
The diggers noticed that the rain had suddenly become heavier.

They worked shirtless, and the title of mud-legs was well deserved.

The cold rain hit their shoulders and backs, and some people shivered.

It was summer, but they felt a little cold.

Roman ordered people to build a large number of temporary shelters.

More than a hundred draft horses pulled carriages one after another.

There were wooden barrels on the carriages, and in the barrels were warm bacon soup, fried bacon and soft bread.

The laborers began to eat in batches. These warm lunches replenished the body's heat, and the stomachs were warm, and they felt much better. After eating, they didn't rest much and continued to dig pits.

They worked in batches.

Dig ditches and dig channels to guide the water flow to a lower direction.

But the progress was slow.

TM! Those wastelands were too difficult to dig, and there were stones everywhere.

Roman's face was gloomy.

He rode a white horse and walked through one place after another.

The rain was getting more and more, flooding the feet.

The ditches dug out were also full of water.

He had a bird's-eye view and found that these depressions could not carry much water.

This was normal. Every summer, the lower reaches of the basin would become a swamp.

The water in those swamps would slowly flow to the Bro River, or be absorbed by the soil, and would definitely recede.

But this process might take ten days or half a month.

What is developed land?

It means that when encountering heavy rains, it can quickly discharge flood water through infrastructure and water conservancy, and has a certain flood resistance.

Those crops will not be flooded for ten days or half a month.

Even three or five days will not be able to bear it.

He is still planting bean crops this time.

After one day of flooding, the water recedes and can barely recover.

After two days, the yield will be greatly reduced.

After three days, all will die.

No, we have to find a way to dig a flood discharge channel to the Bro River.

Roman observed and searched patiently, and finally found a suitable location.




Just one or two hours after the work started, the sky darkened.

Roman had no choice but to call it a day.

Agents from various residential areas beat gongs, drums, blew whistles, and used various communication methods to gather the workers.

They couldn't go back tonight.

Set up camp quickly, rest on the spot, and try to start work quickly at dawn tomorrow.

Roman had already brought a large amount of dry firewood, iron pots for boiling water, and freshly prepared food from the big kitchen.

Let's keep it simple and get through the night.

He himself didn't go back, and lived and ate with a group of managers.

The sky was completely dark.

Not only was it raining heavily, but there were also intermittent thunders that became the only light source in the sky.

Darkness fell, thunder roared, heavy rain poured, and water surged.

The whole world seemed to be submerged in water.

There were only those bonfires on the ground, swaying like candlelight in this dark world. From a distance, it looked like the lights of thousands of houses in this thunderstorm, small but inextinguishable, just like the primitive human race fighting to the end in the face of natural disasters - it was like this back then, and it is still like this now.

Roman woke up suddenly while sleeping.

He realized that it was the third day of the rainy season.

When he looked at the interface, he found that it would still rain heavily tomorrow.

Roman's eyes went dark.

The worst expectation came true!

He was still sleepy when he woke up. It was not yet four o'clock and it was still dark outside.

But he could not care less.

Roman led the white horse out of the temporary camp and headed for the military camp.

When the soldiers in the military camp found him, the sky was slightly bright.

He was soaked all over, and his thick hair stuck to his body. The guards almost didn't recognize him.

"Master?... Master!!"

Roman entered the military camp with a gloomy face!

Half an hour later.

All the troops were assembled.

They were isolated and isolated here. They only knew that it was raining, and didn't know what was happening outside.

"I need you now! Not for war, but for flood control!" Roman said straight to the point, with Jet standing behind him.

The rain was noisy, and his voice was not a whistle, not sharp and piercing, and could not even be heard more than 20 meters away, let alone heard by a full 5,000 soldiers.

But the row of people in front of him heard it.

That was enough.

"First Battalion! Ninth Battalion! Eleventh Battalion! All the squadron leaders and team leaders, throw away all your weapons and follow me!" Aaron shouted with his neck tilted up.

Aaron took the lead.

He rode on his warhorse and held high the square flags of the first, ninth, and eleventh battalions. The three flags were hung on the same flagpole and distinguished by color.

The so-called square flag knight is the one who commands the army.

"Second Battalion! Tenth Battalion! Twelfth Battalion! All the squadron leaders and team leaders, follow me!" Green shouted immediately.

Then Green also got on his horse and held up the flag high.

"Third Battalion! Thirteenth Battalion! Fourteenth Battalion! Do you hear me? Our master needs us. Follow me!" Nathan's voice was like a drum.

He usually didn't ride a warhorse, because he was superior to others, holding the square flag with one hand.

"Fourth Battalion! Fifteenth Battalion! Serve the king! Die for the king!" Kao's voice sounded harsh and cold.

He moved quickly and inserted the flagpole on the saddle.

"Heavy Battalion! The time has come when you are needed!" Dick said the same thing.

"Scouting brigade! Everyone follow up!" Dota gave an order.

"Cavalry brigade! Don't fall behind!" Luca shouted.

"All archers have..."

"Cooking squad..."


Floods are coming.

The army also set out.

They are more organized than peasants.

No one makes noise, no one speaks.

They follow their captains in silence.

Throughout history, no army has ever done anything that has nothing to do with war, plunder, and killing.

Everyone believes that they are an army and should play a role on the battlefield, not crawling in the mud.

Their hands should hold swords, knives, and spears, shoot deadly arrows, and do everything they can to hurt others.

But it's different now.

The real army has appeared. When they joined the army, they all swore an oath to be loyal to their masters and people.

From then on, they will only do what they should do.

The spirit is condensed, the dignity is awakened, the soul is revived, and the spine is straightened.

The earth is thundering, and the bones are piled up.

All those hypocritical things will be exposed in front of them.

Roman also believed that one day they would sweep away all the monsters and demons.

This sky and land will eventually be clear and bright.


This rainstorm lasted for seven days.

This is a basin-wide flood, the rainfall is very exaggerated, and the water level in the middle and upper reaches of the basin has risen significantly.

The so-called flood refers to the flood.

According to the old people in the town of Sige, this is a flood that has not been seen in thirty or fifty years.

If there is no gap in the basin, it will become the largest freshwater lake in the entire land.

The participation of the army in the construction has greatly accelerated the progress of the project.

Roman ordered people to work day and night, regardless of the consumption of various manpower and material resources, and finally on the fifth day, the canal was dug through.

At that time, the flood had already flooded a small half of the cultivated land.

But the water was soon diverted away, and although the crop yield was reduced, it should not be serious.

At the end, Roman's eyes were red and swollen, his body was wet and cold, he was sleepy and tired, even the physical strength of a knight could not bear it.

Others slept directly in the muddy ground.

But the story was not over.

The heavy rain brought floods, and the floods brought epidemics.

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