Military recruitment is a long-term task.

The best stage is from 17 to 23 years old, when their bodies can still be improved, their potential needs to be developed, and they have not yet been fully formed.

Military training is extremely arduous.

In fact, Roman's 7,000 veterans are in their youth and their physical functions are at their peak.

The most notable point is that they can withstand high-intensity military training.

If they don't have some potential, most people can't bear it once their bodies are squeezed.

In the long run, they will either die or become disabled.

Therefore, once Jet sees that some newly enlisted soldiers can't hold on, he will give them a severance pay and let them go back to farming.

Those laborers can't be lost during training.

Is it over after being tempered in the furnace of the army?

Of course not, Roman's training method is too violent, and all soldiers are overdrawing their bodies as a price to hold on.

He is sure that before these people are thirty years old, those subtle hidden injuries will begin to be exposed, and when they are forty years old, they are basically all injured, and they will hurt all over when it is cloudy or rainy.

In return, they had a golden decade at their peak.

Roman never considered what would happen in ten years.

He only cared about what he could do in these ten years.

At the end of July, the weather began to fall.

The temperature gradually cooled down, no longer as hot as in the summer.

A suitable climate can improve labor efficiency.

Seeing that the planting and construction of the City of Plenty were on track, Roman got up and returned to the City of Origin.

The frequent travel between the two places made Roman more and more annoyed by the inconvenience of transportation.

You wait for me, endure it for a year, and see what happens next year!

Roman gritted his teeth secretly, returned to the manor, went to the school first, and gave them a few lessons in a high-sounding manner.

After all, he was the principal.

He also met the auxiliary witches one by one.

They were responsible for logistics - that is, farming, raising pigs, feeding chickens, and preparing herbs - similar to the nuns in the monastery.

Although the Witch Forest has a deep foundation, it is impossible to support them for nothing.

At its peak, there were nearly a thousand witches in the Witch Forest. Most of them lived in seclusion in the mountains, and a few hid in castles. It was inconvenient to transport supplies, so they could only be self-sufficient.

Literacy is the foundation for witches.

Because only with literacy can they pass on knowledge.

Not only the knowledge of spells, but also the knowledge of potions.

Witches can use special herbs to prepare various magical potions.

There are potions that enhance strength, night vision, improve self-healing, restore mana, and improve physical strength...

Those potion secrets were passed down through trial and error over the years.

Ordinary stimulants are okay, but most extraordinary potions can only be prepared by spellcasters because they require mana to react.

The disadvantage is that taking too much of those potions will accumulate toxins in the body and cause various side effects.

Such as paralysis, muscle dissolution, neurasthenia, decreased vision, etc.

Medicines are three-point poisons, and there is no potion without sequelae.

Some side effects can be alleviated, but some cannot. Once taken, it is equivalent to half paralysis.

However, you can use it, but you can't do without it.

Roman had already sent people to plant the herbal seeds brought by the assistant witches.

This is also a difficult process.

More than a dozen assistant witches took people from the Ministry of Agriculture to find a suitable planting site.

Some of those herbs like light, some like shade, and some like humid terrain.

Anyway, those environments are very harsh and different, and it is quite difficult to cultivate them.

If you rashly change the growth environment, whether you can grow it is one thing, and the efficacy of the herbs will also change is another.

Gweil's blessing can increase their survival rate.

If the efficacy changes, just continue to try and error slowly.


Roman sat on the throne and finally saw the witch's figure appear at the door of the hall, followed by a little donkey.

When she saw him, her eyes suddenly became sparkling.

She walked over with brisk steps and couldn't wait to say: "My Roman, are you here to see me?"

"Of course, I came for you, my goddess of luck." Roman responded with admiration.

He waited for the girl to come over, grabbed her wrist with one hand, and held her waist with the other hand, pulling her to sit on his thigh.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"If I told you, there would be no surprise."

"Well, I'm so happy now." She smiled and leaned sideways, rubbing her ears against his, and her moist breath seemed to contain the sweetness of a girl.

Roman also found that Gweil had grown from that sickly little fruit to a green and slightly sweet fruit, which was really a surprise.

If it weren't for Shasta, he wouldn't dare to have close contact with her.

After all, it was too early, and the fruit was not yet rosy and ripe.

"Do you still have strength now?"

"Yes!" Gweil nodded and said, after so long of mastering it, the daily consumption and recovery were kept at a balance as much as possible, which was good for her.

She had some spare energy every day, so she didn't have to squeeze herself too much.

"Then cast a spell on me."

"Well, what do you want?"

"I want all the useful people."

"That won't do," she blinked and said seriously, "Roman, you have to tell me what you want specifically, so that I can help you, just like those seeds, do you want them to thrive, resist diseases, or adapt to the land..."

The Witch of Destiny is no longer the same as before, and has gradually become a qualified mid-level witch. She also has a deeper understanding of her own spells.

Roman thought for a moment and said, "Then we need young and brave people, the braver the better."

Gweil smiled and waved her palms in front of Roman's eyes, her movements were lively and cheerful.

Roman liked Gweil's look. She had experienced the most difficult sufferings and maintained a pure and lively girlish heart.

"Then your wish has come true!" she said.


"Really!" Gweil emphasized.

She hooked Roman's neck, stretched her body, and gently pressed her delicate light-colored lips on Roman's face.

Her face was slightly flushed, and she buried her head deep in Roman's arms, as if she was shy, but in fact she was secretly happy in a place where no one could see.

She buried her head there and said sullenly: "This is a kiss from the goddess of luck!"

Now I have to believe it.

Roman came here this time to start the eighth recruitment.

There is no way not to come back.

The two garbage pools of Origin City and Abundant City are full of garbage.

Without Gweil's supervision, the result would be unbearable to watch.

This recruitment is of great importance, in order to ensure the effect.

Roman asked Gweil to bless him once a day, for a total of ten days, recruiting one hundred apostles every day.


Ten days passed in a flash.

Now the new apostles in front of Roman are -

Two five-star, namely Vita of teleportation and Monica of the void, the first batch of witches who came to Origin City are of high gold content.

Eight four-star apostles, of which five are witches. The other three are gifted people like Kao.

76 three-star apostles, a small number of them are witches. One third are from Roman's army, those non-commissioned officers who became squad leaders but were not apostles. The other part is from outside the army.

241 two-star apostles, two thirds are from Roman's army, and the other part is from outside the army.

The rest are one-star apostles, and Roman's soldiers also account for a considerable number.

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