really difficult for me to be alone and have to get along with a black iron duke." It jumped out of the window, covered in darkness, and its footsteps were light and silent, and it came closer.

"Stop!" said Ulster.

It did not stop and continued: "In normal times, a word from the Black Iron Duke can kill me without a burial place, but unfortunately this is the last day of your reign. Who will listen to you?"

Alster's eyes were a little scary, "I told you to stop!"

"So who's going to listen to you?"

It said ferociously, moving with incredible agility, like a cat in the dark, pounced forward, and with a flash of cold light, it stabbed the Duke on the bed with its sharp blade. A layer of silver glow bloomed, blocking the dagger's thrusting power, but it did not It was completely blocked and the scalp was cut open, and the bone was deep in the wound.

The next second, a rare sacred stone exploded.

It was immediately blown away, and seemed to fly backwards on its own initiative. Its body was like a pebble that had been tossed aside. It heaved on the floor several times, escaped out of the window, and disappeared into the night like a wild cat.

Alster lay on the collapsed bed, staring blankly at the blurred ceiling.

His eyesight had declined drastically, and now it was even covered in blood.

Blood was flowing, vitality was fading, and he suddenly understood something.

The explosion attracted many people, and he could vaguely see two people rushing in, one with seaweed-like blue hair, and the other with flaming eyes.

They ran towards him.

"Father..." "Ulster..."

"Someone tried to assassinate the Grand Duke!"

"Who did it!! How could this happen in Dragon Castle!!"

"Imperial Physician! Bring the emerald! The Grand Duke is poisoned!"

"Master Yihe, quickly detoxify the Grand Duke!"

"Come...too late...The poison has entered the brain, this is not something that can be solved by bloodletting..."

Noise, confusion, panic, everyone was in a mess.

At this moment of life, Ulster was very calm.

Surrounded by the crowd, he said slowly and with difficulty: "Master Yihe, take a pen and paper, and write down what I said: I appoint Gale as the next Duke of Split Armor..."

Everyone knew that this was the will of the Grand Duke of Split Armor, and all the noise subsided.

"Some things have been decided long ago, and now... they can be overturned. I confess to the gods now. I wrongly blamed... Moya. I am an incompetent... monarch. I ordered Gale to hurt them, but they... had no intention of rebelling. Gale... you have to... restore their family's... reputation..." Ulster said intermittently.

"Father, who is it!" Gale cried, "Who is the assassin! I will never let him go! Never!!"

He was like an angry old lion, his anger overwhelmed his reason, and he even forgot the family inheritance he had longed for for decades.

"There is no... assassin... you have to go... restore Moya's... reputation..."

"I will do it, I will do anything! Father, tell me, who wants to murder you!" Gale's expression was horrible. He saw that his face was pale and blood was flowing. During this period, black silk spread from the wound, like a spider's black web spreading on the skin.

"Master Yihe! I ask you, who murdered my father!" His eyes were red, and he vowed to get to the bottom of it.

Scholar Ihe was panicked. He recognized the traces of the dagger and the evil poisons, but could he say that?

He thought it was impossible, but the facts were in front of him. How could he deny it?

"Witch! It must be a witch who murdered the Grand Duke! Witches are good at murder! Good at using poison! Despicable! Shameful!"

Some people also recognized the source of the poisons.

Who else in the world could sneak into Dragon Castle silently and murder the Duke?

Scholar Ihe was even more panicked.

He realized that there was a huge conspiracy covering Dragon Castle today.

Ulster's lips moved slightly, but he couldn't make a decent move.

Scholar Ihe saw it, but he couldn't explain it. He had no qualifications and no ability to prove that it was not the work of the witch.

The expression of the Grand Duke of Split Armor was gloomy, and his eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

The poison eroded his brain nerves. He was drowsy and knew what Payne was going to do, but he had no strength to stop him, and no time to think.

Finally, he closed his eyes and could never open them again.

From birth to death, it is a cycle and a circle.

When he was born, he seemed to be able to hear many people talking, and the voices of those people were getting closer and clearer.

Now that he is dead, he seems to be able to hear many people talking, but the voices of those people are getting farther and farther away and more ethereal.

He felt that he was standing at the starting point and had to start all over again.

"Who is the darling of the times? There is only one answer! That is me! The Duke of the Black Iron Land - Ulster Split Armor!"

That was when he was young, carrying a big bow and full of vigor.

"Witch, I have been looking for you for a long time. Your hidden power is terrible, not weaker than any Black Iron Duke. You can help the Conqueror and become his court witch, so you can also help me. My Dragon Castle can accept you. Come and help me!... What do you mean my time has not come yet?"

"Ulster, since you want to ask, then I will give you its vision. Sooner or later, you will be able to see those things. You have the eyes of the Split Armor, and you can see things that ordinary people cannot see."

At that time, he stood in front of the magic mirror, all his ambitions were seen through, all his desires were seen through, as if he was naked.

"The Split Armor Family should maintain the order of the Conqueror... What should I do? There is no soil for breaking through thorns in this era. A child from the Angry Tide Family is coming to visit. Duke Twen doesn't like that child? Then let him live here, I will train him, and I will treat him as my own son."

