If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 316 No one doesn't want to be a soldier

This phenomenon shows that Gweil's spell really worked on him.

Speaking of young brave men.

Two cities, more than 100,000 residents, the bravest people are in Roman's army, this is undeniable.

But not all of them are apostles.

Roman can't bless all soldiers, after all, only a few people enjoy extraordinary improvement.

Now it's good.

The number of apostles in the 7,000 army has doubled directly, reaching a scale of 1,000.

This is a good thing.

If it is a newly recruited apostle, it must be incorporated into the army, trained, and then see if its attributes can be improved. In short, there must be time to adapt.

But now, some veterans can save the effort of training and bless directly.

And according to his observation, this new batch of newly recruited veterans and the veterans he has trained for two years are almost the same in terms of loyalty, with a relationship between 70% and 80%.

Some new apostles have even soared to the 80% mark.

The higher the relationship, the closer his fate is to theirs.

Just the more than 7,000 veterans.

It is estimated that there are 700 soldiers with the physical fitness of the first-class knight level.

Behind them are the quasi-first-class knights, about 2,000 people.

The rest are all soldiers close to the quasi-first-class knights.

Generally speaking, the longer the training, the higher the physical fitness.

But it is also closely related to past experience.

Take the swordsman for example. The swordsman has been holding a sword since childhood. Although the diet standard is not high, he must have never been hungry.

When busy, he does all kinds of labor, and when free, he practices swordsmanship.

Therefore, the two thousand swordsmen in the Sweeping War are all quasi-first-class knights.

And what about Roman's soldiers? They used to be hungry and cold.

With the supply of high-standard diets such as fat, protein, and calories, they also carried out high-intensity devil training. Although the physical fitness has been greatly improved, most people still have not had time to touch that threshold.

Just wait another year.

Roman is very confident about this, even though he knows that the devil training is destroying the future of soldiers.

He doesn't care.

Now there are so many more apostles, all of them will be directly promoted.

Before the end of this year, he can get at least 2,000 soldiers with physical fitness equal to that of first-level knights.

The units of expedition knights will soon become cabbages in Origin City.

Very good!

This is very good!

Gweiler is also very happy.

Hehe, Roman accompanied her for ten days.


Roman has not been idle in these ten days.

He launched a recruitment campaign, and all the apostles who can be kicked into the army will be kicked in, and it doesn’t matter if it is called conscription.

In fact, no one resisted the recruitment order.

It is better to say that all the young and strong are signing up enthusiastically, and even many single men are doing so.

Because it is too fragrant.

Soldiers are now the most popular in the wedding market.

For those female slaves who have not yet been allocated a house and are lonely, as long as they can marry a soldier, they can turn over and become the best-treated group in Origin City.

To put it bluntly, even if their husbands die in battle, they can get a high pension.

Roman was never stingy with pensions, after all, those widows who received pensions also had to work for him.

Just kidding, wives whose husbands did not die in the war had to work for him, so why shouldn't widows work for him? As long as you live, you have to consume, and consumption means spending money. Those pensions that flow out will eventually return to Roman's hands.

Even so, it can't stop the endless stream of suitors.

Every time when the soldiers take a break, there are always some women of marriageable age who try their best to get in front of them, hoping to get their favor.

But there are too many monks and too little meat, and it is difficult for almost everyone to contact them frequently - there are quite a lot of cooks, because they have to deliver processed flour and various foods to the barracks.

So they can have some communication with the soldiers headed by the kitchen team.

Most soldiers are also willing to marry women who know how to cook.

The law of Origin City stipulates monogamy, and no one dares to break it.

Otherwise, you will have to taste the iron fist.

Therefore, women of the right age who have no chance can only look to production departments such as the resident department secretary, agricultural department guide, blacksmith, carpenter, infrastructure team, etc.

They all have income and houses.

The lower-level farmers and other male slaves are chosen when there is no choice.

Of course, women are also in high demand, such as tailors, textile workers, and women who have given birth.

Regardless of gender, they are not picky about appearance and dress, as long as the limbs are healthy.

It’s just that soldiers have three bars of soap per month to wash their bodies. If they save a little, they can even bring a bar of soap home.

So their appearance is the best.

In this case, no one doesn’t want to be a soldier.

In just a few days, the first batch of recruits reached 3,000 people.

Roman plans to add 5,000 recruits this year.

Wait until next year to recruit another 5,000 people.

Recruiting 10,000 people at a time, not to mention that Origin City and Abundant City can’t afford it, even the army can’t afford it.

The training is too difficult.

Everything can only be done step by step.

Roman attaches great importance to organization.

This is true in the City of Plenty, and even more so in the army.

If a new soldier does not receive half a year of training, it will be difficult for him to carry out conventional combat, let alone execute tactics.

Moreover, they also have to undergo a series of combat training such as bows and arrows, spears, and adapting to plate armor.

However, with veterans and squad leaders leading them, it was not difficult to adapt.

After all, the army is autonomous.

A squad leader commands 11 soldiers for training.

The squadron leader and the battalion leader are responsible for higher-level affairs and coordinate with Jet.

Just like in school, the battalion takes turns to assist the kitchen team in fetching water and cooking, regularly cleaning toilets, distributing soap, clothes and other daily necessities.

Is there any more difficult logistical requirements?

If an army can't even manage itself, then Roman can't expect to lead them out to fight.

In fact, he only needs to provide food, clothing, shelter, transportation and weapons and equipment.

The weapons and equipment are provided by the woodworking factory and the coal and iron town. The soldiers must also do the maintenance themselves.

Military uniforms are originally the task of the textile factory and the leather factory. The two factories together can have at most 800 people.

The food is flour ground by the big kitchen, fresh meat from the ranch, and other vegetables and side dishes. It is enough to transport two or three carriages to the military camp every day. Compared with the meadow pastures today, this amount of transportation capacity is just a drizzle.

After all, the roads are paved, and the transportation efficiency has been greatly improved.

They live in the military camp, with bunk beds. One dormitory can accommodate 12 people. On average, each person has only four square meters of activity space, but the narrow space is convenient for cultivating tacit understanding, which is an advantage.

Only in wartime, more menials are needed to assist the army in combat.

For example, guarding prisoners of war, cleaning the battlefield, transporting supplies, setting up camps, burying pots and cooking, etc.

Especially when conducting expeditions, once the supply line is extended, the consumption of supplies is simply unbearable.

But what if there is no war in normal times?

To be fair, the only disadvantage of the standing army is food.

If Roman has 10,000 soldiers, at least 50,000 kilograms of rice, flour, meat, eggs, milk, and vegetables will be thrown into it every day.

In the current era, which noble can afford it?

The King of Black Iron was dumbfounded when he saw it.

But wasn't Roman working so hard to farm and raise livestock all these years just to feed his army?

Is 50,000 catties a day a lot?

This year, Fengrao City harvested a total of 20 million catties of wheat, and it was all staple food.

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