"I have returned victorious," Princess White Steel said to Io III. Seeing that he was still frowning, she couldn't help but frown and said, "But you look unhappy."

"My son, you briefly dispelled the dark clouds covering the Black Castle like a white seagull, but I saw more shadows like dark clouds coming from the Sinnoh Peninsula on the wind of war. Do you think I am happy?"

Tashina said coldly, "Since the enemies are here, don't leave."

The King of Black Iron sighed, "Alas, Tana, my Tana, you are so good and outstanding, but you were born in the wrong era. You are still too young, you are born In the Conqueror Family, there is no stage for you to perform, and you don't know what kind of opponent you are facing. I defeated the Crusade twice by war, but that was just an ordinary army. Now they are coming with their main force. "

Iotashina responded: "My father, you too, you look overwhelmed, tired and weak, not like the king of kings at all, but like an old farmer working in the countryside. I advise you to take off the crown so that you can have a moment to breathe, so as not to be crushed by the burden that comes one after another. "

The king smiled bitterly and said: "Do you think I don't want to, but someone has to lead It is the foundation of our family. ”

Tahina said: "Then give it to me. Since you can't afford it, pass the crown and the throne to me."

"I can't give it to you now. Now is a life-and-death moment. Wait until we get through this difficult time... But I don't know if there will be another chance."

Princess Baigang said: "Father, my father, you are so pitiful. I know you very well. You want to be like the kings of ancient times, noble and majestic, generous, kind and gracious, kind and wise. This may be suitable for a king who maintains the status quo. But in times of crisis, you That weak nature is useless, it will only destroy the magnificent palace built by Ionos and let the Black Iron Throne be defiled by traitors. ”

She said, “Your Majesty, when will you understand that force is everything? The King of Black Iron should not fight back passively, you should act before everyone else, and immediately suppress any evildoers you see. As a result, you are eager to influence the enemy with tolerance and kindness. If the Black Castle is broken, the only thing that will die is your weakness. ”

The Iron King still sat on the Black Iron Throne with a sad face. His career failed, the enemy was at the gates, and his daughter sneered at him.

But he had to bear it all silently.

You must bear the burden. Iolion chewed on this bitter word. My Tana, my proud and confident Tana, I love you very much, more than any other child. Do you know how much I love you? I regard you as my other life. How can I push you into the abyss with my own hands? I would rather your child succeed to the throne than you.

Do you know what the price of becoming the King of Black Iron is now? This is a veritable curse. You have to deal with another dark, dead and cold world like a shadow.

Iolion saw the endless rising shadow, and before that shadow, he saw another shadow from the Church.

Those shadows condensed into phantoms and war horses in an invisible dimension, like a reflection of the real universe. They stepped forward, suffocating like a nightmare.

He could see it, of course he could see it. Ionus's curse closely linked their fates.

Ionus hated the Church more than the gods.

But a hundred years after he left, this land was full of churches and monasteries.

The beliefs of those nameless and faceless ancient gods have long been thoroughly spread.

"Since you are unwilling to pass the throne to me, let the 'Black Knights' follow me to kill the enemy." Princess Baigang said.

The Black Knights are the imperial guards of the palace, and they are also called 'Black Iron'.

When the conqueror conquered this land, he relied on the unparalleled Black Iron Army, and this kingdom was named after it. Black Iron is the supreme glory.

Their armor is made of magic steel, mithril and fine gold. The color is black, like the abyss. When people see the Black Iron standing on the ground collectively, they will be surprised that the sun in the sky will dim. The armor can absorb light and has strong magic resistance. It is the legendary black metal.

Although they call themselves knights, they are not all cavalry, but infantry units.

The conqueror went on an expedition and took away all the 'Black Iron', but his Black Iron Army and he never returned. The Black Iron Kingdom later forged a thousand sets of armor, some of which were lost in the Silent Valley. Now there are more than 500 people who can still participate in the war.

Some of these guards are in their seventies or eighties, with aging bodies, and live a secluded life. Some are in their prime and are in the palace.

The Black Irons are responsible for guarding the inner city and the king's safety.

The Iron Guards are responsible for guarding the outer city and the safety of the Black Castle.

But the Iron Guards can't even be considered a low-profile version of the Black Irons.

Even a thousand Iron Guards can't be the opponent of a hundred Black Irons - concentrating most resources on a few people is the law of war in this era.

Five hundred Black Irons are enough to sweep away fifty thousand conscripts. A fully armed Black Iron can kill a hundred mortals with his bare hands.

