Edible oil contains high energy.

Soybean meal after pressing can also be used to feed livestock, which is a concentrated feed.

And tofu is not to be mentioned.

It can be eaten as a staple food occasionally, and its nutritional value is extremely high.

Moreover, it can adjust the dietary structure of Origin City and improve the overall risk resistance.

Roman built several oil presses and tofu shops.

There are also 100 kilograms of cooking oil and 1,000 kilograms of tofu produced every day.

Because the process was not very mature at the beginning, the workers were in the groping stage, and the output and quality could not be improved. It can only be said to be a mess.

It will get better slowly in the future.

Half a month later, it was very easy to produce 1,000 kilograms of oil and 10,000 kilograms of tofu per day.

However, these two workshops now share only about 500 laborers.

Since the beginning of winter, a large number of farmers have been unemployed.

So Roman expanded the construction team to 2,000 people and continued to burn bricks, build houses and pave roads.

Wherever the land is opened up, the road will be built and the house will be built, in preparation for next year.

The 1,000 laborers at the quarry were not moved for the time being.

Roman needed them to continue mining stones for future use, and strive to make all of them qualified stonemasons.

Some infrastructure cannot be separated from stones.

The more crushed stones and stone slabs, the better, and they will be useful sooner or later in the future.

However, there are still about 3,000 idle laborers.

Because there is not much work to do in the winter of the farming society, production is greatly stopped.

At this time of year in previous years, they lived by counting the grains of food stored at home, and then starved and froze throughout the winter.

No clothes to wear, not enough to eat, what else can you call it if not starving and freezing?

Roman's eyes went dark when he saw it.

Now the population of Origin City is nearly 30,000, and the military unit has about 3,000 people.

Then grit your teeth, burst out another 1,000 troops, and drain all the young people.

The army led by Dick and Dota also came back and followed the training.

They are Roman's elite veterans, with huge influence and can play an excellent leading role.

The army's training is getting more and more sophisticated.

It's getting more and more like the same thing.

The rest of the farmers are well fed, warmly dressed, and holding tools - immediately, hurry up and dig gold for me!

The gold mine he found during his first exploration.

The gold mine is hidden in the mountains a hundred kilometers away.

Hurry up and dig!

It's been more than a year!

Roman has never forgotten the temptation of the gold mine.

But he has to eat one bite at a time.

Otherwise, he will easily suffer from indigestion.

Now there is no such worry.

The foundation has been laid!

"I must see gold!!"

Roman is determined to do so!

He is not greedy for money, nor is he crazy because of poverty.

It's simply because gold can be transformed into extraordinary resources and can be turned into refined gold!

And refined gold is the key material for cultivating apostles!

Every time he opens the apostle interface, most apostles are all attribute E.

Roman exhausted all his resources, but only promoted Aaron, Green, Dick, Jet, Nathan and others to third- or fourth-level knights.

Kao has only reached the threshold of the second-level knight so far.

As for the apostles who served as squadron leaders, Roman selectively selected about ten people and improved one of their attributes.

This also used up all his extraordinary resources, and he had no money left.

With extraordinary resources such as refined gold, Roman can improve the apostle panel on a large scale and collectively!

Especially the offensiveness!

It must be improved severely!

In order to avoid insufficient labor. Roman captured another three thousand villagers from Kant Territory in early winter, and the population completely broke through the 30,000 mark.

It is still a family bucket mode.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Kant Territory is now empty.

The villagers there are like the dolls in the claw machine, and they are caught by claws falling from the sky from time to time, so that there are fewer and fewer.

But where can they escape to?

Hehehe, no one will save them even if they scream their throats out!

And their lord, Count Kant, had long been unable to bear the humiliation and left that land in the autumn.

As for whether to seek refuge with distant relatives or complain to the King of Black Iron, that was not within Roman's consideration.

Anyway, there was no need to use troops in winter, so there was no need to worry about war.

Let alone here, even if the war between the pirates and Gael had to stop, it would be unbearably cold on the battlefield.

By next year... hehe.


The location of the gold mine is not very good.

To be precise, the Origin City is located on a plain with a higher terrain.

But compared to the entire basin, the plain is only this small piece.

Going north is not right.

Those black and wild lands are barren and extinct.

There are towering mountains, swamps and forests, and the terrain is dangerous and a mess.

It is very difficult to develop. But you have to build roads and mine.

How can you enrich the country and strengthen the army without mining?

The mountain road is rugged and difficult to travel, or there are steep passes or abysses and cliffs, so you can only take a detour.

But the requirements in the early stage are not high. First, open up a small road, and even if you rely on manpower, you have to carry the supplies over.

He planned a route for this.

Roman began his third exploration of the basin.

This exploration was also the longest one.

It lasted nearly twenty days.

Roman finally determined that the mineral resources of this land were very rich, perhaps due to the special geographical structure.

In addition to the resources that could not be used temporarily, there were the most stone mines, iron mines, gold, silver and copper mines, as well as mirabilite, rock salt, etc.

But the development was very difficult because it was too far away from the plain.

The farthest mineral veins are hundreds of kilometers away.

This gave Roman a headache.

Take your time...

Take your time...

He told himself over and over again.

It takes time to open up wasteland and develop.

After Roman finished his exploration, he returned to the Origin Manor exhausted and rested for a day. After waking up, he set off to the gold mine again.

It snowed during this period, but the amount of snowfall was not heavy and did not affect production.

The cotton, linen, wool and sheepskin purchased earlier were basically woven into winter clothes.

With thick clothes, the laborers felt much better.

At the end of the first month of winter, the road was finally built to the gold mine.

Then Roman began to frown.

The rocks are hard, the gullies are dangerous, and the ups and downs are extremely different. Most of them are caused by violent geological tectonic movements, forming broken areas.

Generally speaking, gold mines are related to fault tectonic belts.

So, there is gold, but it is too difficult to mine.

Roman also felt troubled at the scene.

After a moment, he turned his head and stared at the mountain streams. The water level dropped in winter, and his eyesight was very good. He could vaguely see dots of gold.

Well, let's not mine for now.

As a second choice, let's pan for gold first!

Placer gold comes from rock gold. Rock gold is washed by groundwater, underground rivers, streams and other water flows to form placer gold and settle in the river sand.

In the case of high mining difficulty, panning for gold is the best choice.

After a while, when the infrastructure is complete, large-scale mining of gold ore can begin.

Roman knew that this was a long-term project.

Many people would spend the entire winter here.

The road leading here was rugged and bumpy, and neither oxcarts nor horsecarts could come here. Roman had to build various sturdy and flat bridges.

There was no rush. The dry food and supplies needed in the early stage would be carried by manpower first.

Various tools for panning for gold had to be made, such as dustpans and sieves.

Turn this river upside down!

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