Gweir is incredibly healthy.

Although when Roman fished her out of the mountain, she was as thin as a skinny monkey.

But she is still healthy and has no sequelae.

It's as if all the nutrients in the body are used in key places.

She herself rarely gets sick. She is like a human-shaped virus immune body. Even if she wanders around a plague area, she probably won't be infected by the disease.

If a person is lucky enough, he or she can live in modern times without contracting any serious disease.

Even if he is infected, his immune system will kill all the pathogens extremely quickly and just right, and update and strengthen his own immune system until he dies.

Is this scientific?

Very scientific!

The essence of improved varieties is to select rice with excellent traits from ordinary rice.

High yield, disease resistance, lodging resistance, adaptability, ideal plant type, shortened growth period, appearance and taste.

Those are genetic selections, and the better, the better.

Therefore, Roman has always had a great affection for Gweil, and only he knows what possibilities this little witch contains.

Whether you sink a ship, make mistakes, have poor academic performance, or be lively and playful, everything can be forgiven!

Some witches may not be able to participate in the production.

But there are other witches, once they are used properly, they will be heifers going to heaven!

This is an extraordinary witch that even the top biological laboratories and top biological masters in modern society cannot match!

"Come on, my little princess, let's farm."

Roman stood next to the experimental field, took Gweir's little arm, and lifted her off the horse. His movements were elegant and gentle, as if he was receiving a royal princess.

Gweil was amused by his attitude, "Roman, can I really do the things you said?"

Roman's stern face looked like Seth's, "My little princess, don't doubt yourself. Any lack of confidence and doubt will reduce the effectiveness of your spells."

"But, you call me feels so strange." Gweil said shyly, her face slightly red.

"As long as you use your magical power to make those rice plants play their advantages, you will be the real rice princess of our Origin City!"

'I still feel so strange...' Gweir thought to herself, is there really a princess with such a strange title? Rice is rice, but doesn’t it sound better? Like Roman's princess? For example, Gweil Split Armor, those names sound nice.

She put aside those thoughts and looked at the rice fields where the rice seedlings had just been planted.

The soil here is the best and smoothest, and the farmers spent a lot of effort to get it.

Roman helped her take off her little boots and placed them on the edge of the field. Two pairs of feet, one big and one small, stepped into the soft mud field. The water was three to five centimeters deep and there were neatly arranged seedlings all around.

He took her little hand and came to the center of the paddy field.

Roman let go of his hand, turned around, took two steps back, and spread his arms: "Come on, Gweil, my princess, come and use your miraculous power for me."

What is a miracle?

Roman had shown them a miracle two years ago.

The Agricultural Revolution was a miracle.

Increasing food production is the biggest miracle of this era!

Now, he has completed his humble mission.

But he won't be able to create a second miracle in the short term.

That requires the development of specific factories, cutting-edge equipment, scientific research talents, agricultural biotechnology and other aspects.

Now, Gweir is about to perform a second miracle for him.

The red eyes were full of expectation.

How could she let him down?

The Witch of Destiny clasped her fingers together and placed them on her chest like a nun praying. She stood in the center of the experimental field and exerted her power.

"Rice, rice, the seeds of the earth, I bless your lives. I hope you can grow naturally prosperously, be strong and beautiful, and overcome all diseases. You are excellent, you are all excellent, grow up quickly, grow up quickly... "

As she murmured those words, her face became visibly pale, and with a final sound, she fell down as if she had exhausted all her energy.

Roman caught her with quick eyes and quick hands.

"Why are you so tired? Is it so strenuous?" he said hypocritically.

Gweir smiled weakly: "It doesn't take much effort, but it doesn't seem to have any effect after using it once, so I blessed it several times."

"several times?"

Gweil curled up in Roman's arms and put her two feet on his left arm. Those little feet were still dripping muddy water. She whispered: "The spell was released five times."

The more blessings are given, the higher the probability of improvement.

She didn't know the nature of the improvement, but the effect of her spell was clear.

Moreover, the cost of blessing a rice field is really much smaller than blessing other things.

The most important thing Roman should do is to find all the pregnant women and babies and let Gweir bless them one by one so that they can grow up healthily and be immune to diseases and risks.

But blessing a child also consumes a lot of power.

Compared to small things like rice, humans are considered large life forms.

Even if he uses traditional breeding methods and breeds for four to five years, he can increase the average rice yield per mu by 30 to 50%.

If it were a human would be difficult to compare.

Do we want to increase the explosion rate of twins?

Or give them higher physical fitness, stronger immune systems, and smarter brains?

But if you really want to bless it, the growth cycle is too long.

It takes more than ten years just to build a complete mental world.

It is far less good than short-term gains.

Besides, it is just people.

They are everywhere.

If they die, they die, and they are naturally eliminated.

Roman can't do anything about it, it's not his fault.

The most important thing is to increase food production and feed those humans who are not easily eliminated.

He expects to receive another 20,000 to 30,000 people from the pirates this year.

This is a huge food burden.

It turns out that there is food stored after the summer harvest. By the end of winter, Roman can store at least 3 million kilograms of food.

Now it's good, the trade route with the pirates has been established.

This little food can only relieve the emergency for a while.

Don't expect to buy more than one million kilograms of food from the pirates or other places.

It's impossible, it's too difficult.

Why do pirates want to dump slaves on Roman in large quantities?

Because they robbed the farmers' food and turned them into slaves. If they don't sell them, they can only kill them, otherwise they can't be fed!

Compared with social development, fighting is a pure negative benefit!

Why can pirates continue to fight?

Because they killed all the people, slaughtered them all, and drove them to extinction, and those who survived could occupy the assets of the dead, so they became rich.

The essence is to increase per capita wealth by reducing the population.

Roman gave an evaluation-time factors, stupid behavior!

He has already accelerated the production of various foods.

Large-scale land reclamation, improvement of rice and wheat.

The same is true for the ranch, let Gweil selectively bless a few excellent breeds of roosters, rams, breeding pigs, stallions, and breeding cattle.

The importance of breeding is self-evident.

Having a father with good genes can improve the size, adaptability, disease resistance, meat quality and meat yield of the offspring.

In the past, ten kilograms of grass could be exchanged for one kilogram of pork, and one acre of grass could only be exchanged for one pig in the end.

After the breed improvement, eight or even nine kilograms of grass can be exchanged for one kilogram of pork.

Although the increase is not large, the base is here. A one-tenth improvement is by no means small.

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