When Shasta saw Margaret, she came out of the remote village with something in her hands, and the smell of blood seemed to be getting stronger.

"How many more have you killed?"

"I don't remember." The bloody witch said.

Another witch said: "Kill too much and you lose yourself."

Margaret ignored her, "I want money to buy something, but no one will sell it to me."

"You look like this, everyone is afraid."

"They were throwing rocks at me, throwing pitchforks at me, cursing me, swearing at me, all before I did anything or said anything."

"Because they can guess your identity - you are not an escaped female slave, a poor peasant woman, a haggard prostitute, or a down-and-out noble lady. You entered the village alone dressed like this - they knew you at first sight What is it?”

"They were not afraid of me, they threw stones at me, they refused to listen to me or take my money."

Shasta was a little sad: "No, they are throwing stones at you out of fear, just like when people encounter a poisonous snake, they will subconsciously kill it... No one wants to have anything to do with a poisonous snake..."

Margaret said, "We are not vipers."

"Yes, we are not vipers," Shasta repeated.

"We are beasts more terrifying than poisonous snakes! We are just like the noble knights," Margaret said. "They dare not provoke the noble knights, for fear of causing disaster, but they are not afraid of a witch."

"This is different," Shasta said.

"It's the same, it's the same, I'm stronger than them, I'm stronger than most knights. When the knights enter the village to ask for food, no one dares to throw stones at them, but the witch will bring the opposite result. If you make a mistake, you will pay a price, and they should be in awe - at least I will pay."

"That's how the witch got her bad name." Shasta said, feeling a strong sense of powerlessness deep in his heart.

"We need food and water now, we have wounded people who need herbal medicine, but we can't buy those things with our money because they exclude us from human society. Whose bad reputation is it? The witches or the humans?"

"Margaret, but we must have a destination... A witch can't keep wandering like this - this is what you told me before, but now you have lost yourself and become more and more strange."

Margaret quietly put her hands to her ears, as if listening to something.

She murmured: "The underworld is calling me. The world cannot tolerate me. That is my only destination..."

"No! Margaret! That's just an illusion! The teacher said that your soul will be lost, you will get nothing, and you will eventually become a wandering ghost."

"Lord Lei Lei has quite a misunderstanding about the Netherworld. Her spell power is invincible, her character is tough, she never relies on herself, and she firmly believes that she is the source of the spell. Because of this, she cannot vaguely perceive the existence of the Netherworld like me. Since the Holy City After the first battle, my feelings became clearer..."

Shasta shouted sternly: "That's enough! Margaret! Stop it! Not even a prophet can reach that world!"

"I have no nostalgia for this world anymore..." Margaret shook her head, "Of course, Shasta, I will accompany you until the end..."

Shasta refused to say any more.

There was no point in arguing, Margaret forced her too much.

The two men carried their things and met their companions, and distributed the black bread in the cloth bags to everyone.

The surface of the bag was stained with blood, but no one said anything.

When the older witch saw the blood stains on the bag, they all smiled. They had expected such a thing to happen, otherwise why would they ask Margaret to find food.

You have to find some fun in this boring escape journey.

The young witches were all silently chewing on the black bread, which tasted rough and unpleasant.

They ate and walked.

A battle broke out with the mercenary group and bounty hunters midway.

About twenty mercenaries died.

There was another injured person on the witch's side.

"They are surrounding us." The wolf-headed witch saw it with her own eyes.

Shasta said: "Find the weak point and fight out."

Monica said: "Margaret, you can take the lead, no problem."

Margaret nodded silently.

They broke out late at night.

The fifty-man mercenary group responsible for the containment was completely wiped out.

There were corpses everywhere, bloody and cruel.

When daybreak came, the witch took advantage of the cover of night and fled ten kilometers away with the wounded.

They were mentally exhausted and physically sleepy. They were running out of gas and lamps. They could no longer walk, and they couldn't even cast a tiny spell.

Shasta had no choice but to order a break and let Margaret stand guard, and he would be replaced by someone else after an hour.

At this time, the wolf-headed witch looked at a little bird in the sky in amazement.

"It's my bird." She waved.

The bird indeed landed on her finger. It was a little nightingale.

"We fed it." Monica said with a frown. "Don't tell us there's bad news from Cang Yue."

"These are not the birds I raised in Cang Yue. I... gave them to whom?"

The Warcraft Witch squinted her eyes,

She raised many of these birds that were close to her. They were extremely intelligent and allowed her to place her soul on them, but now most of them are dead.

She made it return the way it came, flying all the way, resting her soul on it, and saw a small boat by the river, with a young businessman sitting on it.

She controlled the nightingale to fly back and said to her companions: "It's a boy from the Perea family."

"Looking for us?"

"Don't tell me it's a trap."

The wolf-headed witch shook her head and said, "I've seen them. There are only about ten people. There's no ambush."

"No ambush... Humph, let's play with him!"

They pulled themselves together and moved forward.

Half a day later, they saw Morey and his ship.


"Are you looking for us?"

The sudden voice sounded in his ears, and Morey was startled, and then he felt the pressure of suffocation.

Then, he saw the witch named Monica appear.

They were 20 to 30 meters apart, but she didn't know what method she used to make him unable to breathe.

"Oh, Monica, don't scare this little guy. He is one of the few people who dare to come to us." Gwen followed Monica and said with a smile.

"Cerin has disappeared, saying he went to Ego to look for the Conqueror's Treasure. Bah! No one would believe him! The prophet knows the treasure better than him. Her magic mirror was fished out of the treasure. Why are you still here? Tell me! What's your plan!"

Mo Lei pointed to his neck, his face flushed, and he couldn't say a word.

Monica dismissed the spell, and Mo Lei coughed a few times, "Cough, cough, cough, I'm looking for you, and the King of the Valley is also looking for you."

"What king? I didn't hear..."

"Gwen, shut up! Let him continue!" Shasta said.

"The King of the Valley is willing to protect you as long as you are willing to pay..."

"What reward?" Shasta asked.

"I don't know. You have to talk to him about this." Edith sneered, "Talk? It's not another trick to trick us into going over and killing us!" "No..." "Boy, you didn't lie! But I tell you, there are so many sinister and despicable things in this world. I can tell with my ass that the damn King of the Valley must have something to do with Gale, the bastard, right!" Morey hesitated, and found that what Edith said was right. "Those who used to have a good relationship with us are now broken! In the face of power and interests, setting a small trap for the witch is nothing..." "But the King of the Valley just had a war with Lord Gale." He had to interrupt her. ...

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