If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 338 What if I don’t follow the rules? (Just refresh the previous chapters)

"Witch, tell me your name."

"Sanna Fisher."

"Say hello to the Prophet for me," Tahina added.

Sanna was greatly embarrassed: "I'm not from Witch Forest..."

She is Roman's witch.

All witches in Origin City are loyal to Roman.

Princess Io stared at Sanna, and then said: "I understand, then please say hello to Lord Roman for me."

"I will."

Princess Black Iron added: "In addition, tell him to keep his eyes on this place. The storm is coming and the crisis is coming."

"Yeah." Sanna was intimidated by her words and deeds. Margaret was the only one who could make her feel this kind of trembling.

Sanna knew that she and Roman had the same status, they were both kings and royal highnesses.

Last year, His Majesty the King wanted to marry Roman, but was declined by the latter. She was inexplicably relieved after hearing about this. Although she had never asked for anything extravagantly, now that she saw the Black Iron Princess, she suddenly didn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly.

Sanna knew that the Black Iron Princess was not a witch.

She once thought that the princess had no identity and was still an ordinary person, but now she was shocked to realize that this person was beautiful and strong, cold and hard, like a rock statue on a high mountain.

She is not a witch, but she has more profound and unpredictable power than a witch.

"Finally, tell Lord Roman that I hope he will reconsider the engagement. I will marry him. If a child is born, the boy will be named Ionos and the daughter will be named Iologos. That child will rule this land in the future - —A land that is far broader and more complete than the previous king.”

After she finished speaking, when Sanna nodded, she drifted away, and there was no nonsense in the whole process.

Sanna was stunned. Until the woman in white walked away, she still felt that it was like an illusion and had no sense of reality at all.

"What did she say?" Kaa came over.

Sanna recounted what had just happened.

Kaa looked at Dick, "My lord, what do you think Princess Tashina wants to do?"

Dick pondered for a moment and said: "Her Royal Highness is preparing for a rainy day, waiting for the war."

Kaa frowned and said: "Is the situation in Black Castle so urgent? Don't they have conquering knights?"

Dick said: "Well, it's hard to say. The princess believes that if things develop to the worst, it will be difficult for the white knight to save the situation."

"Sir, I'm going to see His Majesty the King tomorrow, but I'm afraid you can't go..."

The next day, it was sunny.

Kaa was clean-shaven and had a neat face. Seth had taught him how to look good, and the Iron Guard had brought him some decent clothes.

He was almost twenty years old and had a tall and tall figure, but his eyes looked very sinister, ruining his otherwise good face.

Under the leadership of the iron guard, he entered the city gate, walked through Copper Street, walked through Flame Street, walked through the Square of the Kings, walked through the Dragon King Gate, entered the inner city, and passed through the atrium.

The Black Castle is not as large as the Citadel, but it has a larger population than the Citadel. It is incredibly dense, the streets are dirty and messy, and there are low slums one after another, and there is a stinking smell.

The air in the inner city is much cleaner.

The courtyard lined with stone pillars extends out, with halls connected to halls, palaces connected with palaces, vaults connected with vaults, and staircases winding and twisting.

Kaa paid a visit to the Black Iron King, and the woman in white he saw yesterday was also behind him.

"Roman did a good job, but I still have to tell him not to cause any more trouble for me recently." Io III wore a crown on his head and tapped his fingers on the table. Princess Tasina stood beside him quietly, saying nothing.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will tell His Highness." Kaa followed Dick's teachings and admitted his mistakes when he made them.

Aeolian struck a few blows at Khal, who obeyed and never refuted.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to give you a few words of advice." Kaa said.

"Just say it."

After receiving permission, Kao talked about what he saw on the road transporting grain: "Did you know that the monasteries and churches of the Holy See have taken in a large number of refugees?"

Io III sighed: "I know this."

He even knew that the Holy See and some nobles were behind those thieves.

In other words, this grain transport team is so powerful that other nobles would not be able to hold it.

"I'm just afraid...there are hidden dangers..." Kaa followed the method taught by Dick, hesitating, but everyone present could understand it.

"I know, they don't have the guts to mess around."

He didn't even have the guts to attack the Black Castle.

Aeolian thought that there was nothing the Holy See could do now. He defused the offensive jointly launched by the Holy See and Pine. Although he paid a heavy price, the winner now is still the king sitting in the Black Castle.

This is not surprising, after all, his strategy is the most far-sighted among all kings.

The king has always been quite proud of this.

His next step was to abolish the tithe.

Since the war in Silent Valley, the Black Iron royal family has paid tithes to the Holy See, thereby easing the fierce conflict between the Black Iron Duke and the Holy See.

The Conqueror family was an important force in maintaining the balance of the scales.

Now the building is about to fall, the scales are tipped, and there is no need to pay tithes.

After the abolition of the tithe was successful, the next step was to deal with the disobedient and rebellious Slayer. We must squeeze out all his skills and assets.

He is still young now and has no shortage of talents. He can live for another fifty or sixty years. After a hundred years, he will leave to the next king a black iron kingdom comparable to that of the conqueror.

Kaa could only sigh secretly when he saw that the Dark Iron King was unwilling to say more about this matter.

His impression of His Majesty was completely shattered.

Is this man the King who rules over tens of millions of people?

He only saw a middle-aged man with a square chin, sunken cheeks, pale and thin lips. His cheeks were long and thin, and his expression, which had been in a state of anxiety for months, finally relaxed a little because of the arrival of food.

Did he live under the rule of such a person in the past?

This king seemed to have won the game with the Church, and he believed that the Church would abide by the rules?

But what if the Church did not abide by the rules?

Kao was greatly disappointed. He thought that his master was more suitable to sit in that position than Io III.

The only thing that made Kao feel majestic and terrible was the supreme crown made of bronze and black iron.

He refused to stay any longer, and said before leaving: "Your Majesty, the population burden of Black Castle is very large. Can I buy some slaves here?"

After getting permission, Kao left the inner city.

He went straight to the slums with food, money, cloth and other daily necessities.

Poor families, especially those at the bottom, are more likely to have more children as they get poorer.

It was OK at ordinary times, but when disasters came, they basically had no ability to resist.

They could only sell their children, and sometimes even themselves.

But even so, they held the banner of thorn iron ring, and those people might not be willing to sell to them.

Who made the King of the Valley have a bad reputation? Even if they sold, they had to sell to a good target. They couldn't be put on the millstone and crushed to death, irrigated into the land, and become the magic material of the evil king.

Kao could only disguise himself as an ordinary caravan and bought nearly a thousand children in the slums, including three or four years old, seven or eight years old. And more than a thousand slaves were also bought outside the city.

But the matter was soon exposed, and the bishop of the church in Black Castle angrily exposed this despicable and evil behavior.

Kao decisively left Black Castle and returned with the fleet and caravan.

The scheduled release was wrong, and the fourth chapter was sent out an hour in advance

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