After Gavier gave this answer, silence enveloped the dense forest.

After a moment.

Roman said, "Witch, it seems that I have won."

Gavier did not choose Shasta, nor did she choose him, but chose this result.

But for Roman, this is winning.

Shasta did not know what to say, she was extremely dissatisfied with this result.

But what can she do, this is Gavier's own choice.

If she must force her will to be implemented... Let's not talk about whether she can do such a thing, even if she really does, Roman and Dick will join forces to stop her.

Even she can't ignore everyone in front of her at the same time.

"It seems that I have made a wasted trip." Shasta said to herself.

She worked so hard for so long, but in the end, she got nothing. You can imagine how she felt.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Shasta." Gavier felt very guilty.

Shasta glanced at Gavier, then closed her black eyes, and when she opened them, she had regained her tranquility.

"Roman, let me ask you, how are you going to treat Gweil in the future?"

Roman touched his chin and realized that Shasta attached great importance to his answer. If she was dissatisfied, Shasta would still take Gweil away by force.

She might have some status in the Witch Forest. Even if she couldn't call the entire Witch Forest, it would be normal to call a few companions.

The purpose of these witches was just to take away their companions, and they would not hurt him as a noble.

And he couldn't go to the church to tell on them.

The church and witches are idiots.

And he hated the knights of the Holy See more than witches.

But the answer was not troublesome.

Besides, this was also a promise he should make.

Gweil did not choose to follow Shasta out, but stayed in the town of Sger. Roman thought he had an obligation to arrange her future.

So Roman said, "Sign a noble contract! In the name of the cracked armor, I promise that Gweiler will not be persecuted in any form in my territory. Even if the church discovers her existence, I will not make any compromise. I swear that if she is loyal to me and does not betray me, I will unconditionally protect her for the rest of her life and will not let her suffer any humiliation or betrayal!"

When these words came out, everyone present was a little moved.

The noble contract is a very special oath. The nobles who wrote the contract cannot violate the content of the contract, otherwise the king will take back all their rights, power and status.

For the noble class, it is better to kill them than to violate the noble contract. At least they can get glory after death, and they will only be despised if they are alive.

Shasta was also very surprised. This contract was too generous and loose for Gweiler. It didn't seem like an agreement that a noble should make at all. It even mentioned that they would confront the church head-on.

"If you had made this promise earlier, I might not have snatched Gweiler's ownership with you."

Roman snorted lightly. Can being coerced and voluntary be the same thing?

If he really drew Gweiler, in his opinion, this was just a basic condition - he didn't even promise how much salary he would pay Gweiler every month.

Roman was too lazy to answer, just said: "Do you want to help me too?"

"Then you're thinking too much."

Roman tutted his mouth, he really hoped to recruit Shasta, "The situation of witches is not good, the church's pursuers have made you hide everywhere, it's better to stay with me."

"It won't be like this soon!" Shasta said coldly.

"Huh?!" Roman was alert.

Shasta knew she had said something wrong. She pursed her lips, "Anyway, you just need to take good care of Gweiler. If I know what grievances she has suffered, I will never let you go in the future."

Roman admired this witch very much. Just because of the same identity, she could do this. In any case, she could be called loyal and righteous.

He liked to deal with this kind of people. He didn't need to be wary of anyone else.

"What's your name?"

"Shasta, the Nightmare Witch Shasta!"

Roman had never heard of this name.

That's normal. The Witch Forest is an underground organization. Like rats crossing the street, the more famous they are, the faster they die.

Roman smiled faintly and said, "If you have nowhere to go in the future, then come to me. The premise is that you have to come here secretly. I am not ready to fight the church yet."

This sentence made Shasta look at Roman twice more, with a rather strange expression.

Although the nobles and the church are not on good terms, they are not to the point of shouting and killing. Why is this guy in front of him ready to go to war with the church now?

I'm afraid he has a serious illness!

In any case, multiple potential allies are a good thing for witches.

She once thought that the nobles and the church were birds of a feather.

Now it seems that this is not entirely true.

Of course, Shasta also knows that aristocrats like Roman are the oddities among the oddities even if they look at the entire land.

She thought of the legendary figure who was famous and brilliant 150 years ago.

But she quickly rejected this idea. Perhaps the two should not be involved together.

Because their status was so different, let alone Roman, even if the Grand Duke of Split Armor came, he would have to bow down.

Aaron had almost cleaned up the battlefield.

He came to Roman and whispered, "Three guards died, eight were injured, four of them were seriously injured, and one might not be able to continue fighting."

Counting the situation in Garin's hut, most of the guards were killed or wounded.

Roman was very dissatisfied with the quality of these guards, but he could not blame them too much.

Roman looked at the mountains and forests in the distance.

"I wonder what's going on with Green."


At this time, Green was still on his way to kill Borg.


About forty or fifty years ago.

