Moir nodded like pounding garlic, constantly wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, and had expected this matter.

I thought Roman would be furious when he saw these messy account books.

Roman turned to Seth and said, "Seth, you will manage the finances of Sige Town in the future."

Seth sighed, "Master, this is the problem I want to talk to you about. I'm afraid we will go bankrupt this winter."

Seth did some calculations for Roman.

The guards are the armed forces of Sige Town. They have no salary, but they will receive subsidies in kind, 50 kilograms of wheat and 140 kilograms of grains per year, compared to the tax rate of half of other farmers.

This makes guards a pretty good profession, and you can't become one without some connections and conditions.

And the stewards are even more exaggerated.

They have a basic salary of 5 silver coins per year, and an additional 120 kilograms of wheat, 50 kilograms of grains, and 30 kilograms of meat, with a complete tax rate.

Only these stewards can afford slaves.

The reason for calculating the tax exemption rate is that the guards and stewards also have land at home.

Some have more than 100 acres, and some have hundreds of acres.

Roman didn't know the details. Anyway, he had recovered all the land and labor, so there was no need to care about these trivial matters.

In other words, the annual fiscal expenditure of Sige Town is nearly thousands of kilograms of wheat, and grains and meat are not included.

The total salary is as high as 8 gold coins.

The problem now is that Sige Town can't pay this year's salary in winter.

The reason is that before Roman came, Sige Town's financial situation was healthy.

But then Roman made drastic changes to Sige Town and directly overturned the original production model.

Seth was extremely opposed to this.

Sige Town's grain could have been sold, but this year it would be a win if no one starved to death.

It is still unknown how much the two thousand acres of land Roman marked out this morning will produce in the summer.

Sige Town's main output is grain, and low output means no income.

In the foreseeable future, he successfully plunged the originally well-fed town of Sger into a state of severe famine.

After all, the farmers' food reserves can only sustain them until the summer, and they can still eat wild vegetables and pick berries in the autumn.

But people will definitely starve to death in the winter.

What's more terrible is the expenditure of 8 gold coins.

More than 1,700 kilograms of wheat are worth 1 gold coin.

In other words, 8 gold coins are equivalent to more than 14,000 kilograms of wheat.

If the grain cannot be sold, then Sger Town will not be able to afford these financial expenditures-Seth did not even include Green, Aaron and his own wages, otherwise this expenditure would triple or even double.

And the employment fees of Sger Town's craftsmen are not a small number, such as Lux and Vicki.

After Seth's calculation, Roman's original heart was immediately put down.

"So that's it."

Seth's attitude was very serious, and he bowed slightly and said, "I hope you can think carefully!"

His subtext was that you should stop messing around, and let the farmers go to farm. It doesn't matter if you delay the spring plowing for two or three days. If you continue, there will be no hope this year.

"Don't worry." Roman waved his hand.

Seth reminded him.

His first thought when he heard about bankruptcy was to fight against the local tyrants - that is, to plunder More.

But he felt it was unnecessary. This fat pig was raised in the backyard, and all the meat was his.

And More's response of asking for whatever he wanted also satisfied Roman, so he didn't plan to change the agricultural officer.

Roman turned to More and asked, "Why are the salaries and benefits of the stewards so high?"

There are 16 stewards in Sige Town, each with different responsibilities. Some are responsible for secretary, some are responsible for oxen, some are responsible for animal husbandry, some are responsible for farm tools...

Their main responsibility is to cooperate with the agricultural officer More to carry out land production.

It is impossible to eat empty salary, there is no need for Sige Town to do so. There is a high probability of using the position to enrich oneself, but it will not be too extreme.

Mor's face, which had been wiped clean, began to sweat again.

He hesitated and couldn't say anything.

Roman saw the clue and squinted his eyes: "Your relatives? Your brothers and sisters?"

Mor sweated profusely.

Roman was not afraid that Mor would sideline him, his orders were well executed in Sige Town.

If there was really a bad intention.

Roman didn't mind letting Sige Town re-recognize the power of the fighting knights.

He firmly believed that as long as enough were killed, all human problems could be solved.

Roman smiled and said, "I know the general situation. Let's cut the salary and benefits of all the managers. Change it to 1 silver coin per year, 100 kilograms of wheat, 300 kilograms of grains, no meat, and the tax exemption rate will remain completely free for the time being..."

"You have no objection, right?"

Moll thought to himself, I have no objection, anyway, it didn't affect me, but my uncles and brothers and sisters will probably be boiling with anger.

He said hesitantly, "Master Roman, you are..."

Roman raised his chin and snorted, "If anyone has any objections, let him come to me."

"Follow your orders, Master Roman!"

Having said this, Moore also understood Roman's attitude.

It is impossible to talk to the lord about this, so he can only obey.

The Bass family is just an inconspicuous vine attached to the big tree of the Split Armor family. Just because the big tree is lush and leafy, and the shadow is deep, in the dark corners that no one knows, this vine secretly absorbs a lot of nutrients, so that it grows branches.

Moore wiped the sweat off his face. He used to be a local emperor at best. In this land where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the influence of the Black Iron King is almost non-existent. Now the lord who controls the armed forces is the strongest, and his power is like a real emperor.

Resistance is definitely impossible.

Without the Bass family, Roman is still a noble lord.

And without the lord, the Bass family is just a civilian.

They know very well who their rights come from.

Next, everyone can only scramble to please this lord.

Although the treatment has been cut, those collateral branches can still maintain a fairly high quality of life with their past savings, but they can't go back to the life of eating meat frequently before, which is also unavoidable.

Roman thought for a moment, and then said, "How are the guards who died in the battle yesterday now?"

Moir said respectfully, "According to your order, the families of the dead were given 5 silver coins, 40 kilograms of meat, and 80 kilograms of wheat. The families of the seriously injured were given 2 silver coins, 15 kilograms of meat, and 40 kilograms of wheat. Even those who were slightly injured were given 10 to 50 kilograms of wheat - your reputation for kindness and generosity spread throughout the town of Sger."

Those silver coins were paid by Roman, and were personally delivered to the door by Aaron and Green, two knights who fought in the war.

This compensation was so generous that the seriously injured guards were a little envious of the dead.

"Call all the guards who can move..." Roman raised his head and thought for a moment.

He was originally going to improve their military literacy, but the problem was that he couldn't spare them.

They are called guards, but they can also be called police officers in normal times, which is to maintain order and supervise others' work.

It's okay in the short term, but if there is no supervision for a long time, the efficiency of these idiots will definitely drop significantly.

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