If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 297: Making Wedding Dresses for Others

This was an asymmetric war, with a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

There were no ambushes, guerrilla warfare or raids. If there was any tactic, it was only the most basic coordinated operations, a head-on decisive battle.

Archers covered the enemy with firepower, spears advanced from the front, guards penetrated and divided, heavy armor protected the two wings, and cavalry provided mobile support.

With this combination of punches, the Crusade Army was directly wiped out.

Long-range firepower and spear advancement were equivalent to the coordination of artillery and infantry in the cold weapon era.

The guards found weak points to cut the battlefield and fought a beautiful annihilation war.

Even Jet and Dick, who were commanding the war, felt incredible.

This was no longer a war.

They slaughtered 6,000 Crusade Army, but only lost less than 300 soldiers themselves, and most of them were injured, not killed in battle.

When the Crusade Army faced the baptism of the first round of arrow rain and the gap was opened in the front line, their failure was doomed.

They were not the only ones who felt incredible.

When the war was over, the news spread across the land like a hurricane, and all the kings and princes on the land were shocked!

The King of the Valley came out of retreat and swept across the Holy See's Crusade Army!

One battle decides the outcome!

Although this land has long been numb to war, in the eyes of the countries, this battle is still so heavyweight.



But it really happened, like a big earthquake.

It is said that the Lord of the Black Iron Throne also stood up from the throne in shock, and sat down again for a long time.

What's going on?

I just asked you to punch the Crusade Army, but how did you kill it with one punch?

Even Lu Zhishen is not as outrageous as you!

The King of Black Iron didn't understand, but was greatly shocked.

After he reacted, he immediately began to use the influence of this incident to suppress the subsequent actions of the Church.

The King of Sinnoh and the Pope, who were farther away, were very uncomfortable. They already knew in their hearts that the Blasphemer Roman must have created a new iron forging technology, otherwise he would not have thousands of soldiers.

But they were helpless. The Black Iron had not collapsed yet. The Black Iron King was stuck in the middle, and Sinnoh could not fight at all.

Losing so many troops in one battle would be painful for anyone.

The believers in the Spring Rain War were Black Iron people, who came from the Grand Dukedom of Split Armor.

And the 20,000 holy war army were all Sinnoh people. Later, after they were stationed in Kant Territory, the believers who defected to them were also Black Iron people.

They lost 20,000 young and strong men directly, which was a huge loss.

"My lord, His Majesty the King said that you are the 'unbeatable', and that war was called the 'sweeping war'."

Seth handed the secret letter from the Black Iron King to Roman.

Roman opened it and found that it was the Black Iron King's praise for him. It seems that this title has spread within the Black Iron Court.

He ignored this matter and was counting the spoils of war during this period.

More than 20,000 prisoners of war are not trivial. Origin City cannot accommodate them, and Roman is not prepared to cram them into Origin City.

Now Kant Territory is his.

In the past, the main reason why Roman did not occupy Kant Territory was that he could not defend it.

Today is different from the past.

This will become a seesaw for Origin City to the outside world.

To some extent, the dilemma faced by Sinnoh and Origin City is similar.

The former is trapped in the Sinnoh Peninsula.

And Origin City is trapped in the basin.

Both need a seesaw to expand their power.

The servants cleaned up the battlefield in the rear, while Roman led his troops to drive the prisoners to Kant Territory.

The situation here actually gave Roman a surprise.

The Crusade has built this place well!

The Church has absorbed many believers and built a lot in autumn and winter. The originally barren land has also been re-tended.

Sinnoh's resources are constantly flowing here from the Bro River. The materials stored so far should be enough for the population of Kant Territory for one or two months.

The Crusade treats believers very leniently.

Including but not limited to tax reduction, providing houses, farm tools, and renting arable land.

For the believers who surrendered to the Crusades without food, the Crusades also gave them a winter ration so that they would not starve to death.

Firewood in the forest and fish in the river can also be used for free in winter, and firewood and fish taxes will be collected after the snow melts.

Compared with the nobles on earth, these policies can be said to be more humane.

There are also construction results.

The only drawback is that they did not expect the blasphemer to force his way out, and all their efforts were made for Roman.

"Good, good!"

Roman was more and more satisfied.

Although the infrastructure was very rough in his eyes, it was enough to be usable, what bicycles were needed.

He did not know the specific details of the population and land of Kant Territory now.

However, these things can be counted slowly.

Roman arranged 5,000 troops to guard here to maintain basic order.

Everyone on this land must be strictly guarded!

These are all laborers!

After Roman figured out the general situation of Kant Territory, there were too many things to do.

The most urgent task is to carry out spring ploughing.

Origin City can start sowing in late January, as the temperature warms up rapidly. But it is not the case outside, as it is too cold, and sowing can only be done in late February.

Further north, sowing can only be done in March, and some places in the northern land have to wait until April or May, as the winter lasts for half a year.

Although there is plenty of time for preparation, Roman's spring ploughing steps are also very cumbersome.

He looked at the farming tools prepared by the Crusade Army.

Very good, standard light plow.

This kind of plow is suitable for the Sinnoh Peninsula, but not for the Black Iron Land.

The first thing to do is to reform agriculture!

Roman will transport heavy plows from Origin City to Kant Territory.

At least hundreds of heavy plows are needed, otherwise they will not be enough.

Thousands of steel farm tools must also be shipped here, and everyone should have one.

Arrange three meals a day to speed up labor efficiency.

Take advantage of this period to plow the land deeply.

Tools alone are not enough, and hundreds of agricultural instructors must be sent from Origin City.

Small-scale agricultural production is easy to supervise.

But large-scale agricultural production cannot do without special instructors.

The number of members of the Agricultural Department of Origin City is relatively large.

Barro has established an agricultural training class. As long as the farmers meet the knowledge requirements and pass Barro's review, they can enter the Agricultural Department.

The population of Origin City is also growing very fast. The newly added slaves know nothing about the production model of Origin City. To organize them and supervise them at all times, professionals are indispensable.

Members of the Ministry of Agriculture have a basic salary of 2 copper coins per month, and their main task is to provide agricultural guidance - not to stand on the ground and point fingers, but to let others work with them and treat them as model workers.

However, it is also very troublesome to transfer hundreds of agricultural guidance.

Because the agricultural guidance has settled in Origin City, they may not be willing to come.

It is not impossible for Roman to force them, but they must have complaints in their hearts.

Therefore, Roman informed Barlow that whoever is willing to come to Kant Territory to farm will be given a special subsidy of 3 copper coins per month.

There are 300 places, and those who register will be given priority. They can go back after working for half a year.

This is equivalent to a long-term business trip.

Soon, he received news that the agricultural guidance was very enthusiastic, and at that time, they would go to Kant Territory with heavy plows and farm tools.

Finally, Roman had to pull out a group of students who could write to help him with document registration and management.

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