Roman snorted, "If you don't finish this morning, you won't be allowed to have lunch!"

When Green heard this, he immediately wilted.

Man is made of iron and rice is made of steel. If you don't eat for a meal, you will be hungry.

Since your job is in someone else's hands, you should just work hard.

Twenty years ago, the peak Borg was at least a fourth-level extraordinary person, but he hid in the mountains and starved for twenty years. His physical fitness declined dramatically. In the end, he couldn't even beat a first-level extraordinary person, otherwise he would be exhausted to death.

And Dick and Jet's strength probably declined after entering the mountains. Without enough food supplements, it would be extremely difficult to maintain their original strength, let alone training.

Green didn't want to fall to that point.

"Following other lords, there are plenty of fish, meat, and white bread..."

Green muttered to himself and Aaron to install the yoke, and then led the oxen to the field.

It's really miserable for a knight to be in such a state.

If it's like this every day, how can he train and improve his strength?

Aaron didn't seem to be self-conscious, and seemed very down-to-earth.

He held the heavy plow. This plow was quite heavy, and because of the wooden wheel, it was difficult to turn. When plowing the land, it would naturally move forward to plow out a long straight line. The knights had a strong sense of direction, so there was no need to worry about the plow line being slanted.

Gweiler looked at Roman with sparkling eyes: "Lord, what about me?"

She was no stranger to farm work, and was looking forward to what kind of work Roman would assign her - she had no idea what the lord and his attendants were supposed to do. She just felt that the lord was worthy of being the lord, and the plow he used to plow the land was heavier, bigger and wider than that of Lord More.

Roman raised his chin and ordered: "Just stay here, don't run around."

He was too small, his limbs were weak, and he was the reincarnation of a bone-rib spirit. He could not do anything if he didn't help.

He brought Gweiler out purely for fun.

Don't worry now, wait until she gets her nutrition back, and good days are still to come.

"Oh." Hearing this, Gweiler sat obediently on the ox cart. She looked around from time to time, just like an idle child watching her parents working in the fields.

"Hum, hum, hum..." Roman hummed a little tune, holding the heavy plow and driving the ox.

He plowed the land slowly, and [Planting Experience +1] popped up in his mind from time to time.

Roman's task today was very simple, which was to plan a specific range for the land for spring plowing this year - the effect was like the white lines on the playground.

But for this short distance of 1,300 meters, Roman took more than an hour to walk.

Roman wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked back.

A straight deep furrow appeared in front of him, and the black soil more than ten centimeters deep was completely turned out - the previous light plowing could not achieve this level at all, because the shallow fertility was limited, so the harvest was hard to describe.

And this time, the deep plowing turned out the deep soil together.

The vertical plowshare went deep into the ground, driven by the oxen, and opened a path for the plowshare, which turned up a large piece of soil behind the plow blade. The plowboard was a kind of oblique flap installed behind the plowshare. The soil turned up by the plowshare would be tilted and piled to the right side of the plow, thus forming a furrow and furrow ridge between the fields.

It was just like drawing a line on the beach with a stick, and the sand would automatically pile up on both sides.

Looking at this row of neat furrows and furrows, Roman was very happy.

He lifted the heavy plow, drove the oxen to turn a corner, and continued to plow the land forward for one thousand meters, forming a right angle.

Green and Aaron were waiting at the end.

The two of them took turns holding the heavy plow, and their efficiency was faster than Roman. Aaron also picked up all the hard mud, stones, tree roots, dead grass, etc. turned up by the heavy plow and threw them all on the land next to him.

Looking down from the sky, Roman can be seen holding the heavy plow, and under the drag of two oxen, he drew a straight plowing line and slowly blocked the rectangular gap.

Roman joined the two and put the plow up - this vertical hard pure iron plow can adjust the depth of plowing.

Finally. The three of them were basically sweating when they returned to the field.

Seeing the expectant expression of Gweil sitting on the ox cart, Roman knew that she was hungry.

Roman snapped his fingers and said, "Go eat, go eat!"

After these days of work, the farmers also knew that it was time for lunch.

This is a free lunch, and the quality of the food is excellent.

They returned to the town of Sger. Roman's food was also prepared. Although he ate the same food as the farmers, his side was obviously exquisite.

Whether it was oatmeal porridge or black bread, it looked very clean.

So Roman acquiesced to Moore's little action. The physique of the extraordinary people is not afraid of the problem of dirtiness, but it is better to be a little cleaner.

After he finished eating, the deacon Seth stopped him.

"I think you need to look at the financial situation of Sage Town."

Seth handed Roman a stack of thick parchment.

Roman took it and looked at it for a moment.

The power of the nobles in this world is unimaginable. They only need to be responsible to the superior nobles or the king.

In addition, they have most of the rights of their own territories, even the right of first night.

Roman knew that some nobles would really exercise these rights.

For ordinary people, tenants who can rent land can be called free people, and those without land are basically slaves, but this is limited to the fiefs of small nobles. The fiefs of large nobles can be divided into more classes.

The financial situation of Sig Town is very strange, it is a messy account, and has no reference and statistical value.

It is normal, this place used to be a one-man show for More.

He wrote down what he did when he thought of it, and didn't write it down when he didn't want to.

The tax collector of the Grand Dukedom has a fixed tax share every year, and has never checked the details of Sig Town.

More has been here for so long that he doesn't even know the population of Sig Town. Maybe he did it deliberately.

He only knows not to let the peasants starve to death, to give birth to more children, to plant more land, to harvest more food, and to exchange food for more money. When necessary, he will even lend them food in difficult times to help them get through the crisis...

This can't be said to be wrong, but as a lord, you can't play like this.

The appearance of Roman changed everything.

All accounts must be recalculated, and all expenses and incomes must be listed in detail, so as to facilitate long-term rule.

Roman even saw in the financial records of the town of Sger that at some point, 100 kilograms of rye were lent to the Nova family, 150 kilograms had been repaid after the autumn harvest, and 100 kilograms would be repaid next year.

Usury has come out...

Roman called More over, and when More was sweating, he took the feather pen from Seth's hand and crossed out all the thick parchment.

That action was quite like Sun Wukong rewriting the book of life and death.

Roman said: "Write off the previous accounts, understand?"

He recovered all the land, how could the farmers who owed him money pay back the grain?

Of course, Roman also knew that even if he strongly demanded the concentration of labor, most farmers would definitely grow some grains and cereals in secret.

Not allowing those wastelands to be cultivated during the day does not mean that they really don't farm.

But as long as it didn't interfere with daytime work, Roman would turn a blind eye - anyway, the farmers had to hand over 50% of the land output to him during the harvest, and the crops in the fields couldn't be hidden at all.

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