If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 266 Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You

Alex may be thoughtful and have a longer-term perspective.

But Weisette definitely doesn't, he is more original.

When Roman was flirting with Nellie, he left them alone for a long time, which made Visette very angry.

Can he bear this injustice?

He might want to show off his fists to warn the nobles in front of him. It would be better to kill a few guards quickly. In the pirate's mind, this is a demonstration.

But as soon as he started, he was pushed to the ground.

Margaret sat on Roman's side, her posture was dignified but silent, quite like a court witch.

When Roman waved his hand, she lifted the spell.

Visette's oxygen supply was insufficient and he was almost fragmented. His eyes were dazed, and he saw a scene of dragons dancing wildly.

In the ancient legend of Yigo, the fallen warriors will enter another eternal world, a world more mysterious and fantastic than the earth, a world created by the dragon clan.

He almost died.

But this is not considered a brave death in battle. It can only be considered a humiliating death after being beaten with a sap, put in a sack and thrown into the water.

His strong physique allowed him to quickly regain his thoughts. But Wissett still felt cold in his hands and feet.

He glanced at the witches next to the King of the River Valley. There was not just one, but more than ten, neatly lined up, waiting quietly beside him.

"Wizard..." Visette said in Yigo language.

There is no shortage of spellcasters in the pirate camp, and he is no stranger to spells.

But even under the command of the Pirate King, the number of spellcasters who could subdue him with one move was only in the single digits, and without exception they all had extremely high status. The Pirate King had to smile when he saw them.

"This is a misunderstanding!" Finn said anxiously.

"No misunderstanding!" Roman said.

Finn felt helpless.

Not all pirates are suitable to be merchants.

They can't stand their anger. They want to kill anyone they don't like, and they like to kick them when they encounter obstacles.

it's good now.

Kick it to the iron plate.

The people of this land say they are barbarians, but is this wrong?

Even Finn, who was also born in Yigo, thinks that his fellow villagers are all unreasonable barbarians.

Alex was able to convince them, not because he was foresighted or far-sighted, but because he was more pirate than pirate, the king of pirates.

"We are willing to compensate. Do you think five hundred slaves are enough?" Finn asked tentatively.

The Pirate King asked Visette to do business with him because he wanted to build a stable trade route, not to destroy it.

Visette is a truly powerful warrior. He once beat to death a fourth-level fully-armored combat knight. If he had not encountered a spellcaster, he would not have ended up in this situation.

He followed him out perfectly, so he couldn't go back without arms and legs, right?

Roman sighed softly: "Origin City has huge preferential policies for merchants. Others want a gold coin for business tax, but I only need half a silver coin. I hope you can come to do business with me, and I will give it to you." Provide the fairest treatment.

"But you have no respect for me. Your companions yelled and killed me when they saw me, but you hope to appease my anger through money and slaves..."

"A thousand slaves! My dear king, just speak."

Fenn didn't want to lose this route. Not everyone could provide ten thousand people.

The King of the River Valley immediately stood up from his chair.

"Finn, Finn, what have I done to deserve you disrespecting me like this?"

He came to Finn's side and said, "You want to exchange benefits for my forgiveness, but if someone uses greater benefits to make bigger mistakes in the future, do I also have to forgive his mistakes?"

"Frankly speaking, you don't want to follow the order I established at all. Your companions are not even willing to kneel down and call me the King of the River Valley."

Finn looked at Wissett.

The latter found this a great shame, but what was even more humiliating was that he could not refuse.

He was defeated in that moment of confrontation, and the loser got nothing.

Visette knelt down on one knee and said through gritted teeth: "King of the Valley, please forgive me..."

"The food I gave you has been wasted like this by you," Roman said with indifferent eyes, "There are not many things that I can't stand, but wasting food is definitely one of them. If you are my subject, then I will treat people like you Make it into fertilizer!”

Wissett didn't understand what fertilizer was, but he understood Roman's eyes.

The witches were also watching, and he knew that those spellcasters were loyal to the man in front of him.

Once he does something inappropriate, blood will be splashed here in the next second.

This vulgar, savage, and arrogant pirate warrior had no choice but to crawl on the floor, pick up the dirty steak with his hands, put it in his mouth, bite it, and swallow the juicy steak.

The taste is excellent. Even on the Pirate King's table, there is no such pork chop with no fishy smell. I don't know how it is raised.

It's still delicious even if it's stepped on by dirty boots.

But Weisette was not happy at all, and there was only endless anger and frustration in his mind.

"Would you like to sit down and eat something too?" Roman looked at Finn. He also didn't want to fall out with pirates, otherwise it would be difficult to find such customers.

However, in the final analysis, trade is about everyone getting what they need, and it will not be ruined by temporary conflicts.

"I don't need it."

Seeing Visette's face turning red, the pirate businessman really didn't dare to do anything to provoke this guy.

"That's a pity." said the King of the River Valley,

"However, you are here just in time. Tell it to Pirate King Alex for me - in the north, there is a land called Sea Castle. It does not belong to the King of Iceland or the Black Iron King. It is occupied by people from all walks of life. It was so ruined. The current Lord of the Sea Castle pledged his allegiance to me, hoping to save that land, and I agreed..."

The King of the River Valley looked at the two of them, his red eyes were very cohesive. He took the trouble to say: "Do you understand what I mean? I will send troops to help the Lord of the Sea Castle. If Alex wants to make plans there, then please He should change his goal, it would be good for both of us - don’t blame me for not explaining it in advance.”

"Understood! Understood!" Finn nodded repeatedly.

He hadn't seen him show such a serious expression and eyes full of oppression before when Wisette angered him.

He understood the importance of this matter.

There is so much land in the Black Iron Land that there is no need to worry about the gains and losses of one city or one land. The weapons obtained from the river valley can allow them to conquer ten times the land.

Wisette stood up from the ground without saying a word.

Roman thought Weisette would hold a grudge.

But it doesn't matter, he used conspiracy and suppressed him openly.

How much energy does Wisette have to have to trip him up?

Will Alex sit back and do nothing if the action gets too big?

The pirate side was originally fighting against the King of Iceland and the Archduke of Armor at the same time.

Because there is only so much developed land.

This time the pirates did not just rob and run, but an organized and premeditated invasion.

They want to cut off a large amount of land from the territory of Iceland and Black Iron to use it as a foothold. This is how Iceland was established a hundred years ago. Now the Arctic barbarians have returned and want to occupy new land.

If Alex has some brains, he won't provoke another King of the River Valley.

Roman didn't say anything more to the two of them and conveyed his meaning clearly.

The two left the Origin Manor, and Roman waved to Seth.

He said: "Preach this matter. The Pirate King's envoy was punished by the King of the River Valley for doing something wrong. Let all of them know about it."

Seth nodded and got to work.

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