If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 343 Once you think about it, many things become meaningless

Iceland, palace.


Armen stood on the watchtower, holding the bull horn high and pointing the huge horn at the sky. He made a powerful sound, like the roar of a giant beast.

Other horns sounded from all over Iceland, and the chorus sounded like rolling thunder across the sky.

The Icelandic royal family has ruled Iceland for more than a hundred years and still follows the ancient traditions from Igo.

Every time a war begins, the tribal leader will blow the first trumpet. In the following war, the sound of the first trumpet will be imprinted deep in the hearts of every warrior, making them forget the fear of the battlefield and death and sacrifice their lives. Kill the enemy to death.

The louder his voice is, the more he expresses his desire for victory.

Armen had a terrifying lung capacity and a loud voice. The horn he blew was particularly loud and penetrating, surprising everyone who heard it.

Then, he handed the horn of the wild bull to the attendant.

This was used by the first pirate king when he attacked the mainland, and it is still left in the Icelandic treasure house.

"Father, do we really want to go? This war will obviously not affect Iceland. Once we get involved, it will be difficult to get out." Arman's eldest son had some doubts about this.

"Nelson, this is not something to think about, because once you think about it, many things become meaningless. We just need to move forward bravely." Arman said to his heir.

"You have to know that His Majesty the Conqueror enthroned Iceland to my grandfather, bringing peace and technology, allowing us to bask in the light of civilization, and nurturing Iceland to thrive. He devoted himself selflessly. All he is waiting for is what we will do a hundred years later. feedback.”

Arman is as majestic as an ox, with rough features, a thick beard, and thick body hair, and has a heavy barbarian appearance.

"We swore an oath." He said, "We swore an oath to the Dragon King. This is an ancient covenant. Once Black Castle is killed, Iceland cannot stand idly by. We will enforce order and guard this land together."

Nelson said after him. "But the Lord of the Black Iron was the first to break the rules. He gave the Thorn Peninsula to Alex. Although that peninsula was desolate and desolate, it belonged to the Icelandic royal family. The Lord of the Black Iron used it as a political bargaining chip. This is disrespectful to us.”

Yaman said. "My child, the covenant of generations is not a business. It is difficult for Iceland to govern the vast land. As you said, the land of Yigo is also my fiefdom, but will those barbarian tribes obey my orders and send troops? Don't talk about Yigo and Thorns. Peninsula, even the nobles of Iceland have begun to disobey the royal family. I asked them for some wool, but they refused in every possible way. If we do not fulfill our commitment to the conqueror, the prestige of the King of Iceland will be gone, and there will be more trouble in the future. Who will obey us?"

He finally concluded: "As a king, you must lead by example!"

Then, the King of Iceland said to the Marshal of the Ax Guard and his brother Porter. "Calling all Ax Guards and candidates to come and join me on the battlefield."

Potter bowed and said: "As you wish, Your Majesty."

He is a die-hard supporter of the King of Iceland and a blood brother, and he supports this King Qin operation very much.

But the Icelandic army couldn't get in, and even if it could get in, it would be too late. It takes time to communicate with the many nobles in Iceland, and it also takes a lot of time to assemble the army. They don't have time, so they can only send elite troops to fight.

"Only carrying a small amount of food is enough. When we reach the northern front, we will ask Alex for supplies."

"How many people are you planning to gather?"

"Two thousand Ax Guards! At least two thousand! Take out all the equipment in the armory." The King of Iceland said.

The palace's Ax Guard alone is far from enough and can only be recruited from the noble class. Arman added: "Send a message to the entire Arctic sea. If there are warriors who meet the standards are willing to join, then let them come together." ”

Potter then said again: "Your Majesty, do you remember the news I reported some time ago about the news deep in the land of Yigo?"

"Of course I remember, you said that the Yigo people witnessed the group of flying things, and it was related to a witch."

Porter said: "They appear more frequently...I mean they appear in groups. They rarely appear in the human world. The last large-scale gathering was a hundred years ago, and now someone has caught a glimpse of them." trace."

Arman's face was solemn, "Is he the Dragon King's envoy?"

"No, the high priest of Yi Ge thinks that they are just a group of wild dragons unwilling to be lonely, but their appearance symbolizes that something very bad is happening quietly. We still don't know what the witch named Cassara did."

"Potter, after this war is over, you and I can go to Yigo to find out what's going on." Arman said.

He had a vague premonition that the final fate of this era would be revealed in Black Castle.

Sinnoh, the Palace.

The King of Sinnoh was sitting on the throne. He said: "Astrologer, answer, can the main force of the Holy See break the Black Castle?"

The astrologer said: "Your Majesty, the power of the conquerors is returning. The barbarian kings in the north are gathering their troops, and the oaks in the south are sending troops. The prophecy of Ionus has not yet been fulfilled, and the three artifacts have not been united. Please be vigilant. The Holy See can certainly do it. Break the curse of Ionus, but any changes will occur. I beg you to send more troops to assist the Holy See to prove your identity as the legitimate king."

The King of Sinnoh said to himself: "Ionus, Ionus, why do you rebel against the gods, and why do you look up at the sky? What did you see back then? What prompted you to make such a great and crazy decision? Isn't it enough for you to take away the empire's legacy? Is fratricide the result you want?"

The astrologer said: "My Majesty Klaurogs, this is just the beginning. We have seen the boundless shadow rising in another deep world, enough to submerge the entire land and block the stars, and we still have no way of predicting where it comes from, nor do we know its true face, whether it is the awakening of an ancient alien race or a change within humanity."

Klaurogs said: "Is it related to the king of the remote valley? What impact will it have on the Black Castle battlefield?"

If the King of Sinnoh is the oldest king of this land, then the corresponding one is undoubtedly the new king who has risen in the valley in recent years. Although he has little experience, he can repeatedly create miracles and be canonized as the King of the Valley, the Hand of War, and the Lord of Conqueror.

Among them, the title of the King is the lowest.

After all, the title of the King is just a title, which is equivalent to the Monkey King guarding the Peach Garden, but the Lord Conqueror is very valuable.

The astrologer said: "My compatriots in the Astrology Society think this is impossible. The new king is the illegitimate son of the Grand Duke of Ulster. Although he is of the Split Armor bloodline, the latter only gave him a fiefdom and did not give him any assistance. He does not have the conditions of His Majesty Ionus. He is too young and lacks the foundation. He does not have the power to reverse the situation on earth. The shadow should not come from the valley."

Klaurogs said: "Are there any other influences?"

The astrologer said: "Yes, Your Majesty, in the past we exhausted our blood and predicted the future, but now the rising shadow blocked the way ahead and obscured our vision. All astrologers have become blind. I am afraid that we can no longer provide services for you."


Oak Territory, White Tower.

The Grand Duke of Oak is handsome, tall, and has pointed ears. He stands in the White Tower and witnesses the gathering of 3,000 Oak elite soldiers.

Those elite soldiers were all armed with sharp weapons and bows and arrows.

"How can my people stand alone against the darkness? Now everything will be hidden. We love this land more than the depth of the sea, until order collapses, the white tower collapses, the long day ends, the kings die, the setting sun sinks to the west and disappears behind the mountains..."

He sang a sacred ballad in an ethereal language, his face was compassionate, and his eyes seemed to reflect the burning flames of war in the future.


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