Tahina said coldly. "We need a victory, a big victory!"

She looked at the tent outside the city coldly.

"Then we have won many victories." Turner said.

"This doesn't change anything. We need a victory other than defense to buy us time..."

Tahina turned and left the place, and had been defending the city passively.

"Princess, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Night attack! Raid the camp! Send troops at night and catch them off guard!"

Turner was shocked when he heard this. This tactic was unheard of.

How could the defenders take the initiative to leave the city?

But Tashina made up her mind. She kept walking. When the defenders saw her, they made way.

During this period of time, this princess in the palace has won the respect of everyone. She is powerful and beautiful. She can dig a ladder alone and block hundreds of people alone. She is like a Valkyrie running out of the North Ice myth. Some people call her the 'White Steel Princess'.

Tashina came to a cloaked man, who was wearing a wide and thick cloak that covered his whole body.

His sword-holding hand was skinny and bony, but still very powerful. The nearby guards witnessed the cloaked man's killing spree. No matter whether it was a swordsman or a knight in battle, they could not stop this cloaked man.

Only a very few people knew that the cenotaph of the conqueror Ionos was buried in the southern forest. People called it the Tomb of the Former King.

And those who guarded the Tomb of the Former King were the gravekeepers.

There were only more than a dozen of them, all of whom came from the Tomb of the Former King. They seemed to have been guarding there many years ago. The children who lived in Black Castle a hundred years ago may have seen them, but the grandchildren of those children may have seen them later. They were always there, unmoved, and lived alone. It was unknown whether they were the same group of people or people of different identities.

"Teacher, you will come with me to rob the camp tonight." Tashina said. She was trained by the gravekeeper, who taught her martial arts and knowledge, and forged her into a tough steel plate.

The gravekeeper in a cloak said in a difficult voice, "Son of Ionos, my princess, we are willing to die for you."

Then, he blew the whistle from the forest barbarians - in the south of the Black Castle, in the south of the mountain, there is a vast primitive forest, where a group of cannibal barbarians live. It is said that it is an unknown and terrifying world. The cannibals use all kinds of sounds to communicate. The sharp sound of the whistle can be heard very far, and only people with extremely sharp ears or special animals can hear it.

Soon, other gravekeepers gathered here.

"You have to wear armor." Tashina said.

The strength of these gravekeepers is stronger than her. They are all high-level knights, the weakest is the sixth level, and the strongest is the seventh level. They are the foundation of the royal family.

"Princess, we have armor," the gravekeeper said, "but we haven't worn it for many years, and our warhorses are also very old."

Tahina had seen their armor, which was forged with mountain copper and mithril, weighing 500 kilograms. It was called white steel, but it was not steel. The armor required a total of 900 kilograms of mountain copper and 100 kilograms of mithril as materials, which was extremely expensive.

It was both light and heavy, and the whole body was brilliant silver-white. People called that metal "white steel", and the knights wearing that armor were called "white knights", and the warhorses they rode were also different from those of other knights.

In the Conqueror period more than a hundred years ago, they and knights of other colors followed the Conqueror to fight all over the world.

Tahina herself also wore armor made of "white steel", but it was lighter than the gravekeeper's armor because it contained more mithril.

She reminded: "If it doesn't fit, put more padding."

There was no light tonight.

The capstan of the Black Castle turned.

The huge city gate creaked open.

Princess White Steel led a thousand knights out of the north gate.

She led the way, wearing white plate armor and holding the "White Dawn" - this is the sword of Ionos, made of meteorite iron and mithril. The milky white blade can release dazzling and brilliant light, just as dazzling as the pure white morning light. The conqueror used this sword to illuminate the dark age more than a hundred years ago.

Princess White Steel rushed to the front.

Her warhorse has the blood of divine horses and is fed with secret medicine. It is much stronger than ordinary warhorses and gallops at lightning speed.

Some inherited knights of noble origin also take secret medicine. The medicine made of herbs and magic stone powder can greatly enhance the physical fitness of creatures and prolong their lifespan and peak period.

Her armor is not a face-covering type, but a crown-like helmet, which wraps her long hair like a red river inside. The whole person is heroic and valiant. A bright feather is inserted on the top of the helmet, indicating her royal status.

Princess Baigang felt the strong wind on her face, and the air flowed to her sides in fear. She felt her blood surge, and unparalleled confidence and strength flowed in her body. Her eyes were emerald green, like emeralds with a cold light.

The holy war army in the camp heard the thunderous galloping sound and panicked.

They attacked the city during the day and rested at night. It became a consensus of the holy war army, and the fortifications were not prepared.

Even if they noticed it in advance, they had no power to resist.

Princess Baigang rushed in first, and the knights who followed her also rushed into the camp on horseback, without feeling any resistance.

These heavenly soldiers were like entering an empty land.

Tashina held the "White Dawn" and released a dazzling white light. Wherever the sword pointed, those who saw it felt that they could not open their eyes because it was too dazzling.

Even the bravest knights of the Crusades were like headless flies in such a chaotic night, unable to launch a counterattack.

Tashina had a very clear goal.

She struck the main tent of the Crusades like lightning.


The huge tent was smashed on the spot by the White Steel Knights!

The tough leather was cut by a sharp sword, the heavy thick cloth was torn into pieces, and the wooden frame structure exploded.

The warhorse of divine horse bloodline carried its master and leaped in. It was like a white Pegasus, jumping two or three meters high.

Princess Baigang looked down from high up. At that moment, in the bright main tent, she saw a group of high-ranking generals of the Holy War Army. Some were panicked, some rushed forward with swords drawn, and some looked confused. Around them were burning torches, tables full of food, and maps hanging on the tents...

She took in everything and said in a clear and sharp voice: "I am the son of conquest. You dishonorable traitors, face the coming king's punishment. I will chop you alive!"

She is the descendant of the king and the princess of black iron. She and her warhorse fly in the sky, her white figure blooming in the air, as graceful as a steel knife, beautiful but terrifying. She holds the long sword with blazing flames, swings it up and down, and kills a large number of unarmored generals in the tents with a few ups and downs.

"White Knights fight for the son of Ionos!" A loud shout came from outside, and then several knights in white armor rushed in and participated in the massacre.

Rebels and panickers cannot escape the king's judgment.

Finally, the tent collapsed under the weight, and the dome was covered. Princess Baigang rode her warhorse and tore through the heavy tent roof with a group of white knights, came to the outside world, and cut off the flag of the gods.

‘War! War! I was born for war! ’ She won a big victory for the first time, and her blood seemed to be burning. She was extremely excited. She felt that she was born for this moment.

On this night, following Princess Baigang and her sword, they rushed back and forth in this camp, killing all the lives they could see, burning all the tents they could see, and destroying the baggage and horses.

Until dawn, the camp robbers finally evacuated the ravaged camp.

I can’t bear the extra chapters promised yesterday. No more today, four chapters tomorrow, I will try to finish the chapters within this month.

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