If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 267 Gweiler, it's decided to be you!

Rulers have all kinds of personalities and all kinds of ruling methods.

Roman follows a domineering rule.

He does not implement a benevolent policy.

He destroys the past production structure on his own, and this rebellious behavior will always attract criticism.

There is no way to show off a good reputation for being generous and benevolent.

But Roman does not care about their evaluation, and does not care how many people curse him in secret.

You can curse, just curse, but it is best not to let Roman know, otherwise they will suffer.

Of course, these flies and cockroaches are only a minority after all.

Roman is a domineering rule, but not a stupid rule.

For example, in life, someone does something extraordinary.

For example, someone saves a drowning child, maintains public health, works hard or is injured, has outstanding skills and does things well and beautifully... these things.

Roman will quickly seize the opportunity to give rewards, publicize the rewards, and tell the masses that there are rewards for doing anything.

If someone beats his wife, scolds his master, steals, or works without working hard and is reported... these are bad things.

Sent to the mines! The status is the same as that of a prisoner of war!

The purpose of doing this is to gain prestige.

It is best not to have any misunderstandings when expressing the ruling direction of the ruler. It is necessary to publicize it over and over again, and slowly it will form a habit of thinking.

For human society, if the social atmosphere is good, production efficiency will also be improved.

Because they know that there is a powerful ruler to cover them.

Ruling is not about hiding things, but showing them openly.

Those pirates are a group of barbarians with little political sense.

Visett is an ambassador sent by the pirate king, but he has to kneel down and apologize to the king of the valley.

The reason why Visett is angry is definitely not because he feels that he has damaged the face of the pirate king, but because he feels that his dignity has been tarnished.

This is political insensitivity.

Roman can use this opportunity to strengthen the foundation of his rule.

Pirates are cruel, but your rulers are more powerful.

This is even more incredible for the slaves who just got off the pirate ship.

The slaves are displaced, and it is not easy to make them feel safe.



Nellie left the Origin City with a thousand soldiers, and they will contact each other through the Warcraft Witch's bird in the future.

Faced with the current situation of vacancies in troops, Roman had to expand the army again.

This time he wanted to increase the number of troops in the Origin City to 5,000.

That is to absorb another 3,500 new soldiers.

The source of these new soldiers is the prisoners of war in the Spring Rain War and the last batch of 3,000 high-quality slaves.

In the past, they undertook various heavy labor tasks.

Even the toughest believers and mercenaries fell silent in the face of the vast swamp.

Once humans are overworked, their will will be taken advantage of and severely penetrated from behind!

In the past, Roman selected a group of excellent new soldiers.

The specific selection method is to let the administrator ask some questions.

Do you have relatives?

Are you willing to become a soldier of Master Roman?

Do you want to receive a fixed salary?

Can you abide by the discipline and endure the hard training?

This is the initial screening, and the subsequent military training will be even more cruel.

Once you stick to it, no one will be able to keep the original ideas after entering the army.

Their land reclamation tasks will be handed over to a new batch of slaves.

This group of people greatly supplemented the labor force of the Origin City, and there will be a steady stream of slaves in the future.

Every expansion of the army is a torture for veterans.

On average, a veteran has to lead two or three recruits to participate in training.

And those team leaders are even busier.

The training process is complete, but the discipline process is difficult, and you can overcome it with gritted teeth.

Anyway, Roman is unlikely to start a war in the short term.

Roman also talked to Finn.

Not only young labor, he also wants women and children, even old people in their forties and fifties. These people are of lower value, but they are also useful.

You guys can fight each other in the north.

But don't kill civilians, don't kill them!

If you kill again, no one will work!

This bunch of idiots is just wasting resources - if you dare to kill civilians again, I will kill you! (Angry)


I still have to farm.

But Roman's farming this time is very special.

He is planting experimental fields.

We need to increase the cultivated area and improve the crop varieties.

We have to do both, and both hands must be strong!


Hot summer.

Roman brought Gweiler to the rice field.

The ridges crisscrossed, dividing the fields into separate closed areas, which looked very regular.

The silt fertility of the original swamp is very strong, but the original soil has good and bad, and rice seeds need time to adapt.

Now Roman has reclaimed a total of 700 acres of rice fields and planted them.

Most of the rice is in the tillering stage, and a small part is still in the transplanting stage. Because some paddy fields have just been cleaned up.

Rice is a seasonal crop. Three harvests a year is not expected, but two harvests a year is feasible. There is sufficient sunshine here and the latitude is suitable.

Roman was going to invest 5,000 workers to reclaim 2,000 acres of rice fields in preparation for next year's harvest.

This year, it won't work.

The environment changed suddenly, and the original silt was not improved after adapting to the climate again...

Roman knew that he couldn't count on the rice yield just by looking at the tillering stage.

If he could achieve a yield of 100 kilograms per mu this year, he would win.

In Roman's eyes, this is an extremely critical crop, which will become a major staple food that competes with wheat in the future.

So Roman attaches great importance to rice, even more than wheat.

But using traditional breeding methods, at least seven, eight, or ninety generations of rice must be planted and replaced, and individuals with excellent traits must be selected.

The whole process is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly.

According to the method of two crops a year, these seven, eight, or ninety generations of wheat will take at least four or five years.

Roman can't wait that long.

At the latest next year, the cost of his investment in land reclamation and cultivation must be effective.


Go ahead!

It's up to you!

Gweil's destiny talent can affect everything.

To what extent it can be achieved...

Roman can't say.

But Gweil certainly can't change the macro world.

For example, in the Spring Rain War, the rebel army, even if Gweil stabbed dolls, chanted spells, performed magic, witchcraft, warded off evil, prayed... whatever she wanted, she could do whatever she wanted.

But she cried day and night, exhausted all her energy, and if she was lucky, she might be able to cry a Judgment Knight to death.

Let's assume that the Judgment Knight didn't wear copper plate armor, didn't wear any gems, was weak, and died of a cold, fell, or had a heart attack. In short, he just happened to die.

But what about the other twenty-nine?

Even if she became a high-level witch and cursed thirty Judgment Knights at once.

But what about the Broken Archers?

What about the more than ten thousand rebels?

Moreover, the nuns in the choir can also resist the unpredictable force of fate.

In other words, Gweil's fate spell, in the macro world, actually does not play a decisive role. Even if it can play a role, it can only play a role of pushing the boat along the way.

It doesn't work in the macro world, but it can in the micro world.

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