Just when Roman was carrying out various production tasks in full swing.

The merchants brought new news.

"The family inheritance of the Oak family was stolen, and it is said that it was done by a witch."

Roman was stunned when he heard the news.

He fell into deep thought.

He couldn't think.

How did that thing get lost?

The strongest is the Rage Tide, followed by Oak, and the weakest is the Cracked Armor.

The three dukes each keep a divine weapon and regard it as a family inheritance.

The three divine weapons come from the Conqueror.

The confidence of the Black Iron Grand Duke in confronting the Church lies in their respective family inheritance.

No one dares to face a Black Iron Grand Duke who holds the family inheritance.

In the end, it was lost?

It's like someone stole a country's nuclear bomb and linked it to a witch.

Roman thought it was still quite funny, but soon fell into deep thought.

"If it's true... then the problem is very serious."

The Oak Grand Duke is a border guarding Grand Duke. He rarely hooks up with other nobles and doesn't say a word to other Grand Dukes. The family style is a bit like Guan Erye.

In simple terms, the relationship is very weak, there are few marriages, and they are relatively cold.

He does not have the title of the most powerful duke like Nuchao, nor is he as prominent as Liejia, so he is relatively low-key, so Roman does not know much about the Oak family.

According to the Conqueror Order, when the three dukes gather and take out their respective family inheritances, it is time to change the fate of the human race.

But without the family inheritance, can the Oak Grand Duke still be considered the Black Iron Duke?

Of course he is!

But Roman inexplicably feels that there is something strange about this.

He thought of the night when Ulster was assassinated, and the family inheritance must not be in his hands, otherwise Ulster would not have been in trouble.

Did Gale inherit it?

Roman's rationality believes that Gale must have inherited it.

But emotionally, he feels that Gale probably did not get the family inheritance.

This speculation all comes from his intuition.

Ulster just handed over the family inheritance to Gale, and then turned around and was assassinated. How can it be justified? It feels very weird.

The incident with the Moya family should have alerted him. Arranging a retreat is the top priority. This is why Roman couldn't understand why Ulster died. After all, he was a Black Iron Duke.

"If Gale really didn't inherit..."

"That means... the three great lords... the family inheritance of two families can't be found."

It's very serious.

But Roman looked at these things with a fun attitude.

These things happened one after another, and there must have been drastic changes in the upper echelons of power.

But now his position is too low and the news is blocked, so he can't piece together the full picture of the incident.

"But these things are related to each other!" Roman thought.

"Shasta once said that the witch's situation would change soon, but now it has ushered in the hostility of the Black Iron Duke. This is definitely not the result the witch wants."

However, the Grand Duke of Oak, who lost his family inheritance, was quite calm.

This incident caused a lot of uproar, and the Grand Duke of Oak calmly posted a bounty order, and then there was no big move.

As for the actions of Fury and Split Armor to jointly maintain the order of the Conquerors, he did not respond, and at most gave support.

The reason was that he was also maintaining the order of the Conquerors - the Oak Family's legions could not withdraw from the Bal Mountains and had to guard the Underworld Sea.

Just like the Archduke Fury needed to confront the Church and Sinnoh, this was also the order set by the Conquerors.

"It doesn't matter."


Five days passed.

It was the end of the midsummer month.

The spring wheat planted this year could also be harvested.

The yield of this round of spring wheat was very low, which made Roman frown.

There were only 5,000 acres of spring wheat, and it was relatively sparse, so it was easy to harvest.

The yield was about 600,000 catties.

That is, the yield per acre was only about 100 catties.

But he sowed 20 catties of wheat seeds.

Again, just plant a few more rounds.

If you don't plant, these lands will never be improved.

Take your time.

These 5,000 acres of land began to be cultivated again for various crops.

During this period, Roman, Jimmy and others finally registered the five or six thousand new population.

Start to recruit soldiers!

Now there are about 1,300 veterans.

That means 1,700 new soldiers are needed.

After these people went through the initial adaptation and heard about the benefits of being a soldier, they basically had no resistance.

The heavy armor needs to be expanded, and the archers also need to be expanded.

After these rounds of battles, Roman has seen the value of archers.

In this era, long-range suppression is really too violent and too unsolvable.

The blow to the enemy's morale is also very exaggerated.

If the knights were not the archers' nemesis, Roman would have wanted to convert all the infantry battalions into archer units...

It's not impossible.

Professional archers are difficult to train.

But amateur archers are easy to train.

Squeeze out half an hour every day to shoot thirty arrows in turn to keep the feel, and it's good to have more skills.

But the result of recruiting soldiers is that logistics is completely hopeless.

During the war, there were military servants to serve, a logistics team specially selected by Roman.

In the last bloody battle with the noble coalition, Roman had selected 2,000 farmers to serve as military servants, responsible for transporting supplies, taking care of wounded soldiers and other trivial matters.

At that time, the development of the entire Sige Town was at a standstill.

Of course, it only lasted for five or six days, and production soon resumed.

There are people to serve in wartime, but no one to serve in peacetime.

The kitchen team, medical team, weapons maintenance, and even washing clothes are all troublesome.

So the training intensity can only be slowed down?


The army is a place that emphasizes efficiency.

Roman formed a kitchen team and taught them how to cook. There are 200 people in total.

He will make soap on a large scale in a while.

Each meal takes ten minutes, and bathing + washing clothes takes twenty minutes - because the bathhouse needs to be cleaned up, Roman did not cover that thing.

Let the soldiers bathe and wash clothes directly in the river.

A group of naked men, regardless of winter or summer, have to bathe and wash clothes every day, and every time they can wash the winding river turbid.

Anyone who dares to exceed the time limit will be punished.

During training, squeeze out time to maintain their own weapons.

For example, after the archers finish shooting, they cross the country for three kilometers every day with light equipment, and oil and wax the bow while running.

Spearmen also have to wipe the spear body and spear tip with oiled linen cloth to get familiar with the weight and balance.

During the drill, everyone held their spears horizontally and walked in a neat and fast pace.

Anyone who broke the queue or couldn't hold the spear steadily would be served by Jet's sword whip.

High welfare leads to high pressure exploitation!

But after a long time of exploitation, people will adapt to it.

In the final analysis, humans are highly adaptable creatures.

Veterans lead the new recruits in training. Although there are some differences in their numbers, they are rounded off to one-to-one.

With veterans as role models and hand-in-hand guidance, the new recruits barely persevered.

First adapt to the atmosphere and fast pace of the military camp.

Run-in, run-in, and run-in again!

It's like three thousand astringent and rusty gears piled up. As long as they run for a long time, they will slowly secrete lubricating fluid, and then they will be able to adapt to each other's shapes.

Perfect fit, no one can do without each other.

This is not outrageous at all, otherwise how can we say that the environment changes people.

But now, the whole training process gives people the feeling of a random team put together.

The training process was not standardized,

the reward and punishment system was not rigorous,

the team leaders were in the exploratory stage,

the veterans were tired and trained the new recruits who knew nothing,

and the new recruits' ears were filled with urging that made them dizzy.

It was hasty,


I didn't know who I was,

I didn't know what I was doing,

I stood every day,

I ran every day,

there were loopholes everywhere.

But it didn't fall apart, it stumbled all the way, and it ran in an incredible way!

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