If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 272 Soldiers! You must have a sense of honor!

Roman pays attention to food hygiene and asks his residents to drink more hot water.

No matter what, no matter men, women, old or young.

Drink more hot water!

The big kitchen model can greatly save fuel. Boiling water is very convenient. There is always a stove dedicated to boiling water. Boiling water is supplied in unlimited quantities. Many workers like to use wooden barrels to go to the big kitchen to fetch water after work and keep it at home for use.

But this situation is an exception.

Because ordinary people in the Middle Ages could not afford to drink boiled water.

The so-called firewood, rice, oil and salt, the word firewood is the first.

Most of the lower classes do not live, but survive, and fuel is also one of the burdens of the lower-class farmers.

Let alone firewood, even wheat straw is wealth.

Wheat straw is not for burning, but for filling in sacks or weaving into straw mats and laying on the bed as bedding.

So Roman chose the big kitchen model, aiming to save fuel and save time.

So the mortality rate of illness in Origin City is extremely low.

Drinking hot water is really useful!

But it cannot prevent all diseases.

There will be a big epidemic after a big disaster.

Environmental pollution, virus breeding, mosquito transmission.

Flood fighting personnel soaked in water for a long time, their immunity decreased, and they would be infected with various bacteria.

There are too many ways to spread diseases.

When Roman finished fighting the flood, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he found that infectious diseases were spreading in the flood fighting team.

Fever, diarrhea, blood rash, malaria... these diseases can easily take a person's life.

Roman was very distressed.

They could only be isolated to prevent the further spread of the disease.

He dragged his tired body and hurried back to the Origin City, opened the storage warehouse, and moved out thousands of kilograms of garlic.

Onions, ginger and garlic are the main seasonings in the Origin City.

After all, in this era without peppers and precious spices, these are the only seasonings that Roman can grow.

This batch of garlic was harvested in May and June, with an output of only 300 kilograms per mu, but Roman planted 400 mu. For this kind of vegetable that can serve as a seasoning, the more the better, so there are a lot of reserves in the warehouse, which is more than enough to make allicin.

He urgently made several copper distiller.

Finally, the distilled allicin was distributed for oral use. It has slight side effects, but it has resistance to various bacterial diseases.

In this era, it can be called a miracle drug.

Roman didn't make allicin in the past simply because he didn't think of it.

Planting more fields is better than any miracle drug.

Roman saw with his own eyes that the physical condition of those who had fever and diarrhea gradually improved, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He taught the medical staff of the hospital this distillation step. Allicin cannot be stored for a long time, but it can be prepared every day and incorporated into the medical system. Once the livestock in the farm have an infectious disease, allicin can also be used to enhance resistance.

He recruited 500 apostles last time, including converted nuns and priests.

These are the candidates he can rely on.

Especially the nuns, who have basic medical skills and mastered various life skills. Roman will not be wrong to spread the knowledge.

Now the infectious disease in the flood control camp has infected more than a thousand people.

There will definitely be deaths, and allicin is not a panacea.

But as long as it can reduce the mortality rate, it will be fine. A mortality rate of 1% is within the acceptable range.

After doing all this, Roman felt exhausted physically and mentally, and his eyes could hardly open.

Now that the situation has been determined, he handed over the subsequent trivial matters to others, returned to the Origin Manor, took a hot bath with the help of the maid, and fell asleep after returning to his room. He vaguely felt that someone adjusted his posture and covered his abdomen with a blanket, so he slept more comfortably and had no intention of waking up. At this time, even if someone stabbed him with a knife, he was too lazy to pay attention.

Roman woke up and was hungry.

It was noon at this time. He should have slept from yesterday afternoon until now.

Roman got up and went to the hall, and found that the knights and witches were all there.

"You have been sleeping for almost a day and a night." Green said, "We have made great contributions this time, you have to reward us well?"

"Reward! Whatever you want, reward." Roman sat on the main seat and picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.



Just kidding, this can't be done, otherwise the nature will change.

Roman thought for a while, "I will give all of you a medal of honor in a while."

"I will give it to you personally." He emphasized.

Isn't the medal of honor more inspiring than money-smelling materials?

Soldiers! You must have a sense of honor!

Not like Green who shamelessly asks him for benefits.

"That's it?" Green looked disgusted.

Which medal was not given by you personally?

Jet, Dick, and Aaron all looked at Roman silently.

Do your job.

They have to strive for some benefits for the people under them. After all, they all came from muddy water. Which soldier doesn't have blisters and bloodstains on his body, and his skin is worn out?

"Okay," Roman rubbed his head, "give one more bar of soap every month."

Originally, the soldiers only had a quota of two bars of soap per month, and they had to use them urgently, so this increase was not small, directly increasing by half.

"Two dollars!" Green bargained.

"That's impossible... Well, I'll give you another set of clothes this fall." Roman sighed.

Maintaining an army is a bottomless pit.

Especially for professional troops, they have to take care of their food, drink, defecation and urination.

Five thousand sets of clothes, and the materials are solid and the quality is excellent.

One set of clothes provided to soldiers is equivalent to three sets of clothes issued to civilians - farmers go shirtless when fighting floods, just to worry about the wear of clothes, and they have to take off their clothes every time they do heavy work.

But military clothes must be thick and wear-resistant.

Now is a chaotic time, and the price of textile raw materials has tripled.

This is nearly a thousand gold coins thrown into the water, and whether they can be bought is another matter.

But since Roman has promised, he must find a way to fulfill it.

He planted 200 acres of cotton this year, and an output of 30 kilograms per acre is considered a win, plus the wool from the farm, it should not be difficult.

After all, it is enough to issue clothes once.

If four bars of soap are given every month, it is equivalent to continuous bleeding. Once it becomes the norm, there is no way to reduce the treatment.

Soldiers have received wages, and it is not a good thing to give too high a salary.

At this time, Jimmy came to the manor and saw Roman and said in surprise: "Master, you finally woke up."

Roman knocked his head, "By the way, Jimmy, is the work done?"

"Master, I will give each flood fighting personnel a receipt according to your arrangement."

"That's good." Roman nodded, "Then... According to the receipt, you give each of them five bars of soap, and say it is my reward."

"Five?" Jimmy was surprised.

"Yes, just go and get it." Roman said generously,

He mobilized 7,000 people on the first day, and more people on the second and third days, a total of 10,000 people, and another 5,000 soldiers, which can be said to have maximized the mobilization ability.

Because it is not only men, Roman also asked the people in the Residents Department to select a large number of women with good physique to help carry soil and stones.

Now it's time to give back.

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