On the fourth day of their march to Black Castle.

The enemy rushed over from the southern hillside.

It was an unknown army with no flags or discipline, and there were about a thousand people.

Jet guessed that they were just poor people, but there were many nobles behind them, and the nobles drove them to attack the Valley Army and drive them to death.

"Shoot!" Dick ordered.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sniper team had been ready for a long time, and the rain of arrows whistled out, and the peasant army on the hillside died immediately, and the survivors began to flee backwards with shields.

"There is an enemy in the north!" The scout reported.

The convoy was too long, and it was impossible to take care of both ends. The enemy's plan was to make the Valley Army lose sight of one thing while focusing on another.

But within two minutes, another scout reported to Jet, "Captain, the guards beat them back..."

This is a harassment tactic. The enemy repeatedly raided, and the harassed army was easily tired, nervous, and made mistakes.

But the River Valley Army cannot be judged by common sense, and the military quality is very high.

Up to now, all enemy attacks have been repelled, and there is almost no loss on our side.

Those behind the scenes did not achieve their goals and began to feel pressure, after all, the casualties were real.

Some people do not want them to appear in Black Castle.

But they can't stop the advance of this army anyway.

If they are not elite, they don't even have the qualifications to stand in front of them.

At most, they can only destroy roads and block rivers to slow down their march as much as possible.

But although Jet and others are a little anxious, impatience and recklessness often have no good results.

The earth is shrouded in fog. The wilderness is full of enemies, as if everyone is trying to stop them from going to Black Castle, and the Black Iron Land is completely out of control.

"Do we have any allies?" Dick asked self-deprecatingly.

They have been attacked several times after advancing for a few days.

In the foreseeable future, I am afraid that the number of attacks will only increase.

"There are allies..." Jet said, handing the letter to Dick, "but they received the same reception as us."

"The main force of Stone Castle is blocking Lord Oak in the south, and the main force of Dragon Castle is blocking the King of Iceland in the north."

The letter was delivered by the Warcraft Witch. The members of the spellcasting group are rare, but they are all very useful. The birds of the Warcraft Witch are always successful in transmitting information.

"Lord Fury and Lord Cracked Armor openly betrayed the Black Iron King."

What kind of disaster is this?

The two Black Iron Dukes betrayed the Black Iron King together. With their prestige, it is not an exaggeration to say that they can attract people with just one call.

Those nobles who are neutral in the face of the tide of the times are forced to choose their positions, either supporting the Church and the Duke, or supporting the Black Iron King.

And anyone with a discerning eye can see that the latter is weak because the Church is strong.

Most people are shallow believers of the Church.

"Two captains, I have to tell you a very unfortunate news." Green rode over, pointing to a hillside in front, and several blue shadows flashed by.

"That's..." Dick said in surprise.

"Knights of the Tide!" Jet's face was not good either.

That force followed the first generation of the Wrath of the North and South in the wars, and made great achievements. It is the top armed force in the entire land.

In a sense, the Knights of the Tide are stronger than all the knights of the war.

Green smiled bitterly: "They are only loyal to one bloodline, and they can betray the Conqueror Family for it."

Aaron said: "Aren't they going to stop Lord Oak's army?"

"This may not be their full strength," Jet said, "No one knows how many Knights of the Tide are there. It is normal to stop us while intercepting the Oak army."

This is the fact. Lord Wrath of the Tide is the strongest duke in the entire Black Iron Land.

People generally believe that only Oak and Cracked Armor can fight against the Tide of the Wrath.

But now it is the Tide of the Wrath and Cracked Armor who are joining forces.

The Knights of the Tide are the nemesis of all armies and the masters of the battlefield. It is said that when they appear on the battlefield, all wars are meaningless.

The River Valley also has vanguard cavalry, but they certainly can't fight the former on the battlefield.

Dick said: "This is really a terrible thing. The beginning and end of this war will have far-reaching impacts. Many things will die in this war."

They discussed for a moment, and this conflict is inevitable.

In the future, those blue figures will appear more and more frequently.

The most recent one was hundreds of meters away from the River Valley. Those Jingtao Knights stood neatly on a high hillside, wearing dark blue armor, looking at them coldly.


Pegasus Plain, Black Castle.