Not to mention that their weapons are black iron swords, with a blade of 20 cm wide and a length of 1.5 meters including the hilt. They are truly two-handed broadswords, weighing more than 200 kilograms, but they can lift them with one hand.

Some of them joined the Imperial Guards by achieving results in the martial arts tournament, and some are descendants of the old Imperial Guards, as well as the descendants of the followers of the conquerors back then, all of them are loyal and good family children.

But their enemies were not ordinary people.

Iorion agreed to this.

He sat alone on the throne, watching the Black Iron Guards carrying two-handed broadswords and filing out, and the entire palace became empty.

Princess Baigang's camp raid severely damaged the Crusade Army, making them lose their ability to attack the city for several days.

Tianma Plain became the base of the Crusade Army. The labor force in all villages and towns was collecting supplies for the Crusade Army and restoring the camp.

Princess Baigang was extremely annoyed watching from the city wall.

How come everyone has become a guide in a blink of an eye!

Who is the rebel!

I will slaughter you all as soon as my loyal army arrives!


A few days later.

The loyal army did not arrive, and the enemy arrived as expected.

The hymns floated in the air, melodious and sacred, purifying the soul.

They appeared faintly in the dust.

Demon hunters who hunt heretics, trial knights of the Inquisition, and Templars who guard the temple.

The flags of the Thirty-Three Thrones fluttered, the three major Vatican Knights led the way, 333 hymn nuns sang hymns, and the Sinnoh nobles and tens of thousands of believers followed, which was the main force of the Vatican.

Princess Baigang watched this scene from afar.

Black Castle was built during the Conqueror period and expanded after a hundred years. It is backed by the southern mountains and has three tall and solid walls. It is extremely difficult to capture. There are 500 Black Irons stationed, and it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to break through.

But blindly defending the city is not a perfect plan - Black Castle is densely populated and under great pressure. As long as the Crusade Army sieges the city for a long time, Black Castle will fall without attacking.

And this is indeed the case.

The Crusade Army did not rush to attack the city, but set up camp on the spot.

Ordinary soldiers camped in the open air, knights set up tents, and some lords' tents were as big as houses, especially the main tent, which was eye-catching but spacious.

Princess Baigang suppressed the urge to launch a second raid.

She was extremely sensitive to the war situation and vaguely felt that the Crusades were fishing.

The surprise attack tactic can only be used once, and it will not work the second time. The enemy is prepared. If they attack rashly, they will be trapped.

There are seven or eight hundred knights from the three major knight orders alone, nearly a thousand ordinary knights, and four or five thousand ordinary riders.

The military units of the Holy See in Sinnoh can be said to have come out in full force.

What's more terrifying is that she saw the Shield Guards of Sinnoh, about one or two hundred in number - the front battlefield of the Kingdom of Sinnoh is far away from Cang Yue, so apart from the Shield Guards, only a group of troops were symbolically assisted.

But is this all?

Princess Baigang thought to herself, obviously not all.

She looked into the distance on the city wall...


The River Valley Army was the first army to enter the Pegasus Plains to defend the king.

There are spies from the Holy See everywhere.

"Obviously, Lord Fury did not stop them." Cardinal Eric said.

"That's the army of the blasphemers. It's terrible." Someone said.

The Crusades fought against the blasphemers twice, but both were defeated. They were annihilated twice, and only a few escaped.

"Eat them!" After a high-level meeting, the Church made this choice unanimously.

The Church and Roman had a long-standing feud. Even Io III did not dare to massacre the believers on a large scale. How dare you do this?

The blasphemers have been the Church's key target for attack in the past two years, second only to the King of Black Iron.

Now it's a narrow road for enemies.

They acted decisively, assembled a large army, and began to rush towards the Valley Army.

The plain terrain was not defensive. The place where they were was originally a piece of arable land - but now no one was farming, and they all went to rebel.

After observing the enemy situation, Jet immediately used the baggage convoy to form a square fortification. He deployed the armored guard brigade in the gaps between the chariots. He also put the heavy-armored brigade in a position with weaker defense, and then ordered the rest of the army to take up bows and arrows and prepare to shoot.

The holy war army surrounded the valley army's chariots like a tide, but it was a bit difficult to face this situation.

The generals and marshals discussed for a while and finally decided to attack in batches.

Invest 50,000 people and attack for an hour first.

The first batch is 10,000 unarmored holy war troops. Because it is impossible to calculate the exact number of people, it is almost enough.

