An infantry battalion is a quarter of the total force for Roman now, and it is impossible to use it.

But it will not be the case for him next year.

At this time next year, he will form ten infantry battalions, not counting other arms.

Explode the troops!

Crazy Explode the troops!

How can we conquer this land without Explode the troops?

And the basis of Explode the troops is farming and development.

Use the most efficient means to integrate all resources and concentrate all forces to support the training of the army.

However, Nellie reminded him of something.

On the second day of the celebration.

Roman summoned the three-star apostle Nathan.

When the tall and strong apostle heard that Roman was looking for him, he understood the reason directly, came to him, and looked at Roman with eager and expectant eyes.

Roman said: "My promise is valid. We don't need to face war in the short term. You can go and pick up your wife."

"Master, thank you for your kindness." Nathan's eyes are comparable to Nellie's.

But Roman had no interest in Nathan, and didn't want to kiss him.

He gestured and said, "Be careful on this trip. I have invested a lot in you, and you must come back safely."

"I know!" Nathan was very patient until the last moment.

Roman asked the manor maid to trim his face and hair to make him look clean, and took him to the military camp to pick out equipment for him.

A set of 70-jin heavy armor specially for Nathan, with internal chain mail and leather soft armor, a long-handled axe, a throwing spear, a flying axe, a shield, as well as a large amount of dried meat and water, and a few kilograms of candy made from maltose - this high-energy food is very important for long-distance travel.

Anyway, take as much as you can, and give enough money.

Two veterans were selected from the third brigade to follow their captain.

Finally, five war horses were pulled out from the livestock shed - all of them were excellent war horses ridden by war knights, with strong endurance and stamina.

Roman sent him all the way to the dock.

He was told to be careful over and over again.

Nathan nodded continuously, and now he knew very well how much Roman valued him.

One of the only four captains!

He was ranked with Aaron, Green and Kao.

And he was the only captain who was not a knight.

Even if he died outside, he had to come back with his head.

"Thank you, sir, I will definitely come back."

Nathan thanked him again at last.

Roman sent Nathan on board and watched him leave.

He was not really worried about Nathan's safety.

The latter's five attributes were now all pulled down to D level by Roman.

This means that he is now at least a third-level extraordinary person, and with his innate characteristics, even a fourth-level knight can't kill him.

But he has to make it look good.

[Dispatch Operation Started]

[Event - Searching for Relatives Across Thousands of Miles]

[Your three-star apostle Nathan longs to bring his family to him. They are thousands of miles apart, and this journey is extremely dangerous]

[Mode: Dispatch Operation]

[Recommended Level: ——]

[Battlefield Recording: ——]

The current situation is really not optimistic, it is a mess.

Because of the blockade, the town of Sger is very slow to develop in the outside world.

It is all thanks to the merchants who came to Sger Town and brought a lot of intelligence.

First, the pirates elected a pirate king named Alex through the Pirate Conference. Since the beginning of this spring, he has led more than 10,000 pirates and slaves to invade the land on a large scale.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor led many noble vassals, a total of 70,000 troops, and divided them into several routes.

On the one hand, he joined forces with the King of Iceland to resist pirate plunder; on the other hand, he supported the Highland Kingdom against the barbarians; on the other hand, he hunted down witches; and on the other hand, he suppressed the rebellion.

Other routes are not mentioned for the time being.

Let’s talk about the battle on the coastal side first. It can only be said that there are wins and losses.

As long as you successfully resist the pirates, it counts as a victory.

As long as the defense line is lost, it will be considered a defeat.

So it is not a continuous retreat at present.

The war between pirates and nobles will not affect this side for the time being.

At most, it will affect the commercial network of half of the Black Iron Land, and his side has not been affected yet.

Roman ignored it.

All he does is fight all day long!

He doesn't catch up with the production tasks, nor does he do the logistics and economy!

When I grow up, you will all die!


The third day of the celebration.

Three merchant ships came yesterday, and four merchant ships came today.

The trade in Sige Town is developing better and better.

After defeating the noble coalition, Roman's name is basically known throughout the hundreds of miles, and he can be called the tyrant of the border.

Farmers with some extra money at home took this opportunity to come to the market next to the pier to trade with merchants-Roman prohibited irrelevant people from entering the town and specially arranged police officers to guard it.

The merchants didn't mind.

As long as they can sell things, it doesn't matter if they sell them on the dock or in the water.

Sige Town can produce salt, and the commercial tax is low. Merchants are happy to trade here, and it is natural to abide by the rules.

After all, if their goods are shipped to other places, they may not be sold out. But if they are shipped to Sige Town, they will definitely be sold out.

The gap in social resources is too big.

However, what Sige Town can produce is very single, and it cannot attract more merchants.

So Roman started selling iron.

Salt and iron are crucial to agricultural civilization.

The latter is survival, and the former is efficiency.

Roman's steel production capacity is too high.

This is an agricultural society after all, and the demand for steel is not great. It can only be used to make weapons and armor or tools. Is there any other use?


Farm tools and weapons usually weigh only one or two pounds, and the heaviest ones are only three or four pounds.

Even armor weighs only 20 to 30 pounds at most.

Iron smelting in the Han Dynasty, iron farm tools were popularized, and some places would smelt enough iron for a year at a time, and then smelt again when they were used up.

Producing 500 farm tools and weapons, or 50 simple half-body plate armors a day, the output would make anyone's scalp numb.

It can't be used up, it can't be used up at all.

Roman is prepared for a rainy day, so he never stopped steel production.

As for the consequences of selling iron, it is not within Roman's consideration at all.

If you dare to attack again, I will definitely give you two punches!

He is not selling iron ingots, but kitchen knives, hoes, and iron pots, which are all cast and can be produced in large quantities.

In this era, kitchen knives and hoes are still easy to come by, but iron pots are not yet popular.

Iron pots are all fine iron pots.

Fine iron pots are forged in the same way as plate armor.

The material and craftsmanship of fine iron pots are better than cast iron pots.

This is easy to understand. If you use aerospace alloys to forge iron pots, the material and craftsmanship are also better than cast iron pots.

And this aerospace iron pot has to be sold at a sky-high price, otherwise it will not make back the material and labor costs.

Therefore, the steps of fine iron pots are cumbersome and expensive.

The cost of cast iron pots is much lower.

Roman casts it directly with pig iron.

Large-scale production can produce forty or fifty cast iron pots every day, weighing about three pounds.

Of course, iron pots of different specifications are provided.

The large iron pot weighs more than ten pounds and is specially used for making large pot meals.

There are hundreds of cast large iron pots in Roman's large kitchen, which can cook tens of thousands of pounds of wheat porridge at a time, greatly improving the labor efficiency of the cooks.

But even so, iron pots are not just needed in this era.

Cheap clay pots can also be used for cooking.

However, some merchants who find it novel are willing to pay for it.

Because Roman lowered the purchase price.

The market price of a 3-jin fine iron pot is estimated to be 2 silver coins - equivalent to 300 kilograms of wheat for an iron pot - the price of a hoe is relatively cheap, about 1 silver coin, which is worth more than 100 kilograms of wheat.

And Roman marked the price of the cast iron pot at 8 copper coins.

If purchased in large quantities, each iron pot can even be reduced to 5 copper coins.

Roman never does business that cheats people, and he also made it clear in advance that his ironware cannot be reforged.

Things cast with molten iron cannot be reforged.

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