The low price, even if it cannot be reforged, has attracted businessmen to rush to buy it.

This also gave Roman a huge financial margin.

Because he is really scarce in metal currency, in order to upgrade the apostle panel, he is almost bankrupt, and the pension must be paid in vain, otherwise it can only be deducted in kind.

It's not just him who's scarce.

All major nobles are also very scarce in this kind of metal resources.

Gold, silver, copper and iron.

The reason why these four metals retain their value is because they can be directly cashed into extraordinary resources.

Can be transformed into fine gold, mithril, orichalcum, and magic steel.

The value of precious metals will only fluctuate with resource extraction and social development.

But if the metal itself has strategic value, it will also affect its value.

Even orichalcum is not much cheaper than gold.

A war knight has a pound of equipment made of fine gold, and he is asked to deal with a war knight who has a hundred pounds of orichalcum.

The loser is not necessarily the latter.

This also involves the military units of the knights.

To this day, the most terrifying knights in battle have still not been dispatched.

An ordinary gold coin contains only about three grams of gold.

One silver coin weighs over six grams, and its composition is relatively good.

The copper coins weigh only ten grams, and there are basically no impurities.

Magic Steel is not popular.

Because, compared to the other three types of metals, magic steel has the lowest value and only has properties such as hardness, sharpness, and durability.

However, in the operation of society, dynamic changes are inevitable.

There is an invisible hand that adjusts the exchange ratio of real money and silver.

After all, it would be terrible if you met an Earth King who was short of money.

Because the king who was short of money would recycle the old currency and promote the recasting of new currency.

The gold coin containing 3 grams of gold has been reminted to only have 2 grams of gold.

Then the king tells you that the two are of equal value.

Anyway, the monetary systems of other kingdoms have been in the stage of change. The more the society develops, the less gold it contains.

The gold and silver currency content here in the Black Iron Land is quite stable.

The Conqueror's prestige is too high, and no Black Iron King dares to replace the Conqueror's avatar with his own avatar.

The three days of celebration are over.

Roman immediately arrested all the laborers.

Labor is plentiful now.

After all, five or six thousand people have just been captured.

We’ll talk about household registration later.

Now hurry up and plant the land for me!

The ten thousand acres of wheat fields that were just harvested are now covered with wheat stubble, and they are still waiting for the next round of plowing.

In this round of farming, Roman still chose leguminous crops.

Soybeans, peas, broad beans...

Plant whatever you have.

A total of five thousand farmers.

Work is carried out in groups. Each group has a total of 500 people. They work together and are responsible for cultivating a thousand acres of land.

Roman used lime lines to divide the working scope of each group.

Experienced farmers lead inexperienced farmers to do things.

Because collective work and family work are two completely different models, they must be allowed to adapt slowly.

The heavy plow cuts straight across, like a coulter splitting butter, revealing dark brown moist soil.

Grass roots and bugs will be turned up in the process and then burned to death by the sun.

The people behind followed. Responsible for weeding, picking up stones, and smashing soil and garbage.

Two days later.

Roman stood at the edge of the field, building an awning with his hands.

The farming mission is on track.

In the morning, he rode to the military camp.

First, he visited the wounded soldiers.

Their food and life are naturally taken care of by their comrades.

Because of the celebration, soldiers who had just experienced a brutal battle did not need to train and had three days of rest.

So Roman asked them to take turns taking care of the remaining soldiers.

The ones who work the hardest are Roman's non-commissioned officers, who are at the level of squad leader or squadron leader.

The things that noncommissioned officers have to do are very trivial, and the requirements for their quality are extremely high.

How high is it?

There are 11 people in a team, and the sergeant takes them to train, eat, drink, and sleep together.

If a soldier has a problem, the noncommissioned officer should be held accountable first. Anyway, it is important to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual help within the team.

The one with the most arduous tasks is the squad leader.

But it is the squadron leader who has the heaviest training task.

Roman's requirement for the squadron leader is to have knight-level combat effectiveness - they sometimes rush forward even further than the squad leader.

When necessary, he can act as a sharp knife. Each squadron leader usually has to manage 55 soldiers and 5 non-commissioned officers under his command. At the very least, he can teach them all to recognize him and his voice.

Once the team is dispersed, the surviving squadron leader will play a role in stabilizing the morale of the army and regrouping the defeated army based on military rank.

The task is heavy and there is no way.

Of course, sergeants also get more.

The monthly salary of a squad leader is four times that of a soldier, and the pension is five times that of a soldier.

The monthly salary of a squadron leader is five times that of a soldier, and the pension is ten times that of a soldier - as long as you die in battle, your family will receive 2 gold coins every year.

The level of captain is basically based on the configuration of a knight in battle. Once he dies in battle, Roman will have to personally care about his family and descendants, regardless of the pension.

There is currently no higher rank.

The commendation meeting began.

Roman had already made plans for the soldiers to be commended, and everything was done according to the prescribed procedures from last time.

Promotions where promotions are due, awards where awards are due.

Roman planned to increase the number of soldiers to 3,000 this time.

He needs more than 200 squadron-level sergeants, 50 to 60 squadron leaders, and the captain position is temporarily vacant, and will be selected later.

Because the training is too difficult.

Apart from other things, at least the awareness of a sergeant should be higher than that of an ordinary soldier, right?

A sergeant is not a noble lord or a knight lord, but a person who can be entrusted with the life of a soldier.

Let others die when encountering problems, turn around and run when encountering danger - this behavior should be severely punished!

If they don't know the responsibilities and burdens of sergeants, how can they bear this responsibility?

This is a long-term education process.

Relatively speaking, a veteran with rich combat experience will not panic like an ordinary soldier in the face of war, and will often make correct judgments.

After the commendation meeting.

All production tasks are being accelerated.

The town of Sige is now facing the problem of insufficient housing.

Roman added 500 people to the construction team during the summer harvest.

A total of 1,000 people are working hard on infrastructure.

Now 40 brick houses are formed every day, and everyone will strive to live in brick houses this year.

The production difficulty is not high, and the manpower is linked to the output.

Roman captured about 2,000 defeated soldiers in the last war.

Some were conscripts of Count Kant, some were conscripts sent by his distant relatives, some were from the Wieliczka family, some were from the Guerande family, and there were dozens of beast warriors captured by heavy soldiers.

Anyway, they are all strong laborers.

Roman will not let them go, nor will he keep them for nothing.

Those who can be absorbed will be absorbed as soldiers.

Those who cannot be absorbed will be sent to do heavy work.

Coincidentally, the salt mine also needs to increase a large number of laborers. Roman wants to increase output and kill all the salt field owners.

It’s time to increase production on the coking and iron smelting side.

Drive these people to the coal and iron town to mine for me.

There is no need to worry about rebellion at all.

This place is isolated from the world, and it is too difficult to escape.

Roman would not abuse them. He would provide them with a full meal. At most, he would put shackles on their hands. The food was still enough, for fear that they would lose their energy to work.

In this case, there is no reason to seek death.

Roman has no shortage of weapons. Now he is fully producing hammers and sickles, and he wants to sell them all!

Bang Bang, give them two punches!

Get the price down!

If the farmers don’t have iron farm tools in their hands and salt in their mouths, how can they produce efficiently!

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