"Is there anyone else behind?" Monica said, the sun was setting in the west, it was dim and dim, and there was a wild forest in front of us, "otherwise, let's take a rest."

"There is no one now, there will be some later." said the witch Edith.

"What the hell! A bunch of bastards who want money rather than their lives!" Another witch cursed, "I don't want to run away, I can't run anymore, I have to rest..."

She said this and sat down on the stone.

"Gwen, Shasta told us not to stop," the young witch said.

"Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't stop!" Gwen groaned, "Lusa, you have been saying this word since you escaped from the Holy City last year. My ears are calloused. Can you change them to new ones?" Tricks.”

Lusha thought for a while, "Let's leave quickly."

"I won't leave!" Gwen said immediately.

The other witches didn't say much and took the time to recover their strength.

The little witch looked embarrassed. She could still go on her way, but her companions didn't think so. There were witches in their decades and witches in their teens.

Monica said: "I'm hungry, and the other sisters are also hungry. Margaret, go and give us something to eat."

The witch, covered in blood, with disheveled hair and smelling of blood, stood up without saying a word.

Lusha was shocked and frightened and said: "Margaret, please rest for a while, it's better for me to go."

The elder Gwen took her arm and said with a strange smile: "Little Lusha, Margaret is not tired at all. You are worried about what she will do."

"I'm not worried about her..." Lusha explained.

"Just don't worry." Gwen interrupted her, "Come and use it as a pillow for me. Ouch, my old bones can't hold it anymore."

She couldn't help but rest her head on Lusha's lap, her whole body relaxed, and she moaned in comfort.

"Oh, with such tight flesh and elasticity, it would be a beautiful thing to be able to sleep on little Lusha's legs."

"This is not good." Lusha was still a little worried.

"What's wrong? Just take care of yourself and don't worry about others, little Lusha." Gwen said lazily.

Lusha was not as heartless as she was, "Oh, I wonder what happened to the prophet and Lady Mona."

Edith said feebly: "If you say this, I want to go to Cangyue."

"Where are you going! We are bait, fish bait! Understand! Without us to attract firepower, if they all go to the land of Cang Yue, they will not be picked up by the same pot!" Gwen cursed,

"Compared to Gale, Ulster is just a human being. If we gather together, Sinnoh and the Holy See will attack Cang Yue. If Pine, that son of a bitch, doesn't stop us, we won't be able to escape by then. ”

"Now I'm going to be served from the same pot!" Monica said unhappily.

"We only have a dozen or so here, half of them are wounded, and we still have to carry this guy on our back!"

Monica elbowed the witch behind her.

The witch had an animal fang chain around her neck and a wolf scalp hood on her head. She fell into a deathly sleep and did not wake up even after being hit by two elbows.

"I've told you before that we shouldn't go to Triangular Island in Liexia. We already know that bastard Chorali is unreliable. Fortunately, he is Calanthe's concubine. He didn't even notice when he asked the guards to shoot Calanthe to death with a crossbow. You're so soft-hearted! Why did you bring Amber with you in advance, and he almost fooled him? Fortunately, we were smart and didn't go in, otherwise they would all be dead."

"It's my credit!" Edith lay on the ground and immediately raised her legs to take credit. She was dirty and her clothes were in tatters, and her clothes were in original condition.

"Yes! Give Edith a credit!" the other witches shouted.

"There's nothing we can do if we don't go! Now it's certain that the last stronghold of Witch Forest is gone. From the ocean to the land, from the land to the archipelago, and then from the archipelago to here, those nobles and merchants used to fawn over us, and it turns out that they all You're just a fool who thinks the wind is coming!" Gwen cursed.

"Heartless bastard! No one can be trusted!"

The young witch Lusa felt sad when she heard this, and then her nose also felt sore. As if they had agreed, the young witches all sobbed softly.

"Why are you crying! We are not dead yet!" Gwen scolded them.

"What are you crazy about? You yell all day long!" The witch wearing a wolf's scalp muzzle got up from the ground.

"Hey! Xia Lulu, are you awake? Shasta is coming back soon?"

"Ouch! Why does my whole body hurt?" The Warcraft Witch was wearing a wolf-skin hood, and anyone could hear the discomfort in her words.

"You're on the run, so stumbling around is inevitable." Monica shrugged.

"It's best this way!" said the Witch of Warcraft, turning around and saying: "Gwen, you crazy bitch, are you bullying our little sisters again?"

"How could I?" Gwen denied.

"I said we can't be more tolerant to our sisters. If Shasta sees it, it won't be as good for you." Xia Lulu said helplessly.

Not long after.

Eagles chirped in the sky.

Shasta jumped down in mid-air, and the giant eagle landed next to the wolf-headed witch, letting her comb its feathers.

The soul of a Warcraft witch can reside in the body of a Warcraft. It has been cultivated since childhood and has a close relationship.

"I saw bounty hunters and mercenary groups in the sky. They are approaching this way." Shasta urged in a concise and concise manner.

"You've seen them, and they've seen you. It's time to go! Those hyenas who are chasing after them really deserve to die." The witches lamented one after another.

Monica asked: "How is Varya's situation?"

Shasta said: "I sent her back to the northern land. She can no longer delay. We can only hang her life. Only her people can recover her - maybe."

"What about the sword and shield?"

"Stay with her."

"You are so generous."

"Then did you use it?" Shasta said coldly.

"Okay, you have the final say. You have the right to decide. Who do you think you are, Lord Thunder's favorite disciple?"

The witches got a moment of respite and had to set sail again.

Gwen said, "Hey, Shasta, I feel like the end is coming for us."

"There's still a long way to go," she said.

"Where is that?"

"Otherwise, go to my hometown." Warcraft Witch said.

"That's impossible. I'd rather join the pirates. Aren't many sisters gone somewhere?" A witch replied.

Shasta: "..."

Gwen smiled and said: "Shasta, let me ask a question, have you ever tasted a man?"

The witches pricked up their ears in unison.

"...Why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing. You were so handsome. Wouldn't it be a pity to die as a virgin? Do you want me to help you?" The crazy old witch was talking nonsense. "It's okay if you don't let me help. There are wild men everywhere. I'll catch one." How about giving you some fun?"

Shasta said coldly: "You crazy woman, if you dare to say one more word, I will remove your tongue!"

"You haven't learned much of Lord Thunder's spells, but you have learned the essence of her style. With a tight face, you won't have any fun." Gwen was bored.

"What fun is there now!"

"That's why you have to have fun, or you'll be doomed."

Shasta sneered at this. She took a few steps forward and suddenly felt something was wrong. She suddenly turned her head and looked at the witches: "Where's Margaret?"

Monica answered: "Go and get us some food."

"You let her go...damn it! I'll come back to settle the score with you!"

She asked for directions and left in a hurry. The witches looked at each other, and Monica and Gwen shrugged indifferently.

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