Luca was born in a heavy-armored unit, and Roman later appointed him as the cavalry captain.

Although all the troops were light cavalry, the impact of the war horses was not reduced at all.

It was like standing on the side of the road, and many vehicles whizzed by at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Modern people would be accustomed to it, and at most they would be glad that they were not hit.

But for people of this era, this was a very shocking scene.

Why are the knights in battle invincible?

It is not only because of their own power.

More importantly, guys who have never seen the world will have a psychological and morale collapse when they encounter cavalry.

It is like modern people walking and suddenly a thunderbolt strikes the side, and anyone would say "Fuck".

The cavalry led by Luca charged at full speed, and two hundred agile war horses rushed through the two sides of the infantry square like a torrent.

The war horses and infantry were less than one meter apart, but the soldiers still held their spears tightly, without any hesitation.

This approach can improve the army's tolerance.

After seeing it, the threshold has been raised, and you will not be too afraid when you encounter cavalry in the future.

Roman was very satisfied with the result.

There were some problems during the new recruits' exercise. But considering that they had been in the army for less than two months and were standing below to be reviewed by Roman, it was reasonable that there were problems.

Then came the heavy shield soldiers - it was normal for them to do well, and they would be punished if they did not do well.

Then came the shooting exercise of the archers. This unit itself was composed of talented soldiers selected from various infantry battalions.

The elite archers among them came from the remnants of Roman's raid on Kant Territory last time.

They fought the most fiercely and suffered the most casualties, and they were commended and awarded medals by Roman, who wanted them to inherit that spirit.

This is the prototype of military inheritance and the beginning of military honor, and we must do our best to cultivate it.

After the military exercise review, Roman found that their combat effectiveness was within the expected range and was enough to deal with the next battle.


It was also in the military camp that Roman dispersed the ordinary soldiers.

The first general military meeting was held.

The participants were all non-commissioned officers.

Even the kitchen and medical teams were present.

Three-quarters of the people present were Roman's apostles.

"The construction of the army has always been a difficult and arduous task, but I am very satisfied that you can do this." This was the first sentence he said.

Most of the non-commissioned officers smiled immediately.

They worked so hard to do so much, one of which was to get his approval.

"But this is not enough,"

Roman gestured,

"My warriors, the external situation has entered a very complicated stage. These troops are far from being able to cope with the future situation. We still have to expand, and hard battles are waiting for us.

"You have awakened, many of you know a lot of words, and you should know your mission - our compatriots and our people are now living in dire straits, and they are being persecuted by those so-called nobles. Those scenes are unbearable and horrible.

"I am your lord, your king of the valley, and I am also the only real lord and king of this era. I can't sit idly by.

"I call on you, I order you to save them! Go save this suffering land!

"Every piece of white bread eaten by those hypocritical lords is baked with the flesh and bones of the people!

"Every sip of wine drunk by those cold nobles is watered with the blood of the people!

"They are eating people! This era is eating people! This era has bred a kind of devil in human skin, cutting food with a knife and fork with elegant movements. That kind of sanctimonious behavior seems to be able to cover up the cruel fact that they are eating our parents and our children!

"This is the most evil thing! This is the most unjust thing!"

Roman looked around at them, and his eyes were very cohesive. He saw that they were silent and angry, like a volcano ready to erupt.

"Origin City is now mining gold, but gold is just something that comes at hand.

"For me, the most precious treasure in the world is the people, all the people on this land, especially those who are loyal to me.

"I can't bear to see the people suffer, suffer, suffer, and suffer...

"Therefore, I have ordered you to be the shield of the people and protect them.

"For the people, start a war, hang all those hypocritical nobles in human skin at your feet, teach them to repent, teach them to pay for that sin, and teach them to know that the people they oppressed are not unprotected!

"I command you to lend a helping hand! Human beings cannot be indifferent and must lend a helping hand to their poor and desperate compatriots! Everyone should have such a belief! Give all your help to the poor and weak!

"You dedicate yourself to this, pay blood and life, but history will remember your achievements, and the people will not forget you.

"When you dedicate yourself to your collective and your compatriots. You are the real heroes! Even if you are a dwarf, your body is big, even if you are a coward, your heart is shining.

"This is glory! Believe me, there is no greater honor than this.

"I will give you glory! I will bless my heroes! Whether you are alive or dead, I will give you glory! Bless you!

"Die for me, and you will receive the supreme glory and blessing!"

Roman suddenly stood up, he stood on the high platform, raised his right hand, and stood in the winter sun, looking radiant.

All the non-commissioned officers were filled with excitement, looking at the brilliant and tall figure with longing. They were all so excited that they could not speak, and could only respond with shouts!

The most enthusiastic ones were the apostles who had received blessings, were in the transformation period, and had greatly improved their physical fitness.

"For the Lord!"

"For the King of the Valley!!"

The voices were more and more enthusiastic and loud!


Roman left the barracks and successfully brainwashed the group of little cuties.

But fooling was incidental.

He came here to lay the foundation for the future legion system.

Because now the troops have the foundation to form a corps, they need to develop to the next level - that is, they need a supreme military commander.

Assess the situation, take charge of the overall situation, and plan everything about the war.

Roman can take on this task.

But he really doesn't have enough energy now.

To become the supreme commander of the army means to manage all soldiers in detail, and to be in the barracks most of the time every day, and cannot leave.

And Roman can only play offline, and he is still a fart!

So, he appointed Jet as the leader and Dick as the deputy leader.

In the past, the positions were somewhat vague, after all, they were all knights of war - Jet was a swordsman, also a super soldier, and his status in the manor was the same as that of a knight of war.

There was no difference in their status, whether it was the training process, the time for dinner, or the military regulations.

They all discussed with each other.

Then after unanimous discussion, most of the time the choice was to listen to Jet.

Dick was experienced, but a little lazy.

Green's style of doing things was frivolous and could not convince others.

Aaron was even more of a dull guy, and in the barracks, he could not get a fart out of him. He said the same thing in the previous sentence, and the next sentence was to listen to you.

Nathan Cao and others were not on the candidate list.

Only Jet was more reliable.

Roman knew this well, so now Jet's position as the commander-in-chief was clarified.

Then he had to worry about another thing.

That was the transfer of the apostles.

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