If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 339: Don’t let your mind slip, there are always more solutions than problems

In early June.

Kao returned to the City of Plenty with thousands of slaves.

Roman accepted them all.

He had swept the surrounding nobles and was not short of labor.

But since he had brought them back, he could not leave.

Those children bought back were also very useful. They were all malleable. They would be pillars of society in the future if they were educated and loyal.

Of course, this process was very long.

Roman was willing to wait.

Kao stayed in the Castle of Plenty temporarily, and Sanna also stayed there.

Both of them had something to say to him. The former believed that the King of Black Iron was just a dead body in a grave, while the latter brought information from Iotashina.

News from afar was both important and unimportant. It would affect the future, but the future was out of reach.

Before the future came, Roman could only try his best to grow.

He now had a total population of 200,000, which was considered to be a dominant force.

The entire Black Iron Land had at least 10 million people, and even 20 million was possible.

The two cities of Origin and Plenty are just a lone boat in the vast ocean. Even if the war potential is extremely high, the future cannot withstand the erosion of one war after another.

Plenty City has no defenses, and pressure comes from all directions.

If some irresistible changes occur, Roman can only abandon Plenty City and retreat to Origin City.

Because, even if he wins on the battlefield, it does not mean he is stable.

The opponent throws all rotten fish and shrimps, and he can't take them or not.

The more prisoners of war, the more unstable the rule, and the loyalty of Plenty City will be continuously diluted, and eventually it will be infinitely close to ineffective rule-unable to control the too large population.

For now, most of the slaves in Plenty City have opinions about him.

Those people have only been slaves to Roman for less than a year and a half, and have tasted the sweetness, but not much.

If they see the flag of the Church flying outside, half of them will most likely submit to the gods, get rid of the identity of "slaves", and return to the previous identity of "farmers", and the remaining half will also be wavering.

Roman thought that two years of farming would be enough.

It takes time to appease the people and to transform their minds.

When society is stable enough to run independently, these idiots will hate him now and worship him as a god in the future.

Look at me planting a piece of sky!

In June, the first batch of rice this year began to be harvested.

The per-acre yield of the Gweiler No. 3 rice seed has not yet been calculated. The Gweiler No. 4 rice seed was sown in a hurry.

Roman had time to go back and take a look this time.

He was very sure at this moment.

Today, Origin City has become his largest granary. All the output of Origin City every year can at least meet the food needs of 150,000 people.

And Origin City has only 100,000 people.

This means that the excess food can be stored.

As long as the weather is good and the harvest is good, the annual surplus food will increase, and the accumulated food will also increase.

After all, the reclamation task around the canal is also in full swing.

There are two types of farmers in Origin City and Fertility City.

Roman called the former self-employed farmers and the latter citizen farmers.

Self-employed farmers contract land on a family or residential scale. Apart from the unfamiliar 50% tax, it is the most suitable and recognized system for the current era.

Citizen farmers are like bricks, and they can be moved wherever they are needed. There is no pay, but there is a guaranteed treatment. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all borne by Roman. Many benefits are not available to self-employed farmers.

It is difficult to say which one is better or worse. They have the same status and are all laborers.

At present, most of the grassroots farmers want to become self-employed farmers.

The conditions for land reclamation are difficult. They can only live in wooden sheds, collect firewood every day, and endure wind, sun and rain, but they still can't suppress the enthusiasm of the masses-they still want to use their energy on their own land, even if they pee and poop, they can't waste it on other land.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about the materials needed for land reclamation.

Get a fixed ration from the canal bank every month, give it to your wife to cook, and you can work quietly.

The pickaxe and shovel are broken? Then trade the old for the new.

Lack of animal power and heavy plows? After handling the preliminary cleaning work, you can apply for the call.

If you get sick from the rain or have other diseases, bring some allicin from the hospital. If it is cured, continue to work, if it is not cured, bury it in the soil.

If you lack initial funds, you can also borrow from His Highness Roman to buy tables, chairs, benches, pots, pans, clothes, bedding and other daily necessities.

The principal only increases by one-fifth a year, and it will be paid back after planting for four or five years.

Roman is also happy to see it happen, because it really saves management costs.

It’s just that there are some troubles when allocating land at the beginning.

For example, there are many factors such as the distance of the river, the fertility, and the complexity of the terrain. These details can always cause a lot of trivial things.

Although it is trivial, it is more important than heaven in the eyes of those idiots. Even if His Highness Roman is in front of them, they dare to kneel down and kowtow to ask for a piece of land close to the river, fertile soil, and easy to cultivate.

But Roman never showed up, never responded, he chose to cut it off - if you don't plant, there are people who plant, give you this piece of land, you just take care of it.

The initial problem was solved.

But the subsequent allocation of resources for animal power and heavy plows is also a problem.

There are too many monks and too little meat, and resources are limited after all. After clearing a flat piece of land, deep plowing one month earlier or two months later is related to whether you can sow earlier, plant earlier and harvest earlier.

More of the Ministry of Agriculture is mainly responsible for mediating disputes in this regard and presiding over justice.

Fairness means efficiency as fast as possible.

Because Roman had set targets for him.

As for how More would mediate the problem, Roman was not considering it.

There was no large animal power, but there were plenty of plows. Without cattle and horses, couldn't people pull the plows?

If they couldn't pull the plows, they would use steel farm tools to dig the ground again.

The essence of plowing the ground is to dig the ground to a depth of more than ten or twenty centimeters, rake the soil into pieces, and then draw grooves, which would be almost the same as plowing once.

As long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than problems.

So far, Roman has deployed countless self-cultivating farmer families in those areas, totaling more than 30,000 people - most of them were slaves introduced last year, with basic stability.

They are either single or newly married, but none of them have been allocated brick houses.

After all, once people with brick houses go to open up the land, the house will not be left for them.

On the other hand, because of the support for the infrastructure of the City of Plenty, the construction of brick houses in the City of Origin has slowed down, and those who were originally in the back queue have to queue even further back.

Therefore, this group of people severely diverted the population of the city of origin.

And those laborers who were not afraid of hardship and fatigue and their family members reclaimed 50,000 acres of land in half a year on those lands that had never been cultivated, and reached Roman's expected goal at a very fast speed.

But Roman also invested a lot.

Some people did the farming work, but he had to do the infrastructure work.

Roman used the big map vision to plan and gave them the road design drawings, but to connect all the reclamation points in series, they had to pave roads, build bridges, and build houses.

So the scale of the construction team was expanding. A construction team master brought several newcomers and quickly expanded to five or six thousand people.

Now they are like beauticians, little by little, decorating those wild forests into suitable settlements.

This is the transformation of nature. Transforming an unsuitable environment into a suitable environment and expanding living space.

For humans, there is nothing greater than this.

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