"Evil dragon! Let's duel!"

Roman looked at the wild man who jumped out of the forest in astonishment.

He could not see any trace of civilization on this guy, as if he had been assimilated into the forest.

According to the news Roman learned.

The thief Borg was the extraordinary person who stayed in the mountains the longest, for twenty years. The hunters had all changed, but Borg was still active in the mountains.

The second longest was Dick, followed by Garin, and finally Jet and the Witch of Doom.

These extraordinary people lived a secluded life in a clear distinction until his arrival, breaking the tranquility here.

When Roman realized that this person was Borg, his face became very ugly.

His eyes were focused, and his tone was very serious: "I asked Green to find you, where is he?"

When Roman had to prepare for the worst, Green and Dota also came out of the woods.

Green looked embarrassed: "Master, I'm here..."

He messed up and underestimated the famous thief who was famous 20 years ago. He caught up with Borg several times, but the latter escaped.

When he found that Borg's trajectory was towards Roman, Green hurried back, but he was still a step late, which made him extremely ashamed.

Roman's face eased and he said to Borg: "You want to duel with me?"

Borg said fiercely: "Yes! I will kill you, the evil dragon, with my battle axe!"

He waved the weapon in his hand.

When Roman saw the weapon in Borg's hand, he found that it was just a piece of stone wrapped around a wooden stick with a vine.

The strong sense of absurdity made Roman laugh and cry.

But he noticed that Moore's face was extremely pale when he saw Borg, and his legs began to tremble involuntarily, as if he had crossed paths with this thief.

"Why do you want to duel with me?"

Borg raised his arms and shouted: "Because I am the great thief Borg! I want to take away all the treasures of the dragon!"

"Ridiculous, why do you call me a dragon!"

Borg argued: "You don't have sharp claws, but you control a large area of ​​land; you don't have the wings of a bat, but you can be high above; you don't have the power to spit fire and thunder, but everyone on this land is afraid of your power - who is more like a dragon than you!"

This statement almost convinced Roman, making him mistakenly believe that he was really one of those legendary creatures that were said to come from the distant islands.

Dick whispered to him: "Borg has the blood of the Arctic people."

Dick was very conflicted at the moment. He didn't want this long-time neighbor to come here to seek death, but when Borg really showed up, Dick found that he couldn't help Borg at all.

The latter would not surrender, nor would he admit defeat. He was as persistent as a stubborn stone.

Roman immediately understood that the North Ice refers to the northern ice sea - he had heard of the myths and legends of the North Ice people.

The distant North Ice Ocean gave birth to the tough and barbaric North Ice people. They worship the use of force and are ready to die, so pirates are rampant.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the pirates suffered a heavy blow from the conquerors.

But Roman knew that the North Ice people had returned to their old ways. They had made a comeback in the past few decades and constantly invaded the coasts of various countries.

The legend of the dragon tribe on land has a long history. The most recent one was the true story of the first generation of the Split Armor Grand Duke shooting and splitting the scales of the red dragon one hundred and fifty years ago.

Since then, the dragon tribe seemed to have disappeared from this land.

Roman also knew that the dragon tribe was still active in the open sea.

But only the strongest and largest ships could reach the island where the dragon tribe was.

Roman didn't think that the countries on earth had this ability.

But the North Ice people had the opportunity to witness the figure of the dragon tribe.

Borg was obviously influenced by the legend of the North Ice, so it was reasonable to compare Roman to a dragon.

He wanted to rob a dragon of all its wealth, which was in line with the style of a great thief.

Roman asked in confusion: "Are you going to repeat the past?"

Borg shouted: "The past will not repeat itself!"

But Roman shook his head and said: "You can't save them. Borg, you are standing on the shore and can't save those who are trapped in the swamp. You don't know that the harder you try, the deeper they sink, and the dark gravity of the swamp will pull you in. This is the curse of human nature."

"Then use your body to break the curse and let everyone step on you to get ashore!"

Borg waved his huge and sharp battle axe at the sky!

He felt like the most brave and fearless Arctic warrior in myths and legends.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the waves were rolling!

And he stood on the wide deck of the ship with his head held high, roaring at the dragon on the sea.

No matter how strong the wind and waves were, they could not shake his strong body. His feet were firm and unwavering, as if they were rooted on the deck, and would only sway with the ups and downs of the huge ship.

There were countless people standing behind him, and a weak but tough figure was looking at her with a gratified and gentle look.

Borg felt his blood boiling again, with a strong sense of pride and honor.

Roman, Dick, Jeter, Shasta, Aaron, Green and others looked at Borg in silence.

His hair was messy and long, and his body was shrunk a lot, but he could still vaguely see the tall and brave man in his prime, but his words and deeds were crazy.

Dick looked away and said, "He is crazy."

Borg roared at the top of his lungs, as if shouting in a storm: "I am the great thief Borg! Follow my footsteps! Get on my warship! Let's slay dragons together! Kill all the evil dragons together! From now on! We are all great thieves in this world!"

Roman originally thought it was a bit absurd, but after hearing this, he changed his mind, and his eyes and expression gradually calmed down.

He said: "I accept your duel!"

He raised his hand to stop Aaron from stepping forward to stop him, and took the round shield from him, and took the big sword from Green.

"Dragon slayer, come on!"

When Borg heard this, it was as if he heard the charge horn on the Arctic warship.

He was full of fighting spirit, and his desire to slay dragons was stronger than ever before. He couldn't wait to kill the evil dragon in front of him!

Borg waved his battle axe and roared like giving orders: "I am the great thief Borg! My followers! Follow me and charge!!"

In full view of the public, the two people collided with each other.

This is a seasoned warrior. His body has degenerated due to the bad environment and inadequate nutrition. He cannot maintain daily training and has not experienced a decent battle for twenty years.

But he is still the most skilled and brave warrior!

On this turbulent sea, Borg led the way.

He flexibly used his battle axe, turning and moving, fighting this invulnerable dragon with sharp claws!

This hearty battle lasted for more than ten minutes.

The thief who shouted to kill all the dragons in the world felt more and more physically exhausted.

After all, the battle lasted too long. He felt that the battle was so dark and the sea was surging that it might have lasted three days and three nights.

Otherwise, how could he feel so tired?

And under the worried gaze of the weak figure, he escaped from the claws of the dragon countless times and launched counterattacks countless times, just like the legendary scene.

‘It’s time to end it! ’ He thought to himself.

The thief Borg's eyes were fierce. He felt that he had finally found the dragon's weakness, and jumped up from the deck for the last time.

He jumped up, swung the huge battle axe in his hand, and chopped the dragon's hard neck like thunder!


The vines had long been loosened, and the stone pieces tied to them had long fallen off.

Only a bare wooden stick hit Roman's shield.

The thief Borg finally let go of the battle axe in his hand, and amid the exclamations of countless people, he fell into the cold sea water.

He couldn't breathe, his vision began to blur, and he felt unprecedented cold.

'I am the thief Borg! ' He thought to himself.

'I can't die like this, I have to lead more people and kill more dragons. '

He wanted to swim up, but the cold continued to erode his limbs, starting from his fingers, and the heat in his body was constantly lost.

Borg was falling, falling into the darker and colder seabed.

In a trance, he saw a weak figure also jumped into the sea and swam to his side with all his strength.

‘Borg… Borg…’

He heard someone calling his name, and the voice was full of tenderness and kindness, as if it came from a distant memory.

“Uncle Borg… Uncle Borg…”

He didn’t know where he got the strength from, and grabbed the hand that was stretched out to him. He asked in the sea: “Did I kill… the evil dragon…?”

In the cold sea water, Borg felt the moist warmth flowing into his increasingly stiff palms, and he seemed to see the weak figure crying.

“Well, well… Uncle Borg, you did it.” Gweil answered according to Roman’s instructions.

She felt intense grief for the upcoming end of the elder who had helped her.

“I am… the great thief Borg…” Borg felt himself falling into the deep sea, and fell to a certain level, and it was difficult for him to control his body.

Borg seemed to know something.

He killed many people when he was young, just because he believed in the legend of the North Ice, and he believed in the existence of Valhalla - all the warriors who died in the battle would be guided by the Valkyrie and enter the mythical hall with her.

But at this moment, Borg regretted it.

Unprecedented regret bit his heart like a poisonous dragon, and injected the most violent poison in the world.

He never wanted to go to Valhalla again!

He violated his own beliefs, but he didn't feel pain!

What really made him feel painful was -

"Mom, I'm sorry, I killed you..."

"Please forgive my sinful blood, I ask you to forgive the sins I committed..."

"You must feel very painful, you must be very painful..."

"Mom, I beg you to forgive me, my hands are stained with blood..."

Borg cried like a child who did something wrong.

He kept asking, begging, and repenting, begging his mother to give him mercy and forgiveness.

He didn't want to go to Valhalla anymore, he didn't want to go to the legendary hall, there was no warmth there.

At the end of his fading consciousness, he seemed to be held tightly, like a newborn baby being held by a mother. The arms were slender and weak, but they could still hold him tightly.

Everything returned to the beginning.

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