The King of the Valley sat in his chair and thought quietly.

Lord Damon was not in a hurry at all, and waited patiently for the King of the Valley's reply.

Roman built a huge reception room at the dock.

The previous negotiations with the Rift Armor and the Church were also conducted here.

The brick house structure is unique, which surprised Damon a little.

After all, this is a brand new architectural style, square, spacious and bright, very regular, with hard lines, different from the style of castles and manors.

"I can pay this money to His Majesty the King."

"This is 110,000 gold coins, Lord." Damon repeated to prevent Roman from hearing it wrong.

This is equal to half of the annual fiscal revenue of the Black Iron Royal Family.

"I know it is 110,000 gold coins."

"How are you going to get it?"

As far as he knows, although the Rift Armor and the Church paid the ransom, they were all deducted with various materials.

The gold coins that actually fell into the hands of the King of the Valley are not many.

He thought Roman might need ten years to slowly repay the debt with the help of the salt mine.

"I will give His Majesty the King 700 kilograms of gold, and the rest will be treated as seigniorage." Roman said lightly.

Damon suddenly stopped laughing, his expression was a little stiff, "Have you found a gold mine?"

At this point, Roman didn't want to hide it anymore.

Yes, I have a mine at home!

"Lord Damon, you look surprised?"

How could I not be surprised? 700 kilograms of gold, this is not a small amount.

"Your gold mine is of excellent quality?"

"The quality is average, and the reserves are not large. It is far from the gold mine of the Rossiya family." Roman said.

Damon rubbed the cat's eye on his fingers carefully.

"When did you mine the gold?"

"Last winter."

"That's less than half a year... Mining a vein is a hassle. Can you deliver so much gold?"

Roman said coldly: "I have my own way, Lord Damon. You are an important minister of His Majesty the King, so I respect you, but the premise is... you have to respect me too!"

"Okay, Your Highness Roman, I am rude." The Minister of Finance had to shut up.

Now he is in front of the King of the Valley, the largest armed separatist force in this area.

However, the nobles are all armed separatist forces.

It's nothing more than seeing who can fight.

The King of the Valley is undoubtedly the most capable of fighting.

The army is excellent, without a single defeat, and it has annihilated tens of thousands of enemies, which is simply scary.

In the Conqueror period, with this overflowing martial virtue, he must be the fourth Black Iron Duke, who can compete with his ancestors.

But that also requires paying taxes!

What's wrong with your potential at the level of Black Iron Duke?

The King of Black Iron is still an orthodox Conqueror family!

When Gale succeeded to the throne, he still had to pay the inheritance tax of tens of thousands of gold coins to the King of Black Iron.

"But if you have a gold mine, then this money will be calculated separately." Damon said, "You also know that the gold and silver mines in the Black Iron Land must pay one-fifth of their production to the Black Iron Royal Family."

"So, my Lord, you have to pay... one thousand kilograms of gold... including mining rights and mining taxes. I will help you apply to His Majesty the King."

Roman thought for a moment, without bargaining or arguing, and finally nodded slowly: "Yes!"

"You are straightforward and generous!" Damon praised.

This is the first time he has met a young man with such courage. Before he came, he had heard about the ruthless and domineering character of the King of the Valley, and he had already made the worst plan in his heart.

It would be best if it could be resolved peacefully.

Roman looked at him coldly, "No need to say compliments, just send someone to receive the gold this winter."

Damon knew that he was angry, and he didn't dare to provoke him again.

Since the money has been obtained and it has not been delayed for too long, let's just get away with it.


In Roman's opinion, the King of Black Iron is here to cut leeks.

It is not impossible not to give it, but it means a new war.

Roman is not prepared to be an enemy of the Black Iron Land, which means that he will not get any external materials.

He cannot turn the table now.

But the King of Black Iron has brought him benefits.

First of all, it is a nominal affirmation. After all, his identity is from a wild way.

In the past, Gale would definitely not admit it, but now he can't deny it.

As a descendant of the first generation of the Split Armor, it shows that he also has enough claims to inherit the position of the Grand Duke of Split Armor.

The guardian of the valley, the ruler of the valley residents and the eternal king.

A standard claim of the king.

After a few more years of development, when his power and reputation are established, Roman will have the courage to ask the King of Black Iron for the right to mint coins and trade franchises.

The second is the claim of the Lord of Conqueror.

In a sense, he has the same status as the Duke of Iron, the King of Iron, and the kings of the land of various countries.

He does not quite understand why the King of Iron is willing to grant him the title of Lord. Ordinary nobles cannot afford this title.

Because this is definitely the top status in this land.

Finally, the title of the Hand of War is also very special.

This means that Roman can strike hard.

Of course, he is going to fight pirates and barbarians openly.

It sounds useless.

In fact, it is really useless.

This is a special declaration. The Lord and the Hand of War together are equivalent to being able to legally interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and send troops to invade other kingdoms without worrying about being condemned.

Don't ask, just ask the order of conquerors.

I am here to help you defend democracy, human rights and deal with terrorists!

What? Dare to resist? I think you are a terrorist!

If we look at it from the perspective of the aristocratic pyramid, Roman can be considered to have ascended to heaven in one step.

But there is no substantial benefit at all.

The status of the King of the Valley and the Lord means that he can no longer act recklessly.

After all, he just paid a war fine.

Count Kant sued him to the King of Black Iron and asked for an explanation.

Roman's behavior seriously violated the Conqueror Order and the laws of the Black Iron Kingdom.

Of the 110,000 gold coins, at least 30,000 gold coins are related to this matter.

But it doesn't matter.

That money is a big loss for other nobles.

For the rapidly developing Origin City, it is not too much pressure.

The growth of leeks far exceeded the imagination of the King of Black Iron.

He originally planned to use black gunpowder to mine.

Artificial excavation is still too slow.

Blow it up for me!

There is no problem that cannot be solved by equivalent!

If there is, it is because the equivalent is not enough!

Find the blasting point, and make dozens or hundreds of kilograms of black gunpowder into explosive packs to split mountains and rocks!

At this stage, there is no need to use it on the battlefield.

In fact, his army can really sweep the entire land.

It's a pity that he encountered the Trial Knights of the Church.

The Square Flag Knights are the advanced units of ordinary war knights, and the thirty Trial Knights basically have the power of the Square Flag Knights.

If they were ordinary war knights, let alone thirty, even if there were a hundred, they would not be able to beat Roman to the same loss as in the Spring Rain War.

Wait until the whole army's armor and cavalry develop.

His army will no longer be afraid of any war knights.

So black gunpowder should be used to blast the mines honestly at this stage.

Roman will personally preside over this work.

This also indicates that the mining capacity of the veins in the City of Origin will increase by an order of magnitude.

In fact, Roman's main source of gold is still placer gold.

The production of rock gold has not been increased because of the high difficulty of mining.

One thousand kilograms of gold means Roman would have to mine hundreds of thousands of tons of rock gold.

It sounds like a big project, but rock veins...

One cubic meter of stone weighs two or three tons.

Once the right blasting point is found, hundreds of cubic meters of rock gold can be easily blasted out, and the efficiency is more than ten times higher.

Roman can call himself a blasting expert.

After all, mining is also a branch of [collection].

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