It is said that in the lost era, this plain was once a place for Pegasus to drink water and live, and later humans built a city here.

This plain is directly under the king's territory.

The soil is fertile, and hundreds of thousands of farmers are cultivating this plain. It is a natural granary.

The King of Black Iron introduced a new way of farming, using heavy plows to cultivate the fields, hoping to increase food production and increase the foundation of war.

But after all the calculations, it was unexpected that a rain disaster occurred this year, and the land around Black Castle was completely harvested.

The peasants regarded it as a punishment from the gods to the Lord of Black Castle.

In order to cope with the pressure from the Church, the Lord of Black Iron ignored the wishes of the peasants at the bottom and forcibly collected grain. As a result, the peasants with poor risk resistance lost their families and lives.

Correspondingly, the Holy See and monasteries opened warehouses to stock up on grains - these grains came from tithes and were originally intended to be donated to the gods. After all, the gods only wanted to punish the Black Iron King for his perverse behavior, and did not want to punish them. The Holy See, as the messenger of the gods, naturally wants to help the victims - nuns and priests said so.

So the farmers suddenly realized,

All the sins were caused by Io III, and he was implicated...

I'm going to join the Holy War directly!


Wherever the jihadi army went, the entire Tianma Plain fell rapidly, and the people greeted them by eating pots of pulp, beating gongs and drums, and marching in the streets.

Theoretically speaking, they can have as many people as the Yellow Turban Army can have.

Even hundreds of thousands can be pulled out - of course, the sources of resistance on this scale are not limited to Tianma Plain.

The sky was gloomy, the wind was strong, and the royal city was in chaos.

The defenders of Black Castle once again repelled the enemy's attack with the help of tall and solid walls.

After guarding the city for five days, the Jihadi Army built more and more siege equipment. The appearance of those ladders and trebuchets brought the offensive and defensive battles into a white-hot stage.

Tashina has a tall and straight figure, covered in white armor. She leads the army, with corpses lying everywhere under her feet. She stands like a tree at the top of the city, and every leaf is flowing with blood.

"We don't have enough troops. In the past five days, we have lost hundreds of Iron Guard brothers..." Turner came over covered in blood, and he reported the current situation to the steel-like princess in front of him.

The siege party's casualties were at least ten times theirs, but this was not the worst case scenario.

The worst thing is that the number of troops outside the city is still increasing day by day, and the figures are moving and dense like an ant colony.

The northern wall of Black Castle has the greatest pressure, while the east and west are narrow. To the south are the southern mountains and virgin forests.

The total number of enemies on the three walls must be no less than 100,000.

The Jihadi Army is still gathering strength, and the opponent vows to conquer this earth capital in one fell swoop.

As many as were killed during the siege were replenished from the outside. As a result, not many of the dead have been replenished so far.

Recommended book - "The Mystery Girl Will Not Meet the Detective Boy" Asuka Hayashihara hummed a tune and happily wrote in her diary.

"What are you writing?"

Suddenly a hand took away her diary.

"Hey! You, what are you doing?!"

The young man narrowed his eyes and read out the contents of the diary: "Kashiwagi Ryo is an arrogant man who is greedy for money, has a bad personality, and has no merits?"

Asuka's face suddenly turned red: "You, you are invading privacy!"

Kashiwagi Ryo: "So this is how I am in your eyes. Well, in that case, I will be on my own for tonight's case..."

Hearing this, Asuka's angry little face immediately tried to put on a flattering smile: "Master, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. I'm just writing for fun, I, I'll help you beat your legs!"

Kashiwagi Ryo was already sitting on the bed, crossing his legs and chuckled.

"It's okay, why would I argue with a stupid apprentice?"

Asuka, who was staring at him, secretly said in her heart: Yin Yin, I am trying my best to be brave now. Sooner or later, I will be able to learn all his skills, and then I will be able to kick him away and become the only beautiful girl detective in Tokyo!

"Why are you still in a daze...oh, the case..."

"Here comes Master! ~ Do you think this intensity is appropriate now?"


This is the story of a naive reasoning girl and a "boy" who has been a detective for two generations, and their youthful daily detective work.


This book is also known as "I'm Not the God of Death, I'm a Detective", "Tokyo's No. 1 Detective" and "The Mystery Girl's Lifelong Enemy"

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