Early morning, mist.

Today is the 10th day since Roman came to Sig Town.

He came to the manor hall.

Origin Manor was just built not long ago, everything is quite simple, Roman is full of confidence in the future.

Sitting down with him for dinner are Aaron, Green and Gweiler.

The status of the knights is very high, some have fiefs, some do not. They may not be qualified to sit at the table in the Grand Dukedom, but they are definitely qualified in Sig Town.

Roman attaches great importance to Gweiler and makes her a close attendant.

He sat carelessly on the main seat, picked up the bread, and was about to bite it. After seeing Gweiler, Roman thought about it and asked, "Gweiler, how old are you?"

Although Gweiler chose to go home.

But Roman was not stupid enough to really let this little witch go back. Staying in Origin Manor is the best choice.

The little witch with a brand new look seemed uneasy at the moment, and her tiptoeing looked like a little squirrel.

She stared absentmindedly at the white bread, fried venison steak, roasted wild boar meat, stewed bear meat, thick vegetable soup, cheese...

The wings of her nose twitched slightly, but she was afraid of being discovered by others, so she sniffed lightly. She smelled the sweet and rich fragrance lingering in the air, which made her mouth water and swallow saliva continuously.

She wanted to touch it, but she didn't dare to touch it because she didn't get permission, but she really wanted to eat it, and her heart was in a tangle - when she followed Roman back to the Origin Manor last night, it was very late. Roman handed her over to the butler Seth, and the old man directed the maid to pull her to the temporary bathroom, washed her without saying anything, and sent her to a habitable wooden house. Hearing her stomach growling, he specially sent her dinner - a bowl of hot oatmeal, a plate of diced bacon, and cold bread slices.

To be precise, that meal was the most decent meal she had ever eaten in her life.

But compared with the feast in front of her, it was far from it.

Gweil had never seen such a sumptuous plating and dishes. Even when she was a child, she followed her parents to the home of the agricultural officer More to borrow grain. She had never seen such a variety of delicacies on Mr. More's table.

I want to eat it! Can I eat it? Is this really for me?

She was entangled. The clothes she wore were temporarily given to her by Roman's maid. Although they were a little ill-fitting, this comfortable fabric was much better than her previous linen clothes.

The quilt was also warm yesterday. She slept soundly. When she was woken up by the maid, she felt that her bones were soft.

Just like Ms. Shasta, the people here did not despise her as a disaster star.

The serious-looking old man brought her here, probably to let her come for dinner, but could she eat...

Roman called her again, "Gavier!"

Gavier heard it this time, and she jumped up from her chair in shock. As a result, she lost her balance, stumbled, and almost hit her head on the table. At the critical moment, Green, who had been observing her, reached out and quickly grabbed Gavier's neck, lifted her up and stood up again.

Gavier looked at Roman timidly.

Roman pressed his palm, signaling the unfortunate child to calm down, and then asked: "Gavier, how old are you this year?"

The girl blinked first, then raised her hands in panic, put them in front of her eyes, and her ten fingers moved rhythmically like playing a piano, but what she played was obviously not a beautiful melody - Roman's question stumped her.

She was at a loss, "Ten years old... No, eleven years old..."

Roman smiled. He knew that Gweil was very small. She was only about 1.3 meters tall, probably only twelve or thirteen years old. She had black, rough long hair and brown eyes like a timid deer. She was very thin, and even very skinny.

Her arms were as thin as firewood, and her cheeks were sunken, like a skinny little monkey. Only her big eyes were still smart, and her skinny appearance made her look very scary.

It was incredible that this unfortunate child was still alive.

If it were someone else, she would have died in the mountains long ago.

Roman asked her age just to open the topic. He said, "Gawler, you know who I am, right?"

Gawler said timidly, "I know. You are the Lord."

Roman nodded with satisfaction, "Well, you are my valet now. A valet is someone who follows me. You eat whatever I eat. Okay, you can eat now."

Gawler sat down with a confused expression. She didn't understand the meaning of valet, but Roman said it very straightforwardly. She felt that she understood, and felt very relieved about what Roman said specifically.

So, after Gawler sat down, she didn't use the knife and fork in front of the plate, but immediately grabbed a piece of white bread and stuffed it into her mouth, bulging her cheeks, like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Aaron, who was sitting opposite her, saw that Gawler was eating very fiercely, and silently pushed the glass of milk next to Gawler's plate.

But Gawler didn't choke.

She swallowed a lot, but chewed slowly, biting all the food into small pieces before swallowing it.

Seth frowned and wanted to teach her dining etiquette, but Roman stopped him.

The child is afraid of being hungry, so he should correct it slowly in the future.

Roman was very patient with Gweiler, after all, he had finally snatched it from Shasta.

After breakfast, Roman took everyone to the town of Sage to inspect the work.

Gweil was afraid of returning home, and looked at the market town getting closer and closer. She began to feel a little uneasy.

Roman entered the town of Sige and found that the progress yesterday was not bad. There were more than 30 tons of fertilizer piled up just by looking at it.

After all, with so many people mobilized, most of the residents of Sige Town regarded picking up manure as labor, and the degree of cooperation was very high.

Of course, it could also be because of the free lunch and wheat rewards.

When Moore got the news, he immediately came to greet Roman.

Behind him was a pair of farmers with panic expressions.

"Master Roman, these two are Hard Nova and Sima Nova, the parents of Miss Gweil Nova."

When the two saw Roman and Gweil, especially the latter, Hard's legs softened and he knelt down to beg for mercy: "Dear Lord, please have mercy, this devil is not my daughter, please don't burn us to death."

Gweil's eyes were originally bright, but after hearing her father's words, her expression dimmed again.

Roman said indifferently: "Gweil is now my attendant. From today on, when you see her, it's like seeing me!"

Witches are stigmatized in the eyes of civilians.

This is due to the church's vigorous propaganda and cruel means. If a witch is found, her family will be burned to death.

This makes mortals afraid of being associated with witches, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Had heard Roman's words, he was overjoyed. The church represents fairness and justice, and the noble lord also represents power and status. Since Gweil has become the lord's attendant, their whole family will not have to die!

Sima suddenly said: "Lord, a witch came to us the day before yesterday..."

Hade pulled his wife's arm hard, but Sima still insisted on telling what happened that night.

Roman's expression was calm, and he nodded and said: "I know, don't spread this matter, go and do your thing."

"Praise the lord!" Had said hurriedly, and then pulled Sima away as if escaping.

But when Sima turned around, she looked at Gweiler with a complicated expression, and Gweiler looked at her mother reluctantly.

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