It is the last month of winter.

Roman came to the military camp this time, first to review the quality of the army, and second to build a more perfect military system.

In the past few months, military pay has been the main pressure on the finances of Origin City.

Roman does not have the right to mint coins, and the gold mined now cannot be circulated. Otherwise, if the King of Black Iron knows about it, it will be a big problem. It cannot be disclosed for the time being.

He now has about 4,000 soldiers.

This means that the monthly military pay is nearly 300 gold coins.

In comparison, the salaries of those civilians are just a drop in the bucket.

The combined salaries of all major departments may be comparable to the expenditure of military pay.

So Roman has been using salt to offset part of the military pay.

Soldiers and their families can take 10 kilograms of salt to the market to trade with merchants every month.

Salt can be stored for a long time, has the properties of value preservation, rigid demand, and firmness, and can always be used.

In any case, everything can be saved, but military expenses cannot be lacking.

All soldiers must be fully paid.

Roman wants to use them to deal with the war next year.

He became independent this autumn, and the news must have reached Gale now, probably catching Gale off guard.

The letter is respectful, but the offline rebellion is not, right?

But it is a bit unrealistic for Gale to call directly.

After all, they are also in a mess.

But next year, Gale will deploy troops. What should be prepared must be prepared.

A war between cracked armor is about to begin.

And these soldiers in front of them are the foundation of Roman's victory.

Most of them have experienced half a year or more of training, and only a thousand recruits are still in the adaptation stage.

It looks a bit like an army.

Roman now has a total of 8 infantry battalions, and there should be 8 captains.

But Roman has very high requirements for the captains, either war knights or the third level, and very few people meet the standards.

So there are only five captains at present.

Aaron, Green, and Nathan will lead two infantry battalions, while Kao and the newly promoted battalion leader Rick will lead one infantry battalion respectively. The latter has participated in the Kant Territory plunder war and has been commended and had his attributes improved.

There are not many squadron leaders, only 27, all of whom were promoted from squad leaders.

On average, one squadron leader leads two infantry squadrons. Roman's requirement for them is the second-level level, and at least two items in the five-dimensional attribute table are D-level.

Squad leaders are not so particular.

There are a total of 200 squad leaders, and the positions are full, with no vacancies.

Because squad leaders are directly recruited from the group of soldiers.

A soldier with qualifications, medals, and good physical fitness can become a squad leader.

In addition, Roman recently improved the attribute values ​​of more than a hundred apostles.

Therefore, these squad leaders are either first-level or close to first-level.

This is a grassroots position, and there must be no shortage of people.

Each squad must have a squad leader.

After all, the squadron leader and the captain only need to play the role of the spearhead or the leader at the critical moment, while the squad leader has a lot to consider.

Roman split the cavalry and scouts and specially formed a cavalry unit with a total of 200 people, led by the cavalry captain Luca.

200 scouts, led by Dota.

600 heavy armored, led by Jet.

400 archers, led by Dick.

The functions of these four apostles are equivalent to the captain.

There are also logistics units such as the kitchen team and the medical team.

Archers are special because all soldiers must undergo archery training. They don’t seek proficiency, but volley shooting is the basis, which leads to a decrease in the weight of archers.

It’s just that these 400 people are professional archers.

Higher accuracy, longer range, faster shooting speed, and stronger suppression.

"Lord! 303 people in the first battalion! 304 people in the sixth battalion! All members are here! Please review!" Aaron shouted while standing in the first row.

"Lord! 305 people from the second battalion! 303 people from the seventh battalion! All present! Please review!" Green shouted immediately.

"Lord! The third battalion..."


The eight infantry phalanxes were in good order.

At least their positions and postures were fine.

But at the moment, this kind of discipline can be called excellent.

They now have a faint military prestige, which is the majesty and temperament of professional armies.

Roman can feel it, and so can others.

What is strong and what is weak is clear at a glance.

When hundreds or thousands of professional soldiers formed neat phalanxes, holding rows of super-long spears horizontally and marching towards the enemy, those conscripted soldiers might not even have the courage to fight.

Of course, war is complicated.

Roman did not expect to crush them with infantry phalanxes.

It would be too easy to restrain a single type of soldier.

When the square is marching, a rock or a bush can disrupt the square, because it is impossible to maintain a strict queue when encountering obstacles.

So Roman pays more attention to the army's field combat capabilities and disbanding tactics.

The instructors and the captains pull them out for training from time to time, training in the field to enhance mobility and reaction.

The army is broken up into small teams, scattered in deep mountains and forests, dangerous swamps, and then the signal smoke is lit at a location more than ten kilometers away, so that all members can reach the signal smoke location within the specified time, otherwise they will have no food.

According to the scale of squads, squadrons, and battalions, military exercises and confrontation operations are carried out.

These are all necessary steps.

These trainings can also make the army more united and cohesive, share weal and woe, and cultivate a sense of collective honor.

Finally, after queue training, physical training, field training...

Finally, it was forged into a professional army that finally looked good in Roman's eyes.


Roman stood on the high platform and looked around the infantry battalion, cavalry, shield soldiers, scouts, and archers.

For these people, he paid too much.

Let's not talk about the money and food.

According to Roman's calculations, if these troops were turned into labor, they would help him open up wasteland and farm.

He can at least cultivate another 30,000 acres of winter wheat this year.

Farming is always profitable, even if it is newly reclaimed land.

A seed can become several times the seed.

How much grain production is this?

Roman thought.

In the end, it was all gone!

It's a big loss!

It's all because the group of idiots outside refused to listen to him and refused to die, which made it difficult for him!

After Roman reviewed the army, each unit began to conduct exercises according to the plan.

The first to appear was the infantry formation.

The spearmen in the front row held their spears horizontally.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The soldiers marched in large strides and shouted in unison. Each shout could boost morale.

The lord was watching them from above. Everyone concentrated, held their weapons tightly, and followed the training steps.

Only the first three rows were super spearmen, with a range of four meters. Each row had 20 to 50 people, and the depth ranged from 15 to 6 rows.

On both sides and behind the spearmen were sword and shield soldiers, swordsmen, crossbowmen, and axemen.

The formation was solid and mobile.

Its combat concept was that the spearmen acted as the vanguard, stabbed the opponent's front row, and then the rear troops launched a pursuit. Even if the spearmen's attack was unfavorable, they could retreat directly to the rear and the sword and shield soldiers would take on the enemy.

The infantry phalanx was well trained.

Marching, stabbing, repeating this action, advancing a hundred meters without disrupting the formation.

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