Compared with the valley army, their scale is smaller, but it is very simple to attack one side.

The holy war soldiers in the front row raised large shields and began to rush up to break the formation.

"All the south side!" Nathan shouted loudly. At this moment, the vanguard brigade also dismounted.

The soldiers guarding the south side of the convoy strung their bows and arrows.

Archer training is extremely difficult, and the difficulty of mastering the standard longbow is not comparable to ordinary hunting bows and short bows.

However, if you shoot thirty times every morning, noon and evening for two or three months, even the dumbest person can master the shooting skills, but the accuracy is not enough.

But Roman never expects that all archers can become sharpshooters like the sniper brigade when he trains archers on a large scale.

His requirement is that the shooting range is up to standard and the shooting direction is correct.

According to this standard, even the auxiliary troops can become qualified archers.

"Shoot!" Nathan ordered immediately after seeing the enemy approaching the range of 100 meters.

There are about 2,000 defenders on the south side. 2,000 arrows cannot cover the sky, but they are definitely like rain of arrows.

In the current era, heavily armored cavalry are the main combat force on the battlefield, infantry are inefficient auxiliary troops, and archers are difficult to form due to the difficulty of training, and even crossbowmen are relatively scarce.

Therefore, the first batch of the holy war army suffered a great loss because they underestimated the power of archers.

Although they had shields, not everyone had one. Most of them were farmers who had been farming for a lifetime.

They were first hit by arrows, then screamed, and finally fell to the ground.

The arrow rain attack with firepower coverage level lasted for three rounds. Less than half a minute later, the entire southern line was bloody and horrible. Many knights and priests opened their mouths wide and were shocked.

In the end, this attack was quickly defeated.

"This is the devil's weapon!" After being shocked, the generals became extremely indignant.

Damn it! Too much! How can you have weapons of mass destruction!

"Attack! Attack! We must destroy them, destroy the minions of this evil king!"

The second batch of attacking troops had about 20,000 people.

If it were not for the plains, it would be difficult to deploy the lineup in other venues. They rushed over in a huge crowd.

"For the gods!" They howled and boosted morale.

The front row was pushed by the back row, excited and scared. They couldn't see the specific situation in front of them, but they heard screams coming continuously. They were weak all over and subconsciously wanted to escape, but they didn't even have a direction to escape in the dense army, so they were swept up.

Some people didn't die from the arrows that fell from the sky, but were tripped by their own corpses and then trampled to death by their own people.

But they really rushed up.

They were ragged, skinny, and stained, and it was easy to hallucinate as a zombie tide.

"Guards! Out!"

The sword and shield soldiers and spear phalanx of the Valley Army crossed the chariots and quickly formed a formation to meet the enemy. The super spears stabbed and killed the hundreds of people who were running wildly in the front at one time.

"Hold on!" Kao shouted loudly, but it was extremely slim in the noisy environment now.

The sword and shield soldiers and spear defense line were almost broken, and the formation was severely deformed. They were almost retreated to the rear of the chariots. They resisted with their excellent quality and instincts during training.

Arrows rained down from the rear, but the front line was fighting each other cruelly.

The attack of this group of believers came head-on, all of which were short spears, long spears, knives and axes. The damage caused by plate armor was very small and it was difficult to break the defense.

The combat awareness and physical fitness of the Guards Brigade were far higher than those of ordinary troops. They were well-equipped, with a sword, a shield, and a spear thrust. As many as came, they died.

No matter how much the enemy army used like a tide, they just couldn't break through these three rows of formations.

They fought for more than 20 minutes, and the Valley Army changed three groups of people to meet the enemy. The believers came like a tide and retreated like a tide, leaving only corpses everywhere. The corpses on the front line of the fight were piled up more than half a meter high.

The third attack launched by the Holy War Army came up in a blink of an eye.

The first batch of more than 8,000 defeated soldiers were gathered together, plus the third batch of more than 20,000 people, a total of more than 30,000 people, really no different from the zombie tide.

"The front army retreats and the rear army advances!"

Jeter saw it. The Crusade Army attacked the southern defense line fiercely, ready to break through the front regardless of casualties.

And the southern army really couldn't stand it.

The sword and shield soldiers' physical strength dropped significantly after fighting for three to five minutes. They relied on their breath to hold on, and the steel swords had cut a gap.

At first, one sword killed one, but later four or five swords could not kill a person.

Fortunately, the comrades in the rear rotated and replaced the exhausted teammates in time.

Two-in-one, there is another big chapter in the afternoon

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