If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 319 Three years of farming yields one year's supply

The first generation of the Split Armor almost shot and killed an adult red dragon - the name of the Split Armor Dragon Castle came from this.

Roman didn't know much about the dragon race, but he was full of curiosity.

But that was all.

If there were dragons in Ego, there would be dragons.

The Queen of Cang Yue was also a high-level vampire, and Roman was also very interested in her.

He understood Shasta's good intentions. Who wouldn't want the lord they served to be stronger?

But now he really couldn't spare any effort.

Some time ago, Mona begged him to help Cang Yue.

Roman felt that he couldn't support it at all.

Not to mention sending troops, even weapons and armor couldn't be transported there.

It took Lisa one or two months to set out from Cang Yue, cross the mountains, and come to the Origin City.

Mona took the same route with a hundred auxiliary witches, and it also took one or two months.

And they came on foot, walking in the mountains, and the parchment rolls were carried in backpacks.

Roman had to take the same route to transport the supplies there, and carry the same backpack to transport the supplies.

Because ox carts and horse carts cannot go on mountain roads, and the mountain roads are rugged and have a gradient.

The only way to transport materials on a large scale is to transport them by water through the Bro River.

But the Bro River is firmly controlled by Sinnoh.

He transported materials to Cang Yue, saying that he was doing business, but in fact, given his relationship with Sinnoh, the two sides had to fight on the Cang Yue battlefield.

If Roman could not fight a war of annihilation with tens of thousands of people in a short period of time, then the two sides would have to turn into a long-term tug-of-war.

In fact, let alone a long-term war, even if it lasted for half a month, the entire Origin City would be dragged down by the consequences of the war.

First of all, we need to make one thing clear.

That is, in the previous wars, Roman fought at his doorstep, went out directly to beat people up, and then turned around and came back.

But long-distance deployment of troops is not the case at all.

There has always been only one thing that really bothered Roman.

That is food!

Origin City and Abundant City are self-sufficient, but once they are involved in the war and stop production, everything is over.

It is said that three years of farming can produce one year's supply, and nine years of farming can produce three years' supply.

That is to say, in the ancient agricultural society, three years of farming could resist one year's natural disasters, but it was only resistance, and war was also one of the disasters.

There is no way. The foundation is too shallow, too thin.

Let's get the reserve grain out first.

These days, without grain to store, nothing can be done with confidence.

Roman returned to Fengrao City and first spent two days roughly checking the land conditions.

This round of vegetables was fertilized with peat and manure, and the growth was very good, with an output of three to five hundred kilograms per mu.

The speed of infrastructure construction is also very fast.

After the autumn plowing is over, the farmers who planted the land can also be pulled over to pave the road and build houses.

Two hundred people are drawn from a settlement with a population of one thousand, and four hundred people are drawn from a settlement with a population of two thousand.

Anyway, Roman wants a labor force that can work, and it doesn't matter who comes, anyway, they will be provided with food.

Although it is not as large as the Origin City, which is often tens of thousands, it should not be underestimated when it is added up.

Stonemasons, carpenters, and bricklayers came from Origin City to Fengrao City in batches, carrying their own tools.

The construction team learned about collective cooperation in Origin City. After a short period of adaptation to a strange place, they quickly found the rhythm.

With the improvement of the ruling system, labor efficiency has also greatly improved.

Time soon came to September.

The weather began to cool down. Although Fengrao City is cooler in summer than Origin City, it is also colder in autumn than Origin City.

It is late autumn now, and it will snow soon.

Thin clothes are difficult to resist the wind and cold.

At this time, the textile factory produced the first batch of wool sweaters, a total of 20,000 sets.

The style is unified, standard adult body shape, wool sweaters and cashmere pants weigh four pounds together, and the cold-resistant effect is obvious.

First, they are distributed to middle-aged workers.

There is no other way to do it. The construction task must be accelerated, and the cotton is harvested at this time.

Roman needs someone to pick cotton for him.

He planted 5,000 acres of land.

Although compared to wool, cotton production is very low, with only 20 kilograms per mu, which can be processed into 5 kilograms of cotton, it can only meet the clothing needs of 5,000 people.

But farming is a business without capital, and the investment is only labor.

Moreover, there are so many wastelands in Fengrao City, how can we not plant them?

Roman arranged production and construction tasks in Fengrao City in full swing.

And the harvest of this year in Origin City has also begun.

This round of autumn harvest is mainly soybeans and rice.

The former has a general harvest.

Because Geweier did not bless the bean seeds, its per mu yield is almost the same as last year, and soil improvement has only slightly increased yield. The average per mu yield is 150 kilograms.

But the rice is very gratifying!

All of them use Geweier No. 2 rice seeds as seeds. 7,000 mu of rice harvested 1.4 million kilograms of rice, and the per mu yield has achieved a leap, from more than 100 kilograms to more than 200 kilograms.

Roman knows that the lower the starting point, the higher the room for improvement.

But for now, the increase in rice is still very large.

It can be expected that after the appearance of the Gweiler III rice variety, its yield per mu will be able to take another big step forward.

"Your Highness, are you very happy?" Shasta asked on the country road.

A messenger raven squatted on Roman's shoulder. This creature has extremely high intelligence. After being domesticated by the Warcraft Witch, it can regularly travel back and forth between the Origin and the Rich to deliver messages.

It usually goes to the Rich Castle.

This time, she happened to see Roman on the road, so she landed.

The letter was delivered to Roman. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, he could still imagine the scene of the rice field harvest.

"Of course, the pigs raised in the meadow pasture this year weighed 150 kilograms when they were slaughtered!" Roman put down the letter, looked at the witch, and nodded to confirm, "Well, it's about the same weight as you."

Shasta was tall and slender, with a standard queen figure.

Her expression was light, and she felt a little helpless. She had long been accustomed to the character of the master she served. Once she encountered good things, she would start to talk nonsense.

She didn't reply, and Roman didn't feel disappointed. He counted with his hands excitedly.

More than 10,000 pigs were slaughtered this year, which is not a small number.

All parts of the domestic pig can be used, even the bones can be used to stew soup.

Especially the castrated pigs, not only are they fat, but also have very delicious meat, not smelly at all, and the utilization rate is almost 100%, which makes them excellent livestock.

After all, this thing really grows meat by eating grass.

Now that a small section of the canal has been dug, new arable land, pastures and other habitable places can be found along the canal.

The scale of breeding will gradually expand.

Roman received a letter in the morning, and fresh pork was delivered in the afternoon. There are also rice, flour, etc.

He was very happy to see it, and he went into the kitchen on the spot, asked the chef to help, and personally made a meal of braised pork with rice.

Not many people could eat this meal, only Margaret and Shasta and other close servants accompanied him.

At the end of September.

The caravan of Origin City returned from Iceland and brought a piece of news that made Roman very happy.

The dock of the sea fort was completed, and it was ready to start mass production of ships.

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