Roman came to the bridgehead.

Winter is the dry season, and the boatmen walk barefoot on the exposed river beach to carry the cargo of the long boat to Fengrao City.

Standing at the bow is the mind-reading Edith.

"Oh, Your Highness, I didn't expect you to come to pick me up." Edith came to Roman with a smile.

The workers behind him carried down the honeycomb coal, iron stove, sheepskin coats, woolen clothes and other supplies on the boat.

"How is Origin City now?"

Edith shrugged and said, "It's fine. I followed your orders and went to all the settlements, met with all the agents and managers, and wrote down the cadres who did bad things in a small notebook, and sent them all to the mines to blast the mines."

"Very good." Roman nodded and said, "It's the same here."

Edith wailed, "Please forgive me. Do you know how difficult it is to read the minds of hundreds of people? Shallow thoughts are easy, but those deep thoughts can't be dug out casually-unless you let Shasta help me."

The magic of the Nightmare Witch combined with her magic, even the high-level knights with strong wills couldn't stand it.

"What are you thinking? Shasta has to stay with me," Roman frowned and looked at her, "I'll give you two pearls."

"Five!" she said immediately.

Roman thought for two seconds and nodded gently: "Yes."

"Oh! It's my honor to work for Master Roman." Edith said with a smile.

Roman wanted to punch her.

But Edith turned around and hugged Margaret, asking about her well-being, not giving him any chance.

Roman thought Edith was too slippery, but he couldn't do without her at this stage.

Functional witches can be much more useful than combat witches.

Edith helped him monitor all officials, so basically no one could escape.

Insects were not allowed to appear in his administrative system!

But Roman was helpless.

He had been away from Origin City for a long time, and some people's thoughts would slip if they were not careful.

Not to mention Origin City, even the current Abundant City was the same.

Because of the fragmentation of the territory and other reasons, Roman could only distribute the materials to the agents in the settlements according to the population.

This kind of agent is similar to the village chief.

When all the people in the settlements are idiots, it is easy for the village chief who controls the distribution of materials to embezzle some things.

Damn it!


Kill one and replace it with a new agent. If you dare to do something wrong again, kill again!

Is the degeneration of human nature faster than the butcher's knife?

Roman picked up Edith and went to meet the slaves brought by the caravan.

This group of slaves was about three to five hundred in size, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled, and no more than half of them were capable.

Roman frowned and disrupted these people, assigning them to various settlements.

At this time, Edith whispered to Roman, who frowned even more deeply and looked at Edith inquiringly, and the latter nodded innocently.

Roman sighed, pointed at an unremarkable slave in the crowd, and said, "Shasta..."

As soon as the words came out, before Shasta could act, Margaret raised her head, and her scarlet eyes looked at the direction Roman pointed through her blood-red hair.

Her movements were simple.

Gently raising her right hand, the assassin hiding among the slaves lost control of his body and floated up.

Margaret's five fingers contracted towards the palm of her hand.

"Margaret!" Shasta screamed.


The faceless warrior exploded and turned into blood mist in mid-air. The pieces of flesh fell into the snow, dyeing it scarlet.

Seeing such a change, the slaves were horrified, and they were all shocked. Even Roman was quite surprised.

Using magic to pull a person out of thin air and then crush him, this is definitely using all your strength!

Margaret put down her trembling right hand, her chest was heaving violently, not knowing whether it was tired or excited, standing alone on the snow, but without further movement.

Seeing this, Roman slowly put his mind at ease.

He comforted the slaves and quickly assigned them out. Fortunately, there were no moths in the follow-up.

Roman took people back to the castle with a headache.

"Do you want to kill someone again?"

"I don't!" Margaret said. "Then why..." Roman was a little unconvinced. The former's cruel and violent means were shocking.

"Your Highness, you want to kill him." She said softly.

Margaret stared at Roman with scarlet eyes through her hair.

Roman felt a little creepy when she looked at him. He had a keen intuition and felt some potential pressure.

Although he wore amber and gems, he still did not have the confidence to resist Margaret's spell. This was a human weapon, mentally abnormal, depressed, and seriously ill, heavy and twisted.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I want to kill him."

This was his order, and there was no need to blame anyone for the result. If the sin of killing was attributed to the knife in his hand and he was completely innocent, then such a person was not worthy of holding a knife, let alone the qualification to give orders?

"But you acted on your own." Roman was dissatisfied with the process being wrong. He assigned Shasta, not Margaret.

She was a little stunned and a little disappointed in her heart, and bent down again, "I... am willing to accept the punishment."

Roman looked at her and suspected that even if she was hung up for three or five days, Margaret would accept it calmly, but he was afraid of irritating her.

A hot potato. Roman thought.

He had always been very careful in handling his relationship with Margaret.

"Then I'll punish you by not having dinner."

"Yes." Margaret, who was kneeling on the ground, answered, but she didn't get up for a long time.

Roman couldn't figure out what she was thinking. He didn't have the ability to read minds, but Edith did. But when Roman came back, he asked her, and Edith said that she couldn't read the mind of a person who didn't even know what he was thinking, especially the mind of a high-level witch. Some high-level spellcasters knew how to use spells to conceal their true intentions, but Margaret didn't do that.

She didn't know what she was doing, but she did it, as if she was getting more and more uncontrollable.

After Roman left, Margaret slowly got up, a little lost.

"Margaret, are you confused?" Edith said with a smile, "I don't know what you think, but I know what you want at a glance."

"I want...what?" She turned her head and looked at Edith.

But the latter was not afraid of her at all, and put her arm around her shoulders and sat down next to her.

"You really don't know anything. It's okay for His Highness, he's afraid of you, but Shasta is wrong. He looks smart, but he's just a dumb guy."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you want to sleep with His Highness?" Edith got straight to the point.

"But His Highness only lets Shasta warm his bed."

Edith immediately understood how the prince usually felt, and she wanted to punch him too.

She said with great sorrow: "What did Shasta say?"

"She said she had no reason to refuse," Margaret frowned slightly, "She said we are close servants, it's better to be close to His Highness, and it's best to protect his safety."

Edith knew from Margaret's look that she thought there was nothing wrong with this statement.

"So, why can't you protect His Highness's safety?" Edith asked in a persuasive manner.

She stumped this fool on the spot.

I promised to add more chapters, but Kawenka is gone, don't worry, I will definitely do it, I still owe eight more chapters

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