Early morning.

When Roman woke up, he felt a splitting headache and sore all over.

Someone heard the noise and immediately came to help him sit up and brought him a cup of honey and milk to sober him up.

"Neri, why are you here?"

"It's noon now, the celebration is still going on, I asked the maids to go to the celebration."

Neri brought a basin of water.

Roman splashed the cool water on his face, and his spirits improved greatly for a while, and his headache was relieved.

I drank too much last night.

"What happened? Why do I feel sore all over?"

Neri smiled politely, "It's better if you don't know."

Roman tilted his head and looked at her for a moment, and chose to follow the latter's advice.

Anyway, we are all family, so let yourself go.

"Why didn't you go?"

"You need to be taken care of, and I have a lot of things to do."

"Oh, that's right, there are so many children coming again, it's a big trouble for you, right?"

"Not bad..."

"Tell me if you have any difficulties."

Nellie looked at him steadily, her eyes were like the deep ocean, blue and vast, and extremely beautiful.

"Then I'll tell you."

"Well! Just tell me, I can solve anything that can be solved for you." After Roman washed up, he wiped his face and neck with linen.

She said. "Can you give me freedom?"

Roman stopped moving and frowned: "What do you want this for?"

She lowered her eyelids and didn't look directly at Roman.

She said. "Someone needs me, sir. I mean someone needs me..."

"But I need you too. You have to help me manage the school, Neri. You know, there are no more than five people in this land who can do this job."

"It's different."

"It's not different. You hope to return to the Sea Castle? To save the people in the Sea Castle? But I have to tell you that in my opinion, all the people in this land are no different from the people in the Sea Castle. They all need to be saved - but saving is not the end. Saving is not just about stepping on the bugs. This is just the beginning. There are too many problems behind. I have no idea now, but I have to let those people see what the future path will be like. This is what you do. You tell me now that you don't want to do it?"

"I didn't... I just... feel tortured..."

Painful emotions emerged in her eyes.

Roman looked at Neri. If a slave or a farmer dared to say this in front of him, he would punch the other party directly. What dares to bargain?

But Neri is different.

How to say it, he thinks Neri is a human being, a person like Jet and Jimmy, and his most trusted apostle.

He couldn't fight them, couldn't blame them, otherwise violence could only last for a while.

He had to respect their opinions.

Of course, respect is respect, but no is no.

"I understand what you mean, you are uneasy, how can I make you feel at ease?"

"... I don't know."

Roman sighed: "I can set you free. But you have to admit that I can't ask all the people in the Sea Castle to follow you.

"I bought you at a high price. You alone cost me more than a dozen gold coins. Of course, I don't care about this money.

"But if I let you go back, you can't do anything - you know this, you can't deceive me, especially a smart person like you.

"My Nellie, I don't mean to blame you, I think this is good, you tell me your thoughts instead of suppressing them in your heart, which shows that you trust me.

"So talk about it, say what you think."

"... I need troops." She suddenly raised her head, her blue eyes were unusually deep.

"My lord, I need your troops! I need your support!"

Borrowing troops often happens between nobles.

When a certain lord was in a low period, he would stay in other noble castles, and then borrow troops to fight back and take power.

Many powerful rulers started by borrowing troops.

Because it is too difficult to start from scratch.

Roman's army last year was raised by salt mines, and only 600 people were raised.

The Sea Castle was originally a territory with very strong comprehensive strength.

But after losing the master of the Sea Castle, and after years of plundering, their forces had long been scattered, without a backbone, and even if they could be assembled, they could not be assembled.

Either they were sold or suffered heavy losses.

Now the Sea Castle has become a leek field that is harvested regularly.

There is no way, this is the fate of the ownerless territory these days.

Unless Nellie can break the army alone, it is impossible to protect the Sea Castle.

Roman bit his fingers and frowned.

He can tie Nellie up, he can control her future, but this is not what he wants to see.

Just think of it as spreading the Internet.

The entire sea fort has 40,000 to 50,000 people, a lean camel + a broken ship, and now there should be at least 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Although it is a mess, once it stabilizes, it will be very useful.

He needs to take a long-term view.

Roman realized that Sige Town could not complete all development projects.

Although he has prestige and ability.

But the resources he has cannot allow him to develop comprehensively.

Because the foundation is too poor.

Those people he just plundered didn't even have a brick house, and everything had to start all over again.

At this moment, he had to take a two-pronged approach and find new resource points to promote his plan.

For example, in the shipbuilding industry, Roman couldn't build a decent shipyard at all, because the manpower and material resources required were too complicated.

There must also be corresponding technicians and craftsmen, and a complete manufacturing system must be established from scratch.

But the sea fort is very suitable, without taking up too much of his manpower and energy, and he can get rewards by developing it on his own.

After a moment, he said to Nellie: "First, you train a group of literate students for me, and next year, I will at least give you an infantry battalion!"

"Really?" She was a little unbelievable.

She saw Roman's military quality and learned the details of those battles.

An infantry battalion has only 300 people.

But they are well-equipped and well-trained, especially the super-spear phalanx, whose combat effectiveness is equivalent to 600 or 900 people in this era. Even the conscripted army with a number of more than a thousand is not qualified to confront them head-on.

Unless it is a fighting knight, no army can compete head-on.

And the sea fort always has some remnant troops that can be organized.

These military forces will definitely be able to start!

"But Haibao must be loyal to me."

"I will! Haibao will always be yours!" Nellie said excitedly.

"When the situation in Haibao stabilizes, you can stay in Haibao, but you must give me five people with similar talents to you."

"Okay! I will!"

She was so grateful that she couldn't express it in words. She went forward and hugged his neck, slightly tiptoed, and couldn't wait to touch his lips with her lips.

Roman hugged her slender waist like a water snake.

He just woke up from a hangover and had no interest at the moment.

After the fierce kiss, she pressed her whole body against him, as if her body was flexible, her red lips were slightly panting, and her deep blue eyes were like waves.

She kept saying as if to prove it: "My lord, I will always be loyal to you, I swear, I will obey you, I am willing to give you everything in Haibao and everything I have, no matter when and where..."

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