Roman had dinner and sent a maid to boil hot water. He washed off the winter snow in a wooden barrel. While taking a bath, he was also feeling a little headache about what happened today.

Roman returned to the bedroom in his robe and was surprised to find that the thick blanket on the bed was bulging, covering the body of someone lying on the bed, but he could see the dark blood hair scattered on the pillow with the candlelight and the snow light from the outside.

"Margaret, why is it you?" Roman said.

"Your Highness, I'm warming your bed." The Scarlet Witch replied.

"But where is Shasta?"

"I told her that I will protect you today."

Roman was always amazed at Margaret's delicate appearance. Her beautiful face had a girlish feeling. She looked like she was in adolescence. She was only about 1.6 meters tall, not as tall as Shasta's 1.7 meters. Her body shape and figure were like a living girl, which made people feel pity.

But her outfit was not the same. She likes blood-colored clothes, and her eyes and hair are also blood-red, with a gloomy and terrifying temperament.

The maids in the castle are most afraid of dealing with Margaret, fearing that she will drink their blood. And Shasta is too cold and an unkind iceberg queen... These witches are really sick.

Margaret pulled the blanket to her chin, turned sideways, rested on the soft pillow, and stared at Roman.

"I didn't see you at the dinner."

"You didn't let me have dinner."

"Are you hungry now?"

"A little." Margaret said hiding in the quilt.

Roman called the maid and brought a plate of snacks with cakes, pancakes, milk tea, two slices of bread and a small bowl of jam.

"Come and eat something."

"You said you wouldn't let me eat."

"If everyone was as obedient as you, come and eat something with me." Roman put a soft fur cloak on Margaret.

The plate was placed on the quilt. Margaret quietly looked at Roman who was sitting beside the bed. The latter picked up a piece of pancake and handed it to her mouth. The thin ice exuded a sweet taste. Margaret opened her mouth and took a bite. The rich fragrance of the crispy pancake spread throughout her mouth, followed by a crisp chewing sound.

"Margaret, why don't you dress up?"

"Why should I dress up?" She was a little puzzled. "Witches will bring misfortune. No one will like me. They throw stones and sticks at me and regard me as a disaster. Your Highness, I don't live for them."

"Then who do you live for?" Roman asked.

He didn't get an answer. Scarlet Witch would be silent when she didn't have an answer.

"You have such a beautiful face." Roman looked at Margaret's face. Without the cover of hair, her eyes were a little evasive.

But Roman held her delicate and small face and didn't let her turn anywhere else.

The two eyes looked at each other, one pair of eyes seemed to be bleeding quietly, while the other pair of eyes had a bright flame burning in its depths.

"Margaret, smile." He said.

The witch looked at him quietly, without a smile or any other expression on her face.

Roman suddenly realized that Margaret never asked for anything.

Shasta obeyed his orders for other witches.

Edith obeyed his orders for pearls.

Other combat witches obeyed her orders because he paid them.

Anyway, those people had their own demands.

Only Margaret never asked him anything. As long as she was given an order, Margaret would execute it.

"Do you have a goal?" Roman asked, while casually putting the cleaned plate on the desk.

"I thought about... going to the netherworld..." Margaret hesitated.

It can be seen that she was not satisfied with this answer either.

"The netherworld? The world of the dead?"

"It's more than just the world of the dead."

But Roman didn't listen to her explanation. He insisted that it was the world of the dead. "Why do you want to go to the netherworld?"

"It's very quiet there. There's no pain, no blood, no killing, no stones and sticks..."

Roman was surprised by her answer. He felt less afraid of her and more compassionate.

"Is this what you want?"

"Isn't this good?"

Roman sighed softly. He had already regarded her as a child who lacked love but had no home. This was indeed the case.

Although Margaret was ten years older than him, the growth of age did not mean that the spiritual world would also grow. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a giant baby.

In this ignorant and backward age, everyone has mental illness.

Roman also has mental illness, and his illness is more serious than anyone else.

"I've heard you talk about the netherworld before. Can you tell me about it again?"

"It's recorded in the ancient and unknowable dark ages that it's the end of all of us spellcasters and the destination of all life. It's completely different from the world we live in. When you step into it, it's like stepping into the deepest fog. The boundless land will dissipate, the boundless ocean will retreat, it's shrouded in shadows, but it's deeper than darkness..."

The Scarlet Witch said, "If the gods of the church really exist, then the netherworld must be their residence, lurking in a corner. It's an invisible world. Some high-level spellcasters can't feel the existence of the netherworld. Even if they occasionally touch it, others only think that they have drunk the wrong medicine or seen an illusion..."

Roman knew this was normal. Witches and wizards often deal with various herbs and mushrooms, so it's not surprising to have such rumors.

Who would believe those spellcasters who talk nonsense and have ulterior motives?

If what Margaret said was true, it was not a question of whether to believe it or not, but how the Church should burn them to death and how to put an end to the rumors.

She said to Roman faintly: "If one day, Your Highness dies, I will take you to the netherworld."

Roman was startled, but he quickly regained his composure, "Let's talk about it after I die, I still have a great cause to complete."

"Okay." Margaret said softly.

Roman didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this fool actually took it seriously.

He thought Margaret needed spiritual sustenance, and the netherworld was her ultimate sustenance. It might be bad there, but the real world was worse. As long as she arrived in that world, she would no longer suffer - did this idea seem familiar?

Alas, the Church and believers.

Roman thought, if Margaret was not a witch, could she become a hymn nun of the Church?

But on the other hand, if Margaret wasn't a witch, she wouldn't necessarily become like this.

Her magic brought her extremely close to blood and death, and she took countless lives.

She was different from those believers.

Those blind believers were passively waiting for miracles to happen, just like betting their lives to buy a lottery ticket to heaven.

Margaret was actively pursuing that world, and she believed that her soul would be liberated in the netherworld.

If there was a chance, she would also take Roman with her.

The latter was speechless.

He took off his robe and got into the warm quilt.

The smell of Shasta had dissipated, and now it was filled with another smell, which was a strange, uncomfortable faint smell of blood.

Roman didn't reject that smell, it had a smell of war and iron horses, which immediately made him want to conquer.

"Why do you suddenly want to replace Shasta?" he asked.

She was stunned for a while, and said, "I'm here to protect you... close protection."

Her answer was very empty.

Roman felt that she was longing to be loved.

This is a human need. This seemingly young witch has never received love.

And what he should do now is to satisfy her and instill the burning love into Margaret.

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