On the northern coastline of the Black Iron Kingdom, a coastal village called Reef was invaded by Arctic pirates.

If we push this time point back a hundred years, that is, one hundred and fifty years ago, the pirates were also extremely rampant at that time.

At that time, the man who was later called the Conqueror stood up.

He pointed his sword at all countries, suppressed pirates, pacified barbarians, and beat all the forces on this land. He fought all the way to Ego, the home of the pirates in the North Ice, conquered it, and finally established the huge Black Iron Kingdom.

However, the era of the conqueror's rule is over after all.

A hundred years later, the Arctic pirates made a comeback, but there was no second conqueror on this land.

Reef Town is one of the victims of pirate invasions. Unlike other places, pirates from the northern ice sea regarded this place as an outpost and a place for material supply, and lived there for a long time. During this period, the pirates also defiled many women.

One of the girls suffered the same treatment after her family was killed, and gave birth to a baby boy ten months later.

And this child was called Borg.

In that era, people's livelihood was difficult, and it was difficult for a girl to survive with a baby, so she had to use various means to feed Borg and herself.

For some unknown purpose and idea, she did not abort or strangle this evil seed, but raised him with all her heart.

The girl raised her first child.

I don't know if it was because of the pirate blood of the Arctic people, Borg had a strong vitality since childhood and grew up healthily.

When Borg was ten years old, this woman who was not yet twenty-five years old finally died of overwork.

The poor life did not let the mother leave any relics for the child.

After his mother died, Borg also lost everything, but he did not show any obvious sadness and accepted it normally.

In the following time, he would find a place to sleep and rob if he had no food. He was also a person who was good at fighting and fighting. This pirate nature was reflected in his childhood, and his mother suffered a lot because of it.

Because of his fighting talent, Borg later joined a mercenary gang and began a career of wandering and fighting everywhere. His fighting skills and physical fitness were also steadily improving, and he killed more and more people.

He carried out various mercenary tasks day after day for ten years.

Strangely, he, who had long been accustomed to killing, often recalled his childhood memories after adulthood.

This made Borg feel incredible, after all, he had never missed his childhood before.

This made him think that he had long forgotten everything in the past and would not be moved by anything.

As the weak and tough figure appeared in his mind more and more frequently.

Something hidden in his bones seemed to be dug out.

At that time, he took it for granted, and when he looked back on the experiences he had forgotten when he was growing up, Borg found that he gradually understood many things, such as the hardships of life, the heavy burden, and the kind motherly love.

When he was young, he experienced a huge change in his fate without knowing anything. He lost the person who was most important to him and loved him the most.

And at that time, he was not sad about it.

This veteran mercenary who killed people like crazy and worked as a pirate part-time suddenly felt an insoluble sadness in his heart after he realized all this, like a plowing ox ruminating.

Every time he thought of the past, the sadness in his heart would become stronger, as if the surging tide was going to drown him.

Many times, he could feel the dry tears on his face when he woke up from a dream.

But his comrades laughed at him for being a coward who would cry for his mother in the middle of the night.

Borg was a mature warrior. He knew that he was not suitable for fighting anymore because he became fragile and the axe for killing was no longer sharp.

He left his former living environment, came to the earth, found a suitable piece of land, built a house, reclaimed wasteland, learned to farm, bought seeds, and then settled down.

But things are far from over.

What he saw were numb and impoverished people.

They were hungry and cold, poor and destitute.

That thin and frail figure often appeared in front of him.

Borg began to think, why did his mother in his childhood raise him so hard? So much so that when she died, her body was like a shriveled and skinny firewood.

Why did the farmers work exhaustedly, but they could not eat enough anyway? Where did the food they grew go?

When he witnessed a farmer's only twelve-year-old daughter being taken away by the guards because she could not pay taxes, and going to the manor to be a slave.

Borg watched the girl's figure and his past mother's figure seem to overlap.

And he did nothing.

He just returned to his residence, turned out a long-unused battle axe from the wooden box, and sharpened the rust on the battle axe with a stone.

On that dark night, he sneaked into the noble castle and killed all the guards and the viscount lying in bed.

He brought out all the wealth and food in a carriage, distributed it to all the farmers in that piece of land, and asked them to hide it. If anyone asked, they would say that he, the thief, took everything away.

But the opposite happened. His actions, which he thought were flawless, were still discovered by the nobles who were very observant. Several farmers who were given money and food handed over the stolen goods and indignantly exposed the thief's actions to the nobles.

So, the rest of the farmers who did not report were all executed by the nobles.

The huge gallows was hung with corpses one after another, including the weak girl who looked like his mother in his eyes.

The girl's extremely thin figure hung on it, like a floating angel, her feet and ragged clothes swaying in the breeze, and she was hung for three days as a demonstration.

It was also from then on that the thief Borg went crazy.

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