If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 320: Specific Search (One more update)

What is the most important thing in this era?

Of course it is transportation capacity!

The pirates relied on their superior longships to attack the inland, occupy one side, and force the Duke of Black Iron to be helpless.

Why did Gale fight for two years and finally lose?

Because he could get a steady supply of supplies from the rear of the Split Armor Territory through water transportation.

Why did the Crusades dare to plan to block the valley for ten years?

It was also because they could get supplies through water transportation.

To put it bluntly, in any large-scale war, as long as one party has the advantage of water transportation, it is basically half won.

And ships are even more important for business.

Roman exchanged a lot of longships from the pirates, all of which were old and about to be eliminated. They would be unusable in one or two years.

His behavior is commonly known as picking up junk.

It’s very unpleasant, but without shipbuilding capabilities, you will be stuck and have to rely on those who have shipbuilding capabilities.

Although those dozens of longships are not suitable for commercial transportation, most of them are warships, not cargo ships.

But it still plays a vital role for Roman, who is short of transportation capacity.

Each longboat can carry tens of thousands of pounds of cargo.

Secondly, those warships are light in weight, narrow in hull, flexible and light, and resistant to wind and waves, which is super suitable for the terrain of Silver Dragon Canyon.

Thirty to fifty trackers can pull an ordinary fishing boat fully loaded with cargo.

And Roman can pull a pirate longboat with the same load with two-thirds of the trackers, and it is faster and more efficient.

How much manpower and material resources does this save?

Now the sea fort also has the foundation for independent shipbuilding.

There is nothing to say.

A large number of ships must be built.

Only with sufficient transportation capacity can we avoid being in a difficult situation.

Roman gathered a group of people who know shipbuilding skills, most of the slaves transported from the northern front, and some sea fort slaves who came to the origin city in the first year.

I don’t know much, but it’s enough to have it. This is the basis for understanding knowledge.

With the blessing of Gweil, Roman recruited on the spot.

This is a specific search.

Roman has a chance to recruit everyone to become his apostles. The higher the relationship, the easier it is to ship, but this probability is not absolute.

Even if someone has a 70% shipping rate, there is still a 30% shipwreck rate.

This is a bit like Murphy's Law.

In the absence of a guarantee, even ten times of error is reasonable.

Because your last failure does not increase your chances of success next time.

Theoretically, it is normal for Roman to recruit people with zero relationship to become his apostles.

However, as long as there is a probability, then Gweil can be useful.

She can't guarantee that a high-level knight can roll 6 points, but she can guarantee that the dice will be exactly 6 points after landing.

It's not that they became apostles, but that Roman happened to recruit them.

The former has high weight, and the latter has low weight.

Through some way that mortals cannot know, about half of the shipbuilders in front of him have established some kind of secret connection with Roman.

"I have blessed you. You will shoulder my will and go to that castle to lay the foundation for my future. I will also give you glory, wealth, honor, safety and status." Roman said as he stood in front of them.

He will upgrade these people's brains and instill relevant knowledge about shipbuilding.

It is impossible to build a large ship directly.

Start with a simple style and build a small boat. When the craft is proficient, Roman will unlock the subsequent knowledge for them.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

For shipbuilders with families, their families will go to the sea castle with them.

For shipbuilders without families, Roman will also pay high salaries and high treatment.

The salary of two silver coins per month is comparable to that of the knight master.

Roman transported 47 shipbuilders this time, gave the remaining unsuccessful candidates a few copper coins and sent them away, saying that the number was enough this time and they would choose again next time.

As for when the next time is, it depends on the expansion speed of Nellie.

Next year, we will build a hundred long ships that are easy to transport first.

When Roman sent the shipbuilders away, snow fell from the sky and everything entered winter.

“Is this winter colder than last year?” He turned around and asked.

This is the first time he has spent the winter in the outside world in the past few years. The basin is warm and comfortable, and it won’t freeze people to death in winter, but it’s a different story in the City of Plenty. It’s just the beginning of winter, and Roman feels a little cold.

Since the last recruitment, the strength of the apostles has been greatly improved. Roman realized belatedly that he is now almost a third-level expedition knight, with a strong physique, full of energy, and strong resistance to cold.

In the City of Origin, even if you walk in the snow for half a day in a single layer of clothes, you won’t catch a cold.

The castle was cold and damp, and now the cold was even worse, as if it could penetrate every hole, like a cold snake winding around the body. The blazing fire in the fireplace could only dispel some of the uncomfortable feeling. Roman once thought about starting over and rebuilding a manor somewhere else. He was really tired of this cold and hard castle.

"Yes, Your Highness." Shasta said. She had experienced more than Roman and felt it more clearly.

Such a winter was relatively rare in the past ten years.

"But you have provided them with very good treatment," she said softly, "They have houses and clothes, and they are all grateful to you." She saw with her own eyes that when the lower-class people saw him, they could not stop their enthusiasm, and their respectful appearance was more vivid and real than when they faced any nobles or any masters.

Roman no longer thought about those things that were temporarily beyond his ability.

Last year was colder than in previous years, and this year was colder than last year. The wind came from the north, and humans struggled with the long winter night until the sun rose.

The residents of Origin City and Plenty City were not bad. He successively put more than 100,000 pieces of warm clothes into Plenty City, and some people could get two sets of clothes.

Woolen sweaters, sheepskin coats, or cotton mattresses.

Those people could not relax in winter, or in other words, when agriculture stopped, Roman could mobilize more manpower.

So every time this time came, it was the time when development was the fastest.

Because most people had nothing to do, but they had to eat, so they had to exchange food for labor and construction.

Roman ensured that they could spend a warm but tiring winter.

At this time, the school and hospital had been completed.

The earlier the saplings were planted, the better. They had warm clothes, and the winter time could not be wasted. Roman wanted to train a group of literate children as soon as possible.

Whoever worked harder and the faster the learning progress, the more rewards he would get.

Roman brought a large number of iron stoves and honeycomb coal for these public facilities.

There were two iron stoves in each classroom, and the coal stoves would greatly increase the indoor temperature.

In this season, fresh milk would not go bad for a few days, and it could also be transported in large quantities as a nutrient.

I hope this winter will pass quickly, so that he can plant the land well again next year.

Recommend a book - My Father Jehovah.

In addition to a younger brother named Hong Xiuquan, Jesus, the heavenly brother, also had a younger brother named Garys. It took three days for Jesus to be resurrected, but it only took three minutes for Garys to be resurrected.

Jesus was held captive by the Romans with a cross for 6 hours, and Garys spent 6 hours to deurbanize Rome.

Jesus said: The kingdom of heaven is only for those who share their wealth with the poor. Garys said: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was a big country, everything was equal, and everything was lacking.

Therefore, we can guess that Garys was either the reincarnation of Jesus or came to avenge his brother.

PS: In fact, it is the story of the construction of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom hundreds of years ahead of the Third Crusade.

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