That year, Pine was seven years old. On the first day he came to Dragon Castle, he chased Gale on the grass. He stood tall and straight in the hall and looked at the scene.

"Witch! Witch! Give me a prophecy, give me a prophecy, when will the new era come?"

"It will come...sooner or later...the new era is coming to you, it is approaching you."

"Then when can I welcome it...no! It should be it that welcomes me!"

"A few years, ten years, more than ten years, several decades...you can see it, it can see you, all you need to do is wait, and when that time comes, you will naturally recall this passage..."

That was him discussing with the witch.

"I have sent Aaron to find the route, the route when the conquerors left."

"You shouldn't do this, you will alarm the devil in the fog!"

That was his temptation.

"Aaron died, and I saw the broken shield, it drifted over."

"A high-ranking guardian knight who can rival the first Duke and defeat the dragon race ended up like this. Ulster, I hope you can stick to your original intention."

That was his regret.


"The Conqueror brought back three artifacts from the Land of God's Fall and handed them over to his followers for safekeeping. This move determined the future fate of the human race."

"The Conqueror named his era, this era, the Black Iron Age. In the future, the Black Iron Age will eventually pass."

"The Conqueror assembled a powerful army, built sturdy and tall ships, and was about to launch an expedition. When he set out, he claimed that he would fight to the end of the world and win everything. When he returned, he would save his people, break all the shackles, save mankind from the quagmire of suffering, and move forward without any hindrance - but those grand visions and lofty words eventually dissipated in the wind of the Underworld..."

The memories of wasted time began to become disordered, and those things faded in the decades that followed.


"Ulster! Ulster! Open your eyes! Your time has come! Come and welcome your time! The witch needs you! The great ambitions you desire are right in front of you!"

He heard such words coming from the void.

"My time has come... the time I have waited for my whole life... No, I didn't wait, I gave up halfway... because that period of time was too long..."


Ulster really opened his eyes.

Those eyes reflected everything like a magic mirror.

He saw the pirates holding a feast, tens of thousands of pirates surrounded a selected pirate king, he raised his battle axe and led the way, the ocean was surging, the warships were dense and rushed to the land frantically.

The vision shifted, the vast northern land, the rivers were frozen, and the snow covered the forest. The King of Winter sat alone on the high platform, which was located in the eye of the blizzard, and the violent power seemed to tear him apart.

Looking further north, in a terrifying ice field, that is the end of the world, no vitality, only cold and desolation, full of dead silence, an ice wall stands, inhuman creatures hide behind the wall and reproduce, waiting for the wind and snow to spread.

Looking to the east, the Khan of the barbarian royal court roared that there was only one king on the plateau, tens of thousands of horses galloped on the grassland, those riders were skilled in horsemanship, moved freely, burned, killed, looted, cruel and bloodthirsty.

Looking further south, deep shadows were buried among the mountains and valleys, so monsters were thronged, waiting for the earth to shake and the magma to erupt, and they would return to the earth.

And in the fjord in the southwest corner, the remnants of the ancient empire are located here, and the astrologers pay close attention to the trajectory of the stars in the sky, calculating the correct direction and time. They believe that when the stars return to their positions, the gods will exert their divine power and the earth will usher in drastic changes.

The castle at the tail of the dust python stood proudly, facing the raging waves alone. The giant in the deep ocean woke up from its sleep, and its body was like the mountains under the sea.

Overseas, the dragons soared in the sky, and their numbers were few; the dwarves lingered and defended the fortress; the mythical ancestral tree was sick, and the elves were forced to leave their homes and drift across the ocean.

Going in those directions, there were large areas of collapsed ruins, magnificent buildings destroyed, and traces of man-made things eaten away by nature.

The Oak Duke guarded the mountains and seas, and the black ocean like the underworld was surging, rolling up billions of roaring undead.

On the other side of the sea, dark clouds were dense, thunder and lightning intertwined, boundless, and beyond vision, hiding great terror.

The whole world was exposed in front of him, everything was too grand and too vast.

Suddenly remembered something, turned his head and looked.

Looking at an inconspicuous place on the earth.

In that remote and wild river valley, a young man swung a hoe, bent down to sow seeds, and the tender green wheat seedlings beside him instantly broke out of the soil.

That vast field is full of vitality.

The wheat seedlings grew vigorously and rapidly, quickly growing leaves, jointing, heading, flowering, filling, and maturing...

When he stood up, it changed in the blink of an eye.

The endless golden wheat field has taken shape.

It shone brightly in the sun, and the wind blew the wheat waves, making a rustling sound.

He wore a laurel wreath on his head, his body was beautiful and strong, his expression was calm, and his movements were calm and elegant.

He stood quietly, looking at countless wheat ears. Although he was dressed as a farmer, he had a noble and majestic demeanor.

In the reflection of the sun and the wheat field, he was covered with circles of faint halos, like a divine ring hanging beside him, as if illuminating the whole world.


Those horizons were vast, as if boundless, and finally fixed.


The world in Alster's eyes shattered like a mirror.

He had an epiphany.

A new era was approaching him.

The way to open that era was the end of his life.

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