The construction of the camp was very fast.

Roman left more than a thousand laborers here.

Another two thousand people were responsible for building bridges and roads and transporting various materials.

Do a good job in the preliminary construction. After stabilization, we can withdraw the manpower.

But the food and drink for three thousand people is not a small number, and more than ten thousand kilograms of food are consumed a day.

The vehicles transporting materials have to stop halfway, and the second half can only be carried by people.

And the logistics line is very long, so fixed personnel are required to transport back and forth.

Cooking utensils and wooden basins must also be moved.

Because gold panning in the river in winter, gold panners cannot do without hot water. Their hands and feet must be soaked in hot water every night, otherwise their bodies will have problems.

After everything is ready, the harvest is also very gratifying.

In early February in winter.

In the first three days of gold panning, Roman got nearly sixty kilograms of gold.

This is all the wealth that nature and time have precipitated!

Unfortunately, the gold content of this pile of gold is not high, about 5%.

Sixty kilograms of gold is equal to three kilograms of gold.

This shows that the quality of the gold mine Roman found is not very good. Only 2 to 3 grams of pure gold can be extracted from one ton of gold ore.

But Roman is still very satisfied.

An average of one pound of gold a day, which is equivalent to more than 100 gold coins.

He stayed here for ten days and got more and more gold.

The most surprising thing is that a piece of dog-head gold weighing about half a pound was found in the river sand.

Dog-head gold is the product of natural aggregation of gold sand for thousands of years, so the gold content is extremely high.

Roman directly listed this land as a forbidden area.

He specially sent fifty scouts from the military camp to guard here.

This group of gold miners will not leave for the time being.

But when they leave, Roman warns them in advance not to hide gold sand privately, and orders people to search their whole bodies.

It’s okay to hand it over voluntarily.

Once the private collector is found, as long as the private gold sand he hides exceeds one or two pounds, he will directly hang the private collector and send his family to the mine, with the same treatment as prisoners of war.

Only cruel punishment can deter people's greed.

Roman never believed in humans.


He took two hundred kilograms of gold dust to the foundry department.

First, he asked Ruto to process it into fine gold. He learned that fine gold is different from magic steel. The former requires a hundred times more magic stones than the latter.

But it also needs to be smelted.

In the five-dimensional attributes, fine gold corresponds to the attack attribute.

The five-dimensional attributes affect each other.

Suppose that Roman upgrades an apostle with a physique of E to D-, then the attack attribute of the original E will most likely be upgraded to E+.

Improving the attack means that the apostle's muscles will become stronger and the bones will become harder, so the physique will also rise.

And the improvement of physique will also lead to the improvement of energy, but it is very decreasing.

This is the result of mutual influence.

"By the way, make me a short sword made of fine gold. Just melt half a pound of fine gold into it."

Ruto opened his mouth, a little embarrassed, "My lord, my forging skills are limited. Processing gold into fine gold is the limit. I can't make weapons made of fine gold."


"Really!" Ruto nodded,

"I can use the technology of forging magic steel to forge fine gold, but it is a waste. I can't bring out its performance."

Roman can understand the technical difficulties that Ruto mentioned.

For example, folding steel forging can forge gorgeous and beautiful patterns on the blade, and its strength and sharpness are far beyond ordinary swords.

The technology pursued by blacksmiths is to use the least material to bring out the highest performance.

Ruto's meaning is very direct.

The magic steel sword he forged is pure magic steel.

But can the fine gold sword still be pure gold?

Of course, a pure fine gold sword that has not been forged also contains powerful power. Ordinary people can split rocks and cut iron like mud.

But it is too expensive.

There is no such a large amount of gold for you to waste.

The density of refined gold is much higher than that of steel. A refined gold dagger weighs at least five kilograms.

The forging master uses five kilograms of gold, mixes other materials, and adjusts the different metal components to forge a refined gold weapon with far greater power than pure gold.

And it is light, sharp, and strong enough.

But he can't do it.

Ruto said truthfully: "If you want to forge a refined gold weapon with half a kilogram of refined gold, I will either make you a nail clipper, or I will have to seek the legendary dwarf."

"Okay then." Roman had to give up this idea.

In this way, Ruto can't forge mithril armor, and he is a junior blacksmith.

Only some powerful forces with deep backgrounds have mastered superb forging technology.

But this can't be blamed on Ruto.

The most gold he has touched since he was a child is probably the two hundred kilograms of gold sand that Roman gave him now.

Gold and silver resources are monopolized, and poor people don't have the capital to learn advanced forging skills.

After working hard for most of my life to save up a hundred gold coins, after melting them, they are still less than a pound of gold. Do you dare to try and make mistakes?

The cost is too high.

The craftsmen in the Grand Dukedom are more skilled and can forge mithril and mountain copper to bring out their performance.

Roman rode back to the Origin Manor.

He was thinking about a lot of things, and the manor servant came to greet him.

"Is Garin here?" Roman asked.

"Master, Lord Garin just left, and a pregnant woman had a difficult delivery..."

Roman asked the servant about the general situation, but did not enter the manor, and turned to look for Garin.

The stone roads in the fields are crisscrossed, very regular, and the road is smooth.

Roman arrived in a short while. He saw a few people outside the door of a brick house from a distance, which should be the place.

He got off the horse, and the people outside the door who were looking into the house heard the sound of horse hooves, and saw him getting off the horse, and they were all shocked and panicked.

"Ouch! Why are you here, master?"

Roman ignored them. He heard a faint cry of pain outside the door, and pushed the door open and went in. The cry of pain in his ears suddenly became clearer.

Neither dead nor alive, groaning in pain, dying.

Roman walked into the bedroom and saw the dirty doctor comforting the pregnant woman by the bed.

There was a brazier burning in the room to increase the indoor temperature, but the bed was covered with blood.

It would be useless even if ten Garins came. Their magic could heal injuries, but this was different from a difficult birth.

"Lord Jialin, what should we do?" Several older women gathered around the bed, their hands covered in blood, and someone asked in a panic.

The pregnant woman was sweating, her face was pale, her expression was bleak, her eyes were dull, and she only moaned because of her physiological instincts. She was about to die.

They were so crowded that Roman pushed an old woman away. Seeing the specific situation, his brows furrowed.

"Give her a caesarean section!" he shouted immediately.

"Ah! Master..." The old women exclaimed, thinking they had recognized the wrong person.

"Get out!" Roman ignored their greetings and quickly asked them to make room. Then he pulled out a dagger from his waist with a clang and inserted it into the brazier.

He turned out the small box hidden on the belt, which contained green stone powder.

The life gem has a miraculous effect on the wounded.

Roman threw it to Jialin, who knew what he was going to do when he heard what Roman said.

Throughout the ages, there have always been people who have to face the problem of saving the big and the small.

Caesarean section is an extremely dangerous act. Although the mortality rate is not 100%, it can be said that there is a 90% chance of survival.

Now with the gem and his magic, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Roman pulled out the dagger disinfected with fire, looked at it carefully again and again, and reached out to find the right position.

His heart was pounding, he was extremely nervous, his face did not show any expression, and he approached with the dagger.

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