Roman never returned to the City of Origin after the Sweeping War ended.

He was directly based in the count's castle in Kant's territory.

This approach can bring the greatest degree of deterrence to the residents of this land.

He can react quickly to anything he encounters in his territory.

Roman's prestige in Origin City is extremely high. The people of Origin City not only feared him, but also loved him from the bottom of their hearts.

But the same cannot be said for the people of this land.

Everyone wanted to kill him. If someone found him walking alone at night, it was normal for him to be beaten.

Alas, it is not easy to transform this group of people into kings. It will take at least three to five years of transformation.

This also means that as long as Roman can endure, the foundation of his rule will be solid in three to five years.

Just building a new territory requires investing a lot of manpower and material resources.

Just the supplies shipped from Origin City are calculated in tons.

Kant Castle.

The Jihadi Army also tidied up the place. Roman packed his bags and moved in, patiently waiting for the delivery of supplies.

During this period, he also discussed with a group of war knights, captains, witches, and civilian officials at the dinner table what to name the land and the castle.

The new dynasty is elegant and political.

Roman conquered this land with four victories.

It would be inappropriate to call it Kant Territory and Kant Castle.

Develop a new sense of identity early.

"Should we also give the ferry downstream our name a name?" Dick said.

After all, it was the place where the King of the River Valley came out of seclusion, so it was of great significance.

Roman thought for a moment and said, "Let's call it 'King's Crossing'."

It has not been developed yet. It is a wild and mixed forest with only a small area of ​​roads and campsites. However, it has great potential for subsequent development and can build towns.

There is no dispute about this.

The sweep battle was very comfortable. Although there was damage, it was too good compared to expectations.

Their moods are all laid back and relaxed.

Green said: "What about here?"

"Fengrao City." Roman said.

He wants to bring a large number of farming tools from the Origin City, isn't it just to develop this place into a rich and prosperous place.

"Ah, abundance?"

"If it doesn't work now, it won't work in the future." Roman rolled his eyes at Green, "I want to give everyone on this land a saying, 'Farming is better than gold.'"

"I hope so."

"You have to work hard."

"Oh, okay, okay, do it, do it."

In a few words, everyone determined the name that would accompany this land for thousands of years in the future.

When people in later generations talk about this city, they always marvel at its richness and richness, thinking that it is worthy of its name, but they can no longer imagine the scene when the name was first born, when the great emperors and epic figures of mankind were chatting and laughing at the dinner table.

After lunch was over, Roman called Margaret.

There are no desks or study rooms in the castle, and the bedrooms are also a bit cold and damp, making it less comfortable than the Origin Manor.

Roman had to talk to Margaret in the hall.

Shasta accompanied Margaret nervously.

"Tell me what happened that time."

"...I couldn't hold it back."


"When I saw the violence, when I saw the blood, I just wanted to kill." Margaret said softly, looking at Roman quietly with her blood-red eyes through the gap in her hair.

"In other words, I asked you to be my guard, but you can leave me alone?" Roman also saw that scene. Margaret was killing people on the battlefield, looking like she was crazy. Fortunately, she Some sense, no friendly troops were harmed, and all they killed were jihadists.

"I can't control it." Margaret said. Roman had seen her crazy look, and also spent time with the silent Margaret. Seeing her look like that for the first time, he was inevitably a little curious about this witch, "If you can control it, If you don’t stop, will you kill me?”

"Your Highness, Margaret won't do it!" Shasta said first.

"I didn't let you speak!" Roman said dissatisfied, and then looked at the bloody witch, "Will you?"

"...I don't know if I will kill you."

"Margaret!" Shasta exclaimed.

Roman frowned immediately. He was very dissatisfied with this answer. This was an unstable factor. He felt that Margaret must have some kind of madness.

"I think you're usually fine."

Margaret was silent for a moment, then knelt down on one knee, lowered her head, and her long bloody hair touched the ground. "I will accept any punishment," said the witch.

Roman was a little helpless. He had a very good impression of Margaret.

After all, it's hard to find a good subordinate, and Margaret ranks among the top three in his heart.

Obedient, silent, lonely, elegant, and strong enough.

It perfectly matched all his fantasies about witches.

But now it’s time to put it another way.

Dull, honest, inarticulate, and a bit naive.

"I didn't say I wanted to punish you," he said, "I just wanted to understand the situation."

When Margaret heard this, she moved her lips slightly and said: "I long to take away other people's lives, let them bleed dry, and banish their souls to the underworld..."

"Any more?"

She lowered her head deeply, "I... am in danger."

"Lift up." Roman said. He sat on the chair, bent over and reached out to hold Margaret's chin.

Through those messy blood-red hair, Roman saw that her pupils were very beautiful, bright red and crystal, like blood-colored gems, more transparent than Roman's red eyes, and a different color from Nellie's deep blue eyes.

Roman suddenly found that Margaret's eyes were a little evasive, and her expression seemed a little fragile inexplicably.

But Roman would rather believe that he was wrong. The person in front of him was really a killer. A person who was not afraid of killing and death should not be afraid of other things.

"Your Highness, I am very dangerous..." Margaret said.

Yes, if it were an ordinary farmer, seeing Margaret's appearance, it would be strange if he didn't throw stones at her.

"I know you are very dangerous, and you said that you might kill me too. No one has ever dared to talk to me like this. You are the first one."

Margaret was silent.

Roman found that she was not a little silly, but very silly, and dared to say anything.

But he couldn't get angry when he looked at her.

Margaret's face was really young, like a young girl, even though she was several years older than Shasta.

"I... am willing to accept the punishment." She said.

Roman liked her honesty, she would admit her mistakes and stand at attention when she was beaten.

"If I hit you, you wouldn't want to kill me, would you?"

After hearing that, Margaret said, "Your Highness, if you think so, then just kill me." Her beautiful face showed some sadness and some relief.

Shasta stood aside, watching this scene very nervously.

Roman immediately realized that Margaret was telling the truth.

She was not someone who could be joked with, this guy would really take it seriously.

He changed his words and said, "Then I will punish you to clean up my room, so that I can sleep more comfortably tonight."

"I know." Margaret finally stood up, "Will I go to the military camp in the future?"

She felt that was where she should go, with other fighting witches.

"I need you to protect me." Roman said, "This is more important than anything else."

"Can you tolerate me?"

"All of you witches are dangerous. As long as you listen to me, I can tolerate anything."

Margaret got the answer, and her back was inexplicably relaxed as she left.

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