Borg died of exhaustion.

His body had been lacking nutrition for a long time and could not bear the intense physical consumption. He had also had a fierce pursuit battle with Green before.

After Borg died, Roman buried him with honor.

This thief may be crazy.

But he may be the least crazy person in this land.

Then, Roman invited Dick, Jet and others to live in his manor.

Then they declined.

Roman did not force them, but told them that he welcomes them at any time.

Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot, and it will be fished out of the pond sooner or later.

Roman asked all hunters to help the seriously injured guards return to the town of Sger.

Three guards died in the battle, and the guards who were too seriously injured would not be able to continue to perform the duties of suppressing by force in the future.

These casualties were caused by Borg, which was a sudden disaster.

Although he was helpless, there was nothing he could do.

Roman was ready to regroup more troops.

The previous guards could not meet his requirements for the army at all.

This time, Roman harvested nearly thousands of kilograms of meat.

This barely allowed him to give some explanation to the people of Sige Town - otherwise there was no way to explain the heavy casualties.

The wild resources in the mountains of Sige Town are very rich.

Brown bears, mountain deer, wild boars, wild wolves, etc. together are enough for all residents to get three kilograms of meat each, which can be said to be a rich harvest.

In this era, some of the meat sources of the nobles were obtained through hunting, and the rest were breeding and animal husbandry.

When dismembering the body of the monster, Roman found that because of his killing of the monster, the experience value of the [Hunting] skill increased, and the crude way of handling the prey also emerged in his mind.

It was just because the weight was too much, it would take the whole day tomorrow to complete the transportation work - Roman generously gave each hunter family living in the mountains ten kilograms of meat.

Unless it is pickled and air-dried, it is difficult to preserve these meats for a long time.

Roman is ready to let Sige Town digest these resources as soon as possible.

He took Gweiler out of the forest.

So far, the matter in the mountain has come to an end.


Shasta did not leave with Roman. She deliberately avoided the crowd and came to the dock of Sig Town.

Morey had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Shasta return safely, Morey breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been very nervous during this period.

But Shasta's first words made his heart rise: "I saw Roman Liejia."

Morey had predicted that Roman's grand entry into the mountains today could not be concealed at all.

He immediately asked nervously: "You didn't have any conflict?"

Shasta said lightly: "Almost."

Morey was struck by lightning. This witch not only exposed herself, but also almost fought with Roman?

Have you ever considered my feelings when you are so brave?

Morey was numb. He kept looking outside the cabin, fearing that Roman would appear in the next second and bring people to surround his merchant ship.

Shasta smiled faintly and said, "Hmph! He's not bad. You can come here often in the future."

In Morey's astonished eyes, she didn't explain much, but waved her hand to let Morey start the boat quickly.


On a hillside with higher terrain, Roman watched Morey's merchant ship leave the town of Seg from a distance.

"Witch, merchant, church..."

Roman chewed on these words silently.

He looked down for a moment, snorted, and turned away.

In his eyes, nobles are all fools.

Farmers are more fools.

The king and the church are fools among fools.

The key to the change of the times is in his hands.

Wait! Wait!

He will stand up soon and crush everything in the old world!

He will reshape the world in his own way and with his own ideas!

He will redefine this land and re-establish a new order!

And in this process, he doesn't care how many civilians will shed blood and how many lives they will sacrifice.

He didn't care how many nobles died because of this, or whether the king would kneel down at the guillotine.

Those lofty divine powers would also be crushed under the unstoppable torrent of the future.

He would tell everyone with facts.

The times!

It was going to change!

He wanted to strengthen the whole land by himself!


Morey's merchant fleet sailed away from the town of Sige along the Bro River.

All the way north.

The river became turbulent when it flowed diagonally through the Silver Dragon Canyon, but after getting rid of the steep mountains and entering the flat area, the river surface began to become wider again.

In the sky, a huge eagle spread its wings and overlooked the earth with its sharp pupils.

It followed the winding and intertwined river and saw the merchant ships on the river, and then issued an extremely loud eagle cry, cutting through the sky and swooping down.

When Shasta left the cabin, she frowned and looked up at the huge eagle in the sky, and said:

"I failed to bring the sisters from Sig Town out."

The eagle circled around the merchant ship for a while, and when it landed on the bow, the whole merchant ship shook slightly, and its wild eyes suddenly became smart, and it spoke in human language:

"You failed?"

"The lord there stopped me."

"You gave your sisters away?"

"He promised me a noble contract."

"When the prophet witch observed the entire land through the magic mirror, she found that the witches here had the potential to become high-level witches, but you didn't bring her with you?"

Shasta said lightly: "The child named Gweil holds the power of bad luck and luck. She may be useful in other aspects, but she is not suitable for fighting."

"The God-killing Operation is imminent, and the power of any high-level witch cannot be underestimated."

"So you want Gweil to die early? Let her die? She looks weak, pitiful and helpless, and she can't even become a qualified warrior."

"Well, my dear Shasta, I hope you are not overflowing with sympathy, but have your own considerations."

"Why did you come to me? Warcraft witch, you should There are more important things to do. "

"The prophet witch discovered that a new sister had awakened in the northern land, and her spiritual light was so strong that she was a miracle individual that the prophet witch had never seen before. She was very likely to become the main force of the God-Slaying Operation. All the sisters who could go there rushed there..."

"If it was just this matter, you wouldn't have to come to me...the bastards of the church?"

"They must have noticed something. The prophet witch said that they sent a sixth-level dawn knight named Keton and 50 demon hunters. "

"Are you kidding?"

"Dear Shasta, so I came to assist you. You should understand the importance of the God-Slaying Operation to us. We must get her!"

"Shasta jumped onto the back of the flying eagle.

The giant eagle spread its wings, and then flew into the sky, carrying her to the distance.

“I am Shasta, a Nightmare Witch from the Witch Forest. I am about to go to the northern land to find a companion called a miracle individual by the prophet witch, and train her into a qualified warrior…”

“If the church really worships gods, then we will kill the so-called gods… This is also the origin of the name of the God Killing Operation… Perhaps compared to the behemoth of the church, the power of witches is very small…”

“But we can’t sit and wait for death anymore. The awakened witches are constantly being strangled, and our power is getting weaker and weaker. If the God Killing Operation next year can succeed, it will definitely change the future situation of witches…”

“I hope everything goes well on this trip!”

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