What sin did I commit to give birth to such a daughter?

Io III thought sadly.

She was so cute and cheerful when she was a child. The whole kingdom celebrated her birth, and Ulster gave her a piece of pure and hard diamond.

But after learning martial arts, she changed completely. She was really as cold and hard as diamond.

She would never say sweet words, hide her temperament, and never care about other people's feelings - such a character would suffer a great loss in the court.

He did not dare to hand over the kingdom to her. She could not be a king without tempering her temperament.

People outside thought she was calm, gentle, elegant and generous, and some court maids thought so.

Very few people knew her true face.

And he suffered a lot from it. What did his princess think of him?

He raised her for more than 20 years - and she thought her father was a waste!

Oh my God!


Is this what a child should think! ?

"Tana, our family's mission is to maintain the order of the previous king..."

He was going to say those long speeches again.

Tashina couldn't understand why her weak father regarded this illusory order as more important than anything else.

He would rather let the Black Iron Land decay in his hands than give it to her to revive.

She believed from the bottom of her heart that she could make the Black Iron Land great again.

As long as there is a strong military force, what can't be done?

He was afraid of this and that, afraid of wind and rain, like a quail, and also like a drowned chicken.

Because he was originally a coward.

She could see the nature of those people.

The Conqueror Family has a huge family tree, but only the Black Iron King's line is orthodox. Unless the line is extinct, the heir will not be selected from the side line.

The three Black Iron Dukes all have the right to choose the king, but the Black Iron line has never been extinct.

Even if Iolion was a timid and cowardly crown prince since childhood, as long as he wore the black iron crown, the strong will of the previous king would subtly influence the next king and give him an indomitable fighting spirit.

The only thing Tashina admired about Iolion was that he had worn it for more than ten years and still behaved like this.

"... So, Tana, do you understand?" Io III asked after he finished speaking.

He tried to reason with Iotashina, the reason from family inheritance.

The conqueror order is an order to maintain peace. The Black Iron Kingdom is the main body of this order. It must not take the lead in launching a war, otherwise this order will be gone and will only lead the huge kingdom to destruction.

But he also knew that Tashina longed for war, so he never let her take power. He let her learn by his side, but forbade her to speak and only let her watch.

For fear that she would say something shocking.

"You coward!" She said coldly and contemptuously.

The attack was so strong that Iolion's eyes went dark.

Tashina turned and left.

She had had enough of Iolion's preaching.

Finance Minister Damon happened to come over. When he saw Tashina coming out of the hall, he immediately saluted and said, "Good afternoon, Your Highness Tashina."

"Yes." Tashina nodded, her face was as calm as a lake, and she walked through the corridor like a gust of wind, her footsteps never stopping.

Iolion's voice came: "Damon, if it's bad news, don't say it."

Damon walked into the royal hall and said respectfully. "As you wish, Your Majesty, the good news is that the Holy See's holy war army will take a full seven days to reach Black Castle... I mean to surround us."

"Ah! They just came like this?"

"Our Lord Fury was driven away by you, and there are signs that Stone Castle has mobilized the army, but the other good news is that Lord Fury does not seem to plan to join the holy war army, and the whereabouts of his army is unknown - there are too many nobles who oppose you, and the outside world is too chaotic. We are lucky to get this little good news."

The minister clearly saw that after hearing these words, the Lord of Black Castle had an expression of discomfort, suffocation and other overwhelmed expressions on his face.

But the seven sharp swords of the black iron crown stood upright in it, as heavy as a mountain, tightly imprisoning his head, as if he was in agony.

Damon thought to himself, when a person with limited talents is pushed to the throne, is happiness greater than pain, or pain greater than happiness?

He turned the cat's eye stone ring on his finger and thought of the princess he had just met...

She has the blood of the previous king, and she has never been surprised by changes and is calm and composed.

Unfortunately, even without amber, her will is as strong as pine and cypress in the snow, and it is difficult to penetrate the thoughts at the spiritual level.

Even if he could, he dared not guess it.

Not all superiors are Iolion, some are as terrible as the King of the Valley.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.


"Is that all?" Tashina asked.

The old eunuch Tusos said: "Your Highness, this is all the troops that can be called in the king's territory and are willing to listen to us."

Tashina was a little dissatisfied.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the king's territory, but this year there was a disaster, and only 5,000 conscripts could be summoned-most of them came for food and wages. She asked herself that she could kill them with more than ten knights.

Of course, defending the city is another matter.

"These are not enough."

"We still have the Iron Guards of Black Castle."

"Iron Guards..." Tashina fell into deep thought.

Can the Iron Guards and conscripts together hold out until the arrival of reinforcements?

Or maybe not, you need to make other preparations.

She remembered what Duke Payne said when he left - the Duke was treacherous, never exposed his emotions, and was one of the few people she could not understand.

He said: "Tahina, Black Castle will fall, don't resist."

And she replied at the time: "Black Castle is on my sword, and the sword came from the great previous king."

"That greatness is gone, no one can catch it." He said, "Tahina, give up resistance, you are weak."

"My father ordered the kings to raise troops, Uncle Payne, this is a war of kings, a war of kings!"

"You long for war, but that war may not be what you want. Iolion is on the wrong path. He is inflexible. Perhaps the crown has changed him too much - when Ulster brought me and Gale to Black Castle, Iolion was skinny and small. He was scolded by the old king at the crown banquet and cried. Ulster couldn't stand it and punched the old king. Iolion was scared and stopped crying... I mean, what was right a hundred years ago may not be right now Correct, it needs to change. "

"The Duke of Ulster died a violent death."

"It wasn't me, nor was it Gale's...but the rest are untrustworthy, and the same goes for Oak, they have foreign blood flowing in their bodies."

"Grand Duke of Fury, but I heard that you are also a foreigner."

"We have long lost the blood of the deep sea, and the people of the deep sea have long disappeared. We are pure-blooded humans. Tashina, the most wrong thing Iolion did was to use pirates to consume Gale's power. Do you know the consequences? Now that the plateau is about to be destroyed, the plateau must be the first absentee in the war of kings you are looking forward to. The power of Wandong has fallen to others, and the civil war has lasted for many years, and it is also absent. Oak may not be willing to send troops here-the army of that family has never set foot in the hinterland in the past hundred years. "

Tashina remembered that after Pine said this, he left the stone fort with his own army. This also shows that Fury and the Church no longer have the patience to play the game of power with her father.

Now it is true that smoke is rising everywhere and beacons are everywhere.

And those terrible forces that have never been seen in the past will appear, like swifts flying into the forest, stepping into this war one after another.

Book Title: There's Something Wrong with This Ship Girl


Lin Ling likes to play a 7+ game with a Ship Girl MOD installed.

As a commander, Lin Ling led the Ship Girl civilization to conquer countless galaxies, suppressed the War of Heaven, and finally ruled the entire galaxy.

When passing the level, the game popped up a prompt window:

"Commander, your chief scientific officer lost contact after driving the research ship through a strange wormhole."

Lin Ling didn't care, this matter was ordinary.

However, in the universe of outer space of the earth, a Ship Girl research ship that came through suddenly appeared.

"Commander, we finally found you